Monday, October 16, 2017

A Soul Never Dies

Spirit story of the week, "A Soul Never Dies."
"As you know, a few weeks ago, I lost my precious lab Nacho to liver cancer. He was with us for the last decade. I did all of my healing sessions with Nacho. It was devastating to lose him. Absolutely devastating.
After Nacho passed, I tried to connect with his Soul, but he was nowhere to be found.
I couldn't 'feel him', 'see him' or 'hear him'.
I have always had the gift of being able to connect with every animal and relative's Soul that has ever left their earthly body.
I began wondering WHY I couldn't connect with Nacho since I spend all day working with Spirits as a Shamanic healer.
I missed him so much. I cried and cried, "Where are you, Nacho?"
Normally, my deceased pets would visit me in the physical world within 24 to 48 hours just to let me know they were OK.
But, not Nacho.
It was like he went directly to heaven without passing 'Go'!
And, he did.
I should have known that he wouldn't stay in 'limbo' for very long!
He was such a high vibrational Spirit. Made of pure love.
Once his Soul left his body, he went straight to the light!
Not only that...but, he went back into a male, human body. When I found him in the Spirit world, he had the same loving, brown eyes--but he was in a man's body.
He had shoulder length, sandy blonde hair and was dressed in hippy clothing. He wore high-waisted jeans with bell bottoms and a button down, wide collared shirt.
I RAN into his arms. He laughed and his eyes sparkled. He was free. No pain. And, he was back to doing his 'job'.
He told me his name was Cameron and that he was "building bridges" in the Spirit world. He was standing in the middle of a bridge with a clip board. He was helping people and animals that were dying on earth. As their Soul's left their body, he guided them to a safe place in the Spirit world. He was helping them 'cross over' this beautiful bridge.
Cameron/Nacho was there for them. Just as he had been there for ALL OF US in his quiet way on earth.
He possessed a magical energy. He told me he lived in the 1970's briefly and then he reincarnated into Nacho's body.
I was stunned at first. I wanted my Nacho back. But, he just kept looking at me with those big brown eyes. Smiling. Full of so much love. So happy to be back in the Spirit world and out of his cancer ridden dog body.
Soon, it all made sense. Nacho had been a 'gift' to us for a brief period in our lives. He had just taken a hiatus from the Spirit world.
He came to us in this lifetime to fulfill a purpose: to teach us HOW to love more deeply on earth AND to never give up.
I was about to ask him to send us our next dog. I was babbling on because I was so excited to see him.
He told me he had ALREADY put my 'order in' for a new dog!
On Friday when I meditated, he told me that my 'order was up'!
And, that was the day we met our new puppy.
Nacho guided us directly to a silver lab puppy with gentle blue eyes. Just as gentle as his brown eyes.
He made sure we saw her online. She was not what, and where, we were looking in our search.
BUT, he made sure that we didn't go to the 3 other dog rescues we were planning on visiting.
He closed every door until we found Evie.
Then, it swung WIDE open...instantly!
The second my husband and I saw her, we knew. We both looked up and mouthed, "Nacho" when we spotted her sitting so patiently in the corner of the kennel. She wasn't playing, just calmly waiting for US. She looked up and we KNEW.
We bring home our new baby girl on Saturday.
Souls never die. They go on. And, on. Coming back briefly to the human world if they have more to learn or to teach us.
Nacho taught us so much during this past decade. He was there during the times when my husband and I were hanging on by a string, when my son battled with drugs and bullying, and when my daughter spiraled into a depression during high school.
He was there FOR us, gently nudging us us HOPE and HEALING during a time when we had all but given up.
He came back to to the human world to keep us from falling apart.
And, we grew. Together.
Thank you, Nacho! We will love you forever!
"We grow together here on earth...until we walk each other back home."
PS---Oh, by the way, since I connected with Nacho in the Spirit realm, he came to me late one night in his dog body. He knew I needed to see him again in the way we remembered him. (not as Cameron) I was almost asleep when a whoosh of blue and gold sparkling energy caught my attention. All of a sudden I saw Nacho sitting by my bed like he did for almost 10 years, waiting for me to fall asleep. My eyes were wide open and I didn't want to blink. He stayed for a minute and then was gone.



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