Tuesday, September 30, 2014


If your wondering if the time is right, the answer is YES! ♡

Pulled Isabella & Oceana from Doreen Virtue's, 'Messages from Your Angels', deck this morning.

Isabella says, "Yes the timing is right for this new venture. A happy outcome follows your positive expectations."

Oceana says, "Take action. You're in touch in this situation, and you need to trust your gut and lovingly assert yourself."

Monday, September 29, 2014

Unblock Your Abundance!

Spirit message for the day, "You attract your very own energetic vibration in the Universe.

If you vibrate peace, you will attract all things peaceful to you.

If you vibrate love, you will attract all things loving to you.
If you vibrate anger, you will attract all things angry to you.

What are YOU vibrating every day?! "

Are your VIBRATIONS secretly sabotaging your life? Join Energy Coach Christie Marie Sheldon's online event on next Thursday as she reveals the hidden energetic blocks holding you back from bliss. Plus experience an immersive guided group meditation session with thousands of participants worldwide. Go here to RSVP (and feel free to pass this link around):

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Love Yourself Whole

Spirit message of the day, "A healthy relationship is when two people come together as 'whole' beings and share their love, never taking or needing anything from the other. By giving yourself everything you need to be happy, (emotionally, physically, spiritually) you will automatically attract your dream partnership."

I never knew what a 'healthy' relationship really was until I was 33 yrs. old. I was used to the roller coaster ride of emotional highs and lows. This repetitive cycle consisted largely of fighting and then making up.

My relationships were packed FULL of all kinds of crazy: abuse, jealousy, cheating, alcohol, unpredictability...you name it! And, I fed off of this energy big time.

Somehow, someway, though, after years of working on loving myself through Shamanic healing/meditation, I met Eric. Eric was a calm, gentle Soul. He had no idea about the tornado that WAS my life! 

In the first few months, I made up every excuse in the book to run from his peaceful ways. I drove him crazy with my insecurities, temper, intensity and automatic mistrust. I was 'used' to attracting chaotic and dangerous energies. It was almost 'comforting'. After all, I had done it perfectly for 20 years- ever since I was in middle school. 

But, Eric was not one of these 'crazy' energies. He was like the calm before and AFTER the storm.

Thing is, I liked the thunder storm that raged inside. I was addicted to it. My insides felt like they were constantly raining, covered with dark clouds and oozing with pain. 

Yes, you guessed it, something DID happen to me that stripped me of my self-worth long before I ever met any of my boyfriends. I had been abused sexually when I was very young. Because of these traumas, I spent YEARS punishing myself with cruel and unfaithful boys/men. 

I 'expected' the worst, so I GOT the worst! 

I manifested relationships that carried the same vibrational energy that I carried deep inside of me. This energy was full of anger, hate, betrayal, lies, and incredible anguish. 

No, I hadn't made 'peace' with the little girl inside of me until a little over a year before I met Eric. Heck, I wanted NOTHING to do with her, let alone love and heal her wounds!

So, the cycle repeated itself over and over. I kept ordering up the same, abusive guy from the Universe every single darn time. 

I allowed my dominant thoughts about myself...which were ANYTHING but nice to control my entire life. I lived my past. I brought it eagerly into every fresh, new partnership. I either pushed away the 'nice' new guy or drove him crazy until he 'left me'. And, then I would feel abandoned and damaged all over again.

I fulfilled my self-fulfilling prophecy! Boy, was I powerful! By focusing on what I 'didn't want in a relationship, I created more of EXACTLY what I didn't want! 

Until.I.Met.Eric. How he even came into my realm of existence is still a mystery. But, he did. And, he never left. 

I had been working for 15 years on healing myself through Shamanic healing energy techniques and slowly, but surely, I began to heal myself and that inner storm began to dissipate. 

My energy connected with peace and laughter more often- more consistently. What was this new 'normal' feeling? Where was the chaos that was my life for so many years? When was a new crisis going to strike again and destroy it all?

Eventually, I stopped asking these questions and started focusing on all of the GOOD that was IN my current life. I finally allowed IN all of the love that I had rejected since I was 5 1/2 years old. 

I truly began to love myself. 

And, THIS, is when I became 'whole'. 

