Sunday, September 14, 2014

Got Energy?!

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Blog is about EVERYTHING energy! We will talk about Spirits, Reiki, Shamanism, Chakras, Aura Repair, Past Lives, Karmic Cleansing, Spirit Messages and more. Sarah will offer discussions on how we can turn our pain into personal power. No topic is off limits! Our energy literally manifests our lives. What do you need to heal inside your Soul in order to create the outer world of your deams?

From SMH's website:

What is YOUR Spirit's Story? Sarah offers Energy Healing & Psychic Readings at:
Sarah has been seeing, feeling and talking to Spirits since she was little. They used to scare the heck out of her! Now, she calls on her Spirit guides, power animals, ancestors and the angels to help herself and her clients heal every day. Sarah went from being an abused girl full of pain to a successful Shamanic Healer, Reiki Master and Writer/Blogger.

Sarah has the gift of 'sight'. She can also hear and feel Spirits. During Sarah's powerful Shamanic Reiki sessions, she travels to an alternate realm where she calls on your Soul. Essentially, your Spirit tells Sarah your Soul's story. Sarah heals with energy. She heals with love. She heals with forgiveness and gratitude. She allows YOU to learn how to heal yourself.

Sarah welcomes all ethnicities, race, backgrounds, religions, spiritual practices, thoughts and ideas. You do not need to be a certain way or believe a certain thing in order to discover the miraculous healing power of Shamanic Reiki.

Check out her Shamanic Mountain Healing sessions
Some say, Sarah talks to Angels...and they would be correct! Two decades ago, this wild child of the 80's was introduced to Shamanic meditation through her teacher, friend and powerful Shaman, John Meyerson. Sarah's spiritual journey to find her own inner peace continued over the ensuing years culminating in a life she could never have imagined — a life in the beautiful mountains of Colorado with her gentle husband and two strong and intuitive children whom Sarah lovingly calls Spirit Girl and Wandering Boy.

Sarah is passionate about helping people heal their Souls, connect with their own unique gifts, and find their Way. A firm believer that loving and accepting yourself at the deepest levels can free your Spirit so that you may live the life of your dreams, she lives by a quote that she saw many years ago in her Shaman’s waiting room: “Have the courage to become who you REALLY are.” It takes real courage to heal the pain and uncover your joy, but Sarah will walk with you on your journey every step of the way — loving, supporting and encouraging you to embrace your Soul and release the energy and fear that is no longer serving you.
Sarah's mission is to lovingly assist you in your own unique journey by utilizing the ancient healing techniques of Shamanism and Reiki.

Sarah's Credentials:
Shamanic Healing Practitioner since 2007
Certified Usui & Karuna Healing Reiki Master, 2007
Certified Confidential Victim's Advocate, 2006
National Board Certified Reflexologist, 2008
National Board Certified Massage Therapist, 2010
Registered Massage Therapist, Colorado, 2010
Certified Hot Stone Therapist, 2009
Bachelor's of Art in English and Psychology, Radford University, 1996
Shaman/ Clairvoyant / Clairaudient / Medium

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