Thursday, December 14, 2017

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Holiday Newsletter 2017!

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Holiday Specials! 
Take advantage of Special Deals Today thru Christmas Eve! 

$20 Off of 75 Min. Distance Energy Healing Sessions
$15 Off of 60 Min. Distance Energy Healing Sessions
$10 Off 45 Min. Distance Chakra Balancing Sessions

Email: if interested! Let Sarah know what length/type of session and she will send you an invoice via Paypal!

Happy Holidays! Thank you for being a part of Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter this year! This Newsletter is about EVERYTHING energy and we throw in some special discounts along the way!

If you haven't worked with me in the Spirit realms yet, please let me introduce myself. My name is Sarah Norwood, and I am so happy to meet you! I would love to share a little bit about who I am and what I do.

Two decades ago, I was introduced to Shamanic meditation through my teacher, friend and powerful Shaman, Dr. John Myerson. My spiritual journey to find inner peace and love continued over the ensuing years culminating in a life I could never have imagined — a life in the beautiful mountains of Colorado with my amazing husband and two strong and intuitive children whom I lovingly call Spirit Girl and Wandering Boy.

I am passionate about helping people heal at a Soul level, connect with their own unique gifts, and find their Way.

I love to dance, swim in warm water every day, meditate, write, read historical fiction and just ‘be’ with my family, pets and friends! Living IN GRATITUDE is a way of life for me! I’m so blessed! <3

A firm believer that loving and accepting yourself at the deepest level can free your Spirit so that you may live the life of your dreams, I live by a quote that I saw many years ago in my Shaman’s waiting room: “Have the courage to be who you REALLY are.” It takes real courage to heal the pain and uncover your joy, but I will walk with you on your journey every step of the way — loving, supporting and encouraging you to embrace your spirit and release the energy and fear that is no longer serving you.

My mission is to lovingly assist YOU in your own unique journey by utilizing the ancient healing techniques of Shamanism and Reiki. I have found tremendous benefit from combining these two modalities into a practice that centers around Shamanic Reiki healing. I focus on what your Spirit shows me it needs to heal, and your Spirit and mine work together to bring about lasting change. And, I have found, in a deep meditative state, that I have a gift of receiving psychic messages from the other side as well! I enjoy doing Psychic Energy Readings to help connect people to their inner truth!

During our time together, your soul may express the need for other kinds of healing. This may include: Past life regressions, Karmic Cleansing, Soul Retrieval or repair, Clearing of a soul possession.

Every Day Cleansing & Protection Tools

We ALL need a healing tool basket, especially during the Holiday Season!

Here are 10 cleansing tools that will help you cleanse/protect/strengthen your own energy today:

1.) Essential Oils- Use for grounding, healing and balancing your energies.

2.) Smudge Stick- White sage is incredible for clearing your auric and chakra energies as well as the energy in your home or office.

3.) Tibetan Singing Bowl/Bells- Sound tools emit certain tones which can shift and change your energy promoting a calming effect.

4.) Stones- The natural energy of stones is very powerful. Use stones that resonate with your Spirit. They are wonderful for cleansing/balancing/protecting your energy! The Crystal Bible is an excellent reference book to learn more.

5.) Drums/Rattles- The beat of drums breaks up toxic energy and offers a harmonious rhythm to your environment. Drums/rattles strengthen and raise your frequency so that you can align yourself with the highest vibrational energy in the Universe.

6.) Salt lamp- Place a salt lamp in your home/office. It dispels negative ions and balances the energy in the space.

7.) Candles- Use a green candle for healing and a pink one for self-love. White candles are wonderful to enhance purity and your connection to Spirit.

8.) Intention- Your ‘intention’ is the key to any clearing. Your mind creates an energy that is passed along to the space, person or animal. And, it’s free!

9.) Lemons- Yes, lemons! Citrus fruit placed in the four corners of any room absorb negative energies. When they shrivel up, replace with fresh ones!

10.) Nature- Collect items that you find outside in the earth’s natural habitat. It can be a feather, leaf, rock, flower, grass, tree branch, etc. Nature transforms your energy space.