It didn't happen overnight. It was like a soft, tickling breeze after a summer rain storm. 

I BECAME the calm, loving and gentle energy. 

Healing one emotion and memory at a time, I transmuted my rage into love. This is what 'attracted' Eric's peaceful Soul. 

Loving someone when you feel happy and 'whole' is a love like none other. 

When we can spill over with our own self-love, we have so much MORE to share with one another person. 

Take the time to heal yourself so that you can join together with someone that truly deserves you!

My wish for you today, is that you love yourself 'whole'.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Spiritual Fitness

Spirit message for the day, "Just as we exercise our bodies, we must exercise our Souls."

What do you every day that strengthens your inner Spirit?"

Lately, I have encountered a lot of clients that are drained, worn out and completely depleted of all of their vibrant energy. Spirit has guided me to help them build and heal their inner energy in order to strengthen their fatigued Spirits. Whether this is unblocking their chakras so that their energy flows better or sealing their auras, a lot of my clients simply need a reboot or 'Soul refresher session'. It's like all of the trauma, stress and worries in the world have caught up to people and they are at their limit. If we don't shine from within, we can't raise our vibrations to match what it is we really want in life. So, how can you tone and buff your insides?! 

Here are 10 Spirit Fitness exercises:

  1. Ground yourself to earth. Take off your shoes, rub your feet and walk in the grass. Imagine your feet with roots that lead directly into the abundant energy of the earth. These roots are emerald green (Archangel Raphael), the color of healing and peace. Try Reflexology or a foot massage. This will help you circulate this gentle, but powerful energy to the rest of your entire human structure.
  2. Move your Body. Whatever you like to do physically, do it! It doesn't matter if you take a walk, belly dance, do Yoga, lift weights, swim, hoola-hoop, jump up and down, just move that body of yours for at least 20 minutes a day!
  3. Eat well. You know what you eat that makes you feel good and what you eat that makes you feel bad. Eat more of what fills your body up with energy and wellness!
  4. Drink Water. Water gets rid of toxins in the body and says 'Hey! Wake up!' It literally offers our body energy and health with each sip you take. 
  5. Gift yourself with Body Work. So often, we give to others. We put ourselves last in line for the 'feel good' remedies. We tell ourselves, we don't have enough time or money. But, then we spend A LOT of money on co-pays at the Doctor for illnesses related to stress. Make time for various kinds of body work. When we are relaxed, our Soul rejuvenates! Your own home may already have tools you need to massage yourself! Alleviate stress with a $10 foot roller/ golf ball/tennis ball, take a hot Epson salt or jetted bath, use a $5 dollar hand massager on your neck and body that you can get at any Whole Foods or Vitamin Cottage, microwave a heated neck or back wrap and place on tight muscles, etc! There are also many discounted massages offered by massage schools as well as other body work offers online through 'Living Social' and more! Ask the Universe to provide 'hands on' healing for you. You might just be amazed at how many opportunities open up if you simply ask the Universe for help!
  6. Create Your Daily Spiritual Practice. Everyone is different. There is no one way to create a daily practice. Consistency is what is key. If you spend 5 to 15 min. per day connecting with your Soul, you will strengthen and heal your own Spirit. This can vary from, sitting with a candle and taking deep breathes to jogging in your neighborhood. Come up with your Way! I meditate and practice Shamanic journeying and meditation, what is your Way?
  7. Unplug. From EVERYTHING. TV, computer, phone, Kindle, etc. for at least 30 minutes per day. This will reset your inner energy instantly!
  8. Go Outside. Touch a tree. Yes, you heard me right! Touching a tree, plant, bush, flower or nature changes your energy. Want a shift? Walk outside!
  9. Smile. Just smiling opens up your heart chakra. By offering this energy to the world, you will get back the kindness your deeper Soul deserves.
  10. Be authentic. Find ways to express your authentic self, your emotions and who you TRULY are to this world. By being you, you strengthen your Spirit! 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

World Gratitude Day is September 21, 2014

"Let’s spend as many moments as we can every day being grateful for all the good that’s in our lives! What are you grateful for today?

