Sunday, September 21, 2014

World Gratitude Day is September 21, 2014

"Let’s spend as many moments as we can every day being grateful for all the good that’s in our lives! What are you grateful for today?

Affirm: I express gratitude and thanksgiving every day, in every way. Doing so is an important part of my life." ~ Louise Hay

I have a gratitude symbol tattoo on my left foot so that I am reminded daily to be thankful for everything I have...this includes electricity, a warm bed to sleep in, running water, food in our cabinets, 4 cars with gas in their tanks, COFFEE, our beautiful home, Andy's sobriety & amazing girlfriend, Madeline's happiness and Nanny job, Eric's kindness and unlimited support, Nacho & Meowzer, my successful healing business, healthy bodies and minds, money in the bank, our family and friends AND SOOOOO MUCH MORE! Each breath is a gift. In Peace & Love, Sarah
(**Small green circular tattoo is the symbol of 'gratitude'!)


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