11.) Sterling Silver- Protect yourself from negative energies by wearing sterling silver on your left wrist or finger at all times. It is a Native American Indian belief that silver can protect you from toxic energies by absorbing lesser than light energies. If your bracelet falls off or breaks, that means it is time for a new one!

Use the above healing tools to cleanse your home, office and car! Start off with setting your ‘intention’ for the space. You can say an affirmation or prayer to bless your sacred space. Then, utilize whichever tools feel ‘good’ to you. There is no right or wrong way to do a cleansing of a space. Go with your gut! I visualize my space as cleared of all depleting energies first and then, I utilize white sage and my singing bowl to remove any excess energies that are not serving my highest good!

GOT ENERGY? Feeling like you have lost your flow? Tired, anxious, angry or sad? Don’t fear, Sarah is here! Sarah is able to help balance all of your chakras so that you can get your mojo back! Fall and winter can offer us heavier energy. Don’t get weighed down with blocked or toxic chakra energy! In addition to opening your chakras, Sarah will also seal, strengthen and repair your aura if needed. Think of this as a 45 minute WHOLE BODY tune-up! While Sarah is channeling Reiki energy to you, she is able to ‘see’ and ‘feel’ what is going on within your chakras. Are they closed? Open? Needing a boost of positive energy? Sarah's got ya' covered!

Aura Repair

It is important to have a strong aura to protect your physical body from toxic energies. Making sure a person’s aura is sealed and strong is an essential component to many energy healing modalities. Practitioners ‘check’ and can sense a person’s aura in the same way that they can see and feel the energy in a client’s chakras. CLICK HERE to learn more about auras.

An aura has many layers, textures, temperatures, colors and can span several feet around the person’s physical body. Often when people are suffering dissociation, depression, possession of their soul, quick anger, fear or just a sense of loss, their auras have been disturbed. When a person becomes vulnerable it is often because there is a crack or intrusion of another spirit or energy upon the aura.

An energy healer’s job is to help assist in clearing the negative energy in the aura to make it ‘whole’ again. If cracks or tears are discovered in a client’s aura, the practitioner will work on sealing these cracks with energy. There are several exercises and visualizations that can help people strengthen their very own auras. The more one fills up with their own self-love and acceptance, the wider and stronger his or her aura becomes.

A few ways to strengthen your aura are:

1.) Dead sea salt baths

2.) Yoga exercises or exercise that connects you to your mind, body and spirit

3.) The sun! Go outside and stand in the warmth of the sun, visualizing your aura expanding with golden light.

4.) Smudge your aura with white sage. Let the smoke encircle your entire physical body.

5.) Sound or tonal healing. Certain frequencies can cleanse your aura. Music that soothes your Soul is another great tool to use!

6.) The essential oil Vetiver. This oil and Valor (Click Here) are great for grounding and cleansing your energy system, thus strengthening your aura!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Specials Newsletter 2017

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"
FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 
Black Friday & Cyber Monday Special Deals!
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Specials 

*$20 Off All Services Today!
*$15 Off All Services on Cyber Monday!
*$10 Off All Gift Certificates!

Give yourself or a loved one the GIFT of HEALING!

To learn more about Sarah's services:

Email: if interested!
Spirit Story for this Month of Gratitude:
"Namaste in the Deli Section?"

If there was an award for who hated going to the grocery store, I would win first prize! I don't really know why. I think it's just that I am sensitive to energy and I have experienced a lot of negativity at the grocery store.

Thing is, I KNOW with the energy work that I do, that we are a mirror for what we attract. If we walk into a store already annoyed, we will instantly attract frustrated, irritable people.

So, yesterday, I set an intention to change my attitude before even getting out of my car in the Safeway parking lot.

Upon entering, I grabbed a cart and headed towards the deli section. I put a smile on my face as I asked the woman behind the counter for peppered turkey and some cheese.

Soon, I felt the intensity of a woman and child behind me. Yes, I'm a 'feeler'. This woman had her head buried in her phone. Her 3 yr. old son was making all sorts of attempts to get her attention by picking up and dropping things in the back of the cart. She didn't even flinch.

I smiled at him. He smiled back. His Mom looked up for a second and then put her head back down. I felt sad that she was missing this moment. That she was clearly not present. I kept trying to catch her eye. But, she was not interested.