Affirm: I express gratitude and thanksgiving every day, in every way. Doing so is an important part of my life." ~ Louise Hay

I have a gratitude symbol tattoo on my left foot so that I am reminded daily to be thankful for everything I have...this includes electricity, a warm bed to sleep in, running water, food in our cabinets, 4 cars with gas in their tanks, COFFEE, our beautiful home, Andy's sobriety & amazing girlfriend, Madeline's happiness and Nanny job, Eric's kindness and unlimited support, Nacho & Meowzer, my successful healing business, healthy bodies and minds, money in the bank, our family and friends AND SOOOOO MUCH MORE! Each breath is a gift. In Peace & Love, Sarah
(**Small green circular tattoo is the symbol of 'gratitude'!)


Happy Sunday!

Wishing you a day of rest and rejuvenation!

Love, Shamanic Mountain Healing

Friday, September 19, 2014

What is YOUR Power Made Of?

Spirit message for the day, "What you give your POWER to creates your life. 

If you feed yourself negative energy, you will create a negative, unhappy life. 

If you feed yourself love and light, you will create a positive, happy life. 

How will you EMPOWER yourself today?"  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Spirit Message

Spirit message for the day

"Being strong isn't about being 'tough'. Your strength is measured by your loving and gentle Spirit when faced with 'tough' situations."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Our Lives Reflect Our Inner Selves

Spirit message for the day, "Your life is a mirror of what is going on inside of you. Healing your inner wounds will create the outer world you so desire."

Spirit story of the week

Recently, I forgave someone in my family for constantly projecting his inner rage onto me every chance he could.

He wanted to fight me no matter what the topic or situation. The only way we got along is if I remained completely silent and he felt like I actually agreed with him.

Too frequently, I made the mistake of letting my passionate Spirit clash with his. Growing up, I found it nearly impossible to keep my mouth shut!

I was just as addicted to the 'anger' energy as he was. Only, I didn't have any awareness at the time that tapping into his volatile energy was slowly destroying me.

After our arguments, I always got sick. I'm not talking sick with a cold. I'm talking a major autoimmune illness where I couldn't get out of bed for months because of fatigue or chronic pain.

By yelling for our 'rightness' or control, I was unknowingly creating a toxic energetic cord between the two of us. This negative bond was strengthened the more we fought.

I had to be the one to recognize this and make a change.

It has only been in the past two years that I realized that I was just AS MUCH responsible as he was for our draining, repetitive relationship.

No matter how much I loved him, I found it incredibly difficult to break the cycle and just forgive him.

Why couldn't I just accept him for who he was and LET IT GO?

Even after 22 years of Shamanic healing, meditation and working with love and forgiveness, all of my training would fly out the window within sixty seconds if he triggered me! I would quickly transform into a hurt sixteen year old girl stomping and crying to get her silly point across!!

So, I made a decision.

I decided to commit to MYSELF and my health and happiness.

I chose to forgive this family member FULLY and to love myself enough not to engage in his combative energy anymore.

I am not interested in 'winning' an argument or being right.

I am interested in being happy.

I would rather be FREE from his anger forever than fight to be understood by him.

This doesn't make me weak, passive or someone that does not care.

It has only opened my heart wider and stronger, allowing me to love myself more deeply in the midst of someone that truly and so very sadly....doesn't love himself.

I shared this Spirit story tonight for all of you out there that are struggling with a family member. You are not alone. I hope you choose to love yourself too. ♡

Monday, September 15, 2014

Fall Energy 2014!

Join Sarah's YouTube Channel so that you can watch all of her videos related to everything energy, spirits, power animals, chakras, Reiki, Shamanic healing, aura repair and more!

Spirit Message for the Day

"Just for today, I will hold peace in my heart for those that suffer with anger because I know that underneath it all, they are in pain."

Anger is a symptom of pain. Be gentle to the angry ones. They need love the most.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

How Do I Read Energy?

Spirit Message for the Day

Spirit message for the day, "When you get out of a loving place, forgive yourself, and welcome yourself back with open arms."
Spirit Thought for the Day 

"I am happiest in the water. My entire energy changes in a matter of minutes. 

What do you do that brings your Soul instant happiness?"


Spirit's message for the day, "It's OK not to be Ok." 

