Sunday, September 14, 2014


Spirit's message for the day, "It's OK not to be Ok." 

Give yourself permission to feel whatever it is you need to feel. Your Soul will thank you for it..."

Do you ever feel pressure to look your best? Feel your best? BE your best? Always? 

It seems like our society does not allow for us NOT to be 'ON' 100% of the time. Spirits have taught me that it is important to let ourselves BE exactly where we are at in life. 

If you are having a hard day, don't try and analyze it so much. Just let those feelings float to the surface so that you can attempt o understand yourself better. 

What is it that you need in this moment to feel OK....or be OK? What can you give yourself when you are down, feeling yucky and like you just can't compete with such a 'perfect' society?

Try not to compare yourself to your neighbors, boss, friends or family. You are YOU. And, where YOU are AT should be validated and cherished. We are in this process called, 'Life'. It is different for every person on earth. 

If you are not having a great day/week/month, celebrate this somehow. Give yourself patience, gentleness and love. The more you do this, the sooner you will feel better.

By feeling your feelings, you connect with your Soul at an even deeper level. Not being OK, for me, is a gift. It lets me see what needs healing within me. How great is that?!

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