Then, I noticed a man with only one leg on crutches that wrapped around his elbows. He was pushing a large cardboard box full of chips with one of his crutches. He looked determined.

As people walked around him, he would stop what he was doing, look up, and offer a huge grin. He made a point to say 'hello' to each and EVERY customer within a 20 foot radius.

By the time he pushed the box, carrying dozen of chip bags into the desired place near the prepared foods section, the man seemed out of breath. But, still, he took pride in organizing his Cheetos and Lays. I stared in amazement as he patiently bent down and picked up a few bags that had fallen out of the box container.

This man cared. He smiled. He had one leg.

He seemed so GRATEFUL just to be doing his job.

Just to have a job to do.

I looked back at the woman and child behind me and realized that if I hadn't made a point to be mindful and radiate happiness, I NEVER would have experienced someone reminding me to be thankful for my own TWO LEGS.

Thankful for the simple GIFT of a smile. Thankful for witnessing someone LIVING their JOY....being in the moment.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

Ten minutes later, I was in the bakery section. I felt someone trying to get my attention just as I had tried to get the woman at the deli counter's attention only moments before.

I looked up and there he was. Standing on his crutches a few feet from me. The man nodded his head and gifted me with his gorgeous smile as he said, 'hello'.

I felt an appreciation that he noticed me. I said, 'hi' and smiled back.

I took it in. I savored our connection and felt happier than I had in weeks.

As I concluded my shop, I ended up smiling and saying 'hello' to everyone I saw, aisle after aisle, until I was standing in the check out line. This is when the boy bagging my groceries saw my shirt.

He said, "What does Namaste mean?" It was a word scribbled across the front of my pink and gold shirt.

I said, "It means, the peace inside of me honors the peace inside of you."

The boy smiled and said, "Cool." :-)

And, it clicked. That is EXACTLY what that special man was doing as he hobbled around the deli and bakery areas of the grocery store thatMonday afternoon.

His peace was honoring the peace inside everyone he met.

Wow. Isn't it amazing that we can create a positive and new experience if we put just a little bit of effort towards changing our thoughts and behaviors?

The Universe responded in a BIG way when I chose to change my thoughts before entering the store. Such a simple action with profound consequences.


So, smile, look up, be present and CREATE your NOW!


Want to get a jump on your Holiday shopping? Give the gift of healing! Purchase a "Distance" Energy Healing or Reading Gift Certificate Today thruMonday and receive $10 Off! 

Email me at: shamanicmountain@gmail to purchase. I will send a Gift Certificate in the mail to you!
Just a friendly reminder (below) for the Holiday Season so that you can stay in a place of GRATITUDE and COMPASSION! 
Shamanic Mountain Healing's Social Life 
Yes, not only is Shamanic Mountain Healing on Twitter, FacebookandYouTube, it now has a Blog! Social media is a beautiful way to connect with people, share Spirit stories/messages, talk about energy, chakras, Shamanic healing and how to live  your DREAM LIFE. Check out SMH's Blog here today! Shamanic Mountain Healing's Blog!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Thanks & Giving 2017!

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"
FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 
Happy Thanksgiving 2017!
To express my sincere gratitude and thanks for all of my current and new clients, I would like to offer $10 off of all of my services for the ENTIRE month of 
NovemberTo take advantage of this special deal, please email me the length/type of session you are interested in

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Services:
Spirit story of the week, "Evie's Gift"

In this month of 'giving thanks', we are so grateful for a new addition to our family. After losing our beloved 10 year old yellow Lab to liver cancer, we couldn't imagine ever loving another dog as much. We were devastated and wanted to take our time and not rush things. But, the Universe had another speedy plan in mind! One that steered us rapidly, and directly, to Evie. Not even one week after our dog's passing, my husband was sent a Craigslist Ad by a friend in the middle of the night. It was a link to "Silver Labrador" puppies. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a silver Lab!! My husband and I were settled on rescuing a dog, not entertaining the idea of an expensive full-breed puppy. Interestingly, every avenue that we tried to pursue by applying to rescue organizations lead to rejection because we did not have a fenced in yard. So, we decided to give our quest for a new dog entirely up to the Universe. Meaning, if it took one month, or several years, we were not going to force anything. Within a week though, we met Evie. Too soon? Not planned? Yep! But, that is what 'going with the flow' and trusting the process of life is all about. The moment we laid eyes on Evie, we knew. There were 8 other puppies surrounding our sweet girl, but she was instantly the 'one' that we both gravitated too None of this felt like a 'coincidence'. We felt guided. We were convinced our deceased dog, Nacho, had a huge hand in how quickly we were lead to Evie's doorstep! Little did we know why. I don't think my husband or myself had any idea just how much we needed her.

