Monday, September 22, 2014

Spiritual Fitness

Spirit message for the day, "Just as we exercise our bodies, we must exercise our Souls."

What do you every day that strengthens your inner Spirit?"

Lately, I have encountered a lot of clients that are drained, worn out and completely depleted of all of their vibrant energy. Spirit has guided me to help them build and heal their inner energy in order to strengthen their fatigued Spirits. Whether this is unblocking their chakras so that their energy flows better or sealing their auras, a lot of my clients simply need a reboot or 'Soul refresher session'. It's like all of the trauma, stress and worries in the world have caught up to people and they are at their limit. If we don't shine from within, we can't raise our vibrations to match what it is we really want in life. So, how can you tone and buff your insides?! 

Here are 10 Spirit Fitness exercises:

  1. Ground yourself to earth. Take off your shoes, rub your feet and walk in the grass. Imagine your feet with roots that lead directly into the abundant energy of the earth. These roots are emerald green (Archangel Raphael), the color of healing and peace. Try Reflexology or a foot massage. This will help you circulate this gentle, but powerful energy to the rest of your entire human structure.
  2. Move your Body. Whatever you like to do physically, do it! It doesn't matter if you take a walk, belly dance, do Yoga, lift weights, swim, hoola-hoop, jump up and down, just move that body of yours for at least 20 minutes a day!
  3. Eat well. You know what you eat that makes you feel good and what you eat that makes you feel bad. Eat more of what fills your body up with energy and wellness!
  4. Drink Water. Water gets rid of toxins in the body and says 'Hey! Wake up!' It literally offers our body energy and health with each sip you take. 
  5. Gift yourself with Body Work. So often, we give to others. We put ourselves last in line for the 'feel good' remedies. We tell ourselves, we don't have enough time or money. But, then we spend A LOT of money on co-pays at the Doctor for illnesses related to stress. Make time for various kinds of body work. When we are relaxed, our Soul rejuvenates! Your own home may already have tools you need to massage yourself! Alleviate stress with a $10 foot roller/ golf ball/tennis ball, take a hot Epson salt or jetted bath, use a $5 dollar hand massager on your neck and body that you can get at any Whole Foods or Vitamin Cottage, microwave a heated neck or back wrap and place on tight muscles, etc! There are also many discounted massages offered by massage schools as well as other body work offers online through 'Living Social' and more! Ask the Universe to provide 'hands on' healing for you. You might just be amazed at how many opportunities open up if you simply ask the Universe for help!
  6. Create Your Daily Spiritual Practice. Everyone is different. There is no one way to create a daily practice. Consistency is what is key. If you spend 5 to 15 min. per day connecting with your Soul, you will strengthen and heal your own Spirit. This can vary from, sitting with a candle and taking deep breathes to jogging in your neighborhood. Come up with your Way! I meditate and practice Shamanic journeying and meditation, what is your Way?
  7. Unplug. From EVERYTHING. TV, computer, phone, Kindle, etc. for at least 30 minutes per day. This will reset your inner energy instantly!
  8. Go Outside. Touch a tree. Yes, you heard me right! Touching a tree, plant, bush, flower or nature changes your energy. Want a shift? Walk outside!
  9. Smile. Just smiling opens up your heart chakra. By offering this energy to the world, you will get back the kindness your deeper Soul deserves.
  10. Be authentic. Find ways to express your authentic self, your emotions and who you TRULY are to this world. By being you, you strengthen your Spirit! 

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