Friday, November 3, 2017

Thanks & Giving 2017!

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"
FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 
Happy Thanksgiving 2017!
To express my sincere gratitude and thanks for all of my current and new clients, I would like to offer $10 off of all of my services for the ENTIRE month of 
NovemberTo take advantage of this special deal, please email me the length/type of session you are interested in

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Services:
Spirit story of the week, "Evie's Gift"

In this month of 'giving thanks', we are so grateful for a new addition to our family. After losing our beloved 10 year old yellow Lab to liver cancer, we couldn't imagine ever loving another dog as much. We were devastated and wanted to take our time and not rush things. But, the Universe had another speedy plan in mind! One that steered us rapidly, and directly, to Evie. Not even one week after our dog's passing, my husband was sent a Craigslist Ad by a friend in the middle of the night. It was a link to "Silver Labrador" puppies. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a silver Lab!! My husband and I were settled on rescuing a dog, not entertaining the idea of an expensive full-breed puppy. Interestingly, every avenue that we tried to pursue by applying to rescue organizations lead to rejection because we did not have a fenced in yard. So, we decided to give our quest for a new dog entirely up to the Universe. Meaning, if it took one month, or several years, we were not going to force anything. Within a week though, we met Evie. Too soon? Not planned? Yep! But, that is what 'going with the flow' and trusting the process of life is all about. The moment we laid eyes on Evie, we knew. There were 8 other puppies surrounding our sweet girl, but she was instantly the 'one' that we both gravitated too None of this felt like a 'coincidence'. We felt guided. We were convinced our deceased dog, Nacho, had a huge hand in how quickly we were lead to Evie's doorstep! Little did we know why. I don't think my husband or myself had any idea just how much we needed her.

Our new puppy has taught us how to live again in the past week. She has willed us to be present. To get off of our phones and go outside and play. To notice a frozen dandelion in the grass and listen to the sound of aspen tree leaves hitting the pavement. To look up and appreciate the brightness of the moon and enjoy the smell of smoke coming out of our neighbor's chimney. To sit on the floor and make squeaky toys squeak and savor the magic of her Spirit as she suddenly curls up on our laps. To appreciate our home, it's warmth and the walls that hold us up. To notice my husband giggling like a little boy as he chases our puppy across the yard. To stop. To breathe. To give so much thanks for one other. Our puppy has taught us that we don't need anything. That worrying is silly. That peeing and pooping are exciting! That loving and laughing is what life has always been about.❤

Want to get a jump on your Holiday shopping? Give the gift of healing! Purchase a "Distance" Energy Healing or Reading Gift Certificate during the month of November and receive $5 Off! 

Email me at: shamanicmountain@gmail to purchase. I will send a Gift Certificate in the mail to you!

Spirit's message for the day, "What you choose to focus on becomes your life. Pour your energy into the good stuff."
Coming in 2018! Sarah will be offering Shamanic Reiki I, II & III/ Master Level Certification programs online! Have you always wanted to learn how to heal yourself or others? Learn how to Be Your Own Shaman! Sarah's been working on crafting these Shamanic Reiki courses for years, but Spirit is finally pushing her to start this journey! Each Shamanic Reiki Certification will be affordable and encourage you to find your own Way of healing! Transform your pain into power and create your dream life! Are you ready?!
Shamanic Mountain Healing's Social Life 
Yes, not only is Shamanic Mountain Healing on Twitter, FacebookandYouTube, it now has a Blog! Social media is a beautiful way to connect with people, share Spirit stories/messages, talk about energy, chakras, Shamanic healing and how to live  your DREAM LIFE. Check out SMH's Blog here today! Shamanic Mountain Healing's Blog!

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