Give yourself permission to feel whatever it is you need to feel. Your Soul will thank you for it..."

Do you ever feel pressure to look your best? Feel your best? BE your best? Always? 

It seems like our society does not allow for us NOT to be 'ON' 100% of the time. Spirits have taught me that it is important to let ourselves BE exactly where we are at in life. 

If you are having a hard day, don't try and analyze it so much. Just let those feelings float to the surface so that you can attempt o understand yourself better. 

What is it that you need in this moment to feel OK....or be OK? What can you give yourself when you are down, feeling yucky and like you just can't compete with such a 'perfect' society?

Try not to compare yourself to your neighbors, boss, friends or family. You are YOU. And, where YOU are AT should be validated and cherished. We are in this process called, 'Life'. It is different for every person on earth. 

If you are not having a great day/week/month, celebrate this somehow. Give yourself patience, gentleness and love. The more you do this, the sooner you will feel better.

By feeling your feelings, you connect with your Soul at an even deeper level. Not being OK, for me, is a gift. It lets me see what needs healing within me. How great is that?!

Got Energy?!

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Blog is about EVERYTHING energy! We will talk about Spirits, Reiki, Shamanism, Chakras, Aura Repair, Past Lives, Karmic Cleansing, Spirit Messages and more. Sarah will offer discussions on how we can turn our pain into personal power. No topic is off limits! Our energy literally manifests our lives. What do you need to heal inside your Soul in order to create the outer world of your deams?

From SMH's website: www.shamanicmountainhealing.com

What is YOUR Spirit's Story? Sarah offers Energy Healing & Psychic Readings at: http://www.shamanicmountainhealing.com/
Sarah has been seeing, feeling and talking to Spirits since she was little. They used to scare the heck out of her! Now, she calls on her Spirit guides, power animals, ancestors and the angels to help herself and her clients heal every day. Sarah went from being an abused girl full of pain to a successful Shamanic Healer, Reiki Master and Writer/Blogger.

Sarah has the gift of 'sight'. She can also hear and feel Spirits. During Sarah's powerful Shamanic Reiki sessions, she travels to an alternate realm where she calls on your Soul. Essentially, your Spirit tells Sarah your Soul's story. Sarah heals with energy. She heals with love. She heals with forgiveness and gratitude. She allows YOU to learn how to heal yourself.

Sarah welcomes all ethnicities, race, backgrounds, religions, spiritual practices, thoughts and ideas. You do not need to be a certain way or believe a certain thing in order to discover the miraculous healing power of Shamanic Reiki.

Check out her Shamanic Mountain Healing sessions at:www.shamanicmountainhealing.com
Some say, Sarah talks to Angels...and they would be correct! Two decades ago, this wild child of the 80's was introduced to Shamanic meditation through her teacher, friend and powerful Shaman, John Meyerson. Sarah's spiritual journey to find her own inner peace continued over the ensuing years culminating in a life she could never have imagined — a life in the beautiful mountains of Colorado with her gentle husband and two strong and intuitive children whom Sarah lovingly calls Spirit Girl and Wandering Boy.

Sarah is passionate about helping people heal their Souls, connect with their own unique gifts, and find their Way. A firm believer that loving and accepting yourself at the deepest levels can free your Spirit so that you may live the life of your dreams, she lives by a quote that she saw many years ago in her Shaman’s waiting room: “Have the courage to become who you REALLY are.” It takes real courage to heal the pain and uncover your joy, but Sarah will walk with you on your journey every step of the way — loving, supporting and encouraging you to embrace your Soul and release the energy and fear that is no longer serving you.
Sarah's mission is to lovingly assist you in your own unique journey by utilizing the ancient healing techniques of Shamanism and Reiki.

Sarah's Credentials:
Shamanic Healing Practitioner since 2007
Certified Usui & Karuna Healing Reiki Master, 2007
Certified Confidential Victim's Advocate, 2006
National Board Certified Reflexologist, 2008
National Board Certified Massage Therapist, 2010
Registered Massage Therapist, Colorado, 2010
Certified Hot Stone Therapist, 2009
Bachelor's of Art in English and Psychology, Radford University, 1996
Shaman/ Clairvoyant / Clairaudient / Medium