Monday, October 16, 2017

Got Energy?

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Shamanic Mountain Healing's Services:

Physicians around the world are discovering the benefits that can be provided to patients by coupling energy healing with traditional medical treatment. In Sarah’s energy sessions, she utilizes a variety of healing modalities including Shamanic Reiki Energy HealingPsychic Energy Readings, traditional Reikiaura repairchakra balancingsoul retrieval and recoverykarmic cleansing, and soul possession clearing. Each session is unique and personalized to your Spirit’s healing needs. Sarah may use one or all of these ancient healing techniques below during your sessions. 

Sarah completes ALL of her sessions by 'distance'. She does not do 'in person' healings. This allows her to work with people all over the world! Energy does not know time or bounds so this allows Sarah to tap into your energy no matter where you are in the Universe!

Sarah’s DISTANCE energy healing & psychic energy readings are recorded in an MP3 format and then sent to you via Dropbox. She is able to channel not only healing Shamanic Reiki energy healing, but specific messages for you directly from Spirit.

Shamanic Reiki Energy Healing:

Reiki is a very powerful method of healing touch. It is made up of two separate kanji or Chinese characters: Rei, which means universal, and Ki,  meaning energy, spirit or life force. A Reiki practitioner taps into the Universal Life Force energy — which is an unlimited source of love, light and harmony — to treat the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit. This creates many beneficial effects that include relaxation, feelings of peace, security and well-being. Learn more about Reiki.
When combined with Shamanism, Reiki becomes even more powerful. There are many forms of Shamanism from diverse cultures and people around the world. Shamans treat ailments and illness when in an alternate state, journeying to different realms in order to heal souls. Alleviating traumas affecting the soul/spirit restores the physical body of the individual to balance and wholeness. Sarah offers 60 or 75 min. Distance Shamanic Reiki energy healing session! Learn more about Shamanic Reiki.

Psychic Energy Readings:

Some say that, “Sarah talks to Angels…” and they would be correct! Sarah has been seeing, feeling and talking to Spirits since she was little. They used to scare the heck out of her! Now, she calls on her Spirit guides, power animals, ancestors and the angels to help herself and her clients heal every day. Sarah went from being an abused girl, full of pain, to a successful Shamanic Healer, Medium and Intuitive Reiki Master. Sarah has the gift of ‘sight’ and can scan your energy field directly for the answers you seek. She can also hear and feel Spirits.

Sometimes, we just crave answers. Sarah utilizes her intuitive gifts to help guide you on your Way. Remember, EVERYTHING is temporary and even if Sarah is able to retrieve a current answer, it is up to YOU to decide whether or not you want to make your situation or circumstance permanent. Sarah only helps YOU connect with your own Spirit so that you can find your Truth.

Sarah offers personalized 45 min. Psychic Energy Readings. Psychic Energy Readings are *NOT* completed by phone or in person. This is because Sarah’s gifts are enhanced when she is in a deep meditation, trance-like state (just like her energy healing sessions). Sarah records what she see, feels and hears and then, sends you an MP3 audio recording of your psychic reading immediately up it’s completion!
You ALWAYS have the power to create, shift or change your life!

Chakra Balancing:

The Divine interfaces with the physical through these whirling, energy vortexes. If chakras are blocked, physical illness or injury may manifest in the body. Sometimes, the first step in a Reiki session is to balance the chakras. Reiki energy will eventually remove these blockages, however, directly manipulating the chakras can speed up the process. Sarah offers 45.  min. Chakra Balancing Sessions! Get your boost today! Learn more about chakra balancing.

Aura Repair:

It is important to have a strong aura to protect the person from toxic energies. An aura has many layers, textures, temperatures, colors and can span several feet around the person’s physical body. Often when people are suffering dissociation, depression, possession of their soul, quick to anger, fear or just a sense of loss, their auras have been disturbed. When a person becomes vulnerable it is often because there is a crack or intrusion of another spirit or energy upon the aura. My job is to help assist in clearing the negative energy and ‘build’ up the aura to make it ‘whole’ again. Learn more about aura repair.

Other Services:

During our time together, your soul may express the need for other kinds of healing.  This may include:
  • Past life regressions
  • Karmic Cleansing
  • Soul Retrieval or repair
  • Clearing of a soul possession
***To Learn more about Shamanic Mountain Healing's services, CLICK HERE!
***To book a session, CLICK HERE!

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