Our new puppy has taught us how to live again in the past week. She has willed us to be present. To get off of our phones and go outside and play. To notice a frozen dandelion in the grass and listen to the sound of aspen tree leaves hitting the pavement. To look up and appreciate the brightness of the moon and enjoy the smell of smoke coming out of our neighbor's chimney. To sit on the floor and make squeaky toys squeak and savor the magic of her Spirit as she suddenly curls up on our laps. To appreciate our home, it's warmth and the walls that hold us up. To notice my husband giggling like a little boy as he chases our puppy across the yard. To stop. To breathe. To give so much thanks for one other. Our puppy has taught us that we don't need anything. That worrying is silly. That peeing and pooping are exciting! That loving and laughing is what life has always been about.❤

Want to get a jump on your Holiday shopping? Give the gift of healing! Purchase a "Distance" Energy Healing or Reading Gift Certificate during the month of November and receive $5 Off! 

Email me at: shamanicmountain@gmail to purchase. I will send a Gift Certificate in the mail to you!

Spirit's message for the day, "What you choose to focus on becomes your life. Pour your energy into the good stuff."
Coming in 2018! Sarah will be offering Shamanic Reiki I, II & III/ Master Level Certification programs online! Have you always wanted to learn how to heal yourself or others? Learn how to Be Your Own Shaman! Sarah's been working on crafting these Shamanic Reiki courses for years, but Spirit is finally pushing her to start this journey! Each Shamanic Reiki Certification will be affordable and encourage you to find your own Way of healing! Transform your pain into power and create your dream life! Are you ready?!
Shamanic Mountain Healing's Social Life 
Yes, not only is Shamanic Mountain Healing on Twitter, FacebookandYouTube, it now has a Blog! Social media is a beautiful way to connect with people, share Spirit stories/messages, talk about energy, chakras, Shamanic healing and how to live  your DREAM LIFE. Check out SMH's Blog here today! Shamanic Mountain Healing's Blog!

Monday, October 16, 2017

A Soul Never Dies

Spirit story of the week, "A Soul Never Dies."
"As you know, a few weeks ago, I lost my precious lab Nacho to liver cancer. He was with us for the last decade. I did all of my healing sessions with Nacho. It was devastating to lose him. Absolutely devastating.
After Nacho passed, I tried to connect with his Soul, but he was nowhere to be found.
I couldn't 'feel him', 'see him' or 'hear him'.
I have always had the gift of being able to connect with every animal and relative's Soul that has ever left their earthly body.
I began wondering WHY I couldn't connect with Nacho since I spend all day working with Spirits as a Shamanic healer.
I missed him so much. I cried and cried, "Where are you, Nacho?"
Normally, my deceased pets would visit me in the physical world within 24 to 48 hours just to let me know they were OK.
But, not Nacho.
It was like he went directly to heaven without passing 'Go'!
And, he did.
I should have known that he wouldn't stay in 'limbo' for very long!
He was such a high vibrational Spirit. Made of pure love.
Once his Soul left his body, he went straight to the light!
Not only that...but, he went back into a male, human body. When I found him in the Spirit world, he had the same loving, brown eyes--but he was in a man's body.
He had shoulder length, sandy blonde hair and was dressed in hippy clothing. He wore high-waisted jeans with bell bottoms and a button down, wide collared shirt.
I RAN into his arms. He laughed and his eyes sparkled. He was free. No pain. And, he was back to doing his 'job'.
He told me his name was Cameron and that he was "building bridges" in the Spirit world. He was standing in the middle of a bridge with a clip board. He was helping people and animals that were dying on earth. As their Soul's left their body, he guided them to a safe place in the Spirit world. He was helping them 'cross over' this beautiful bridge.
Cameron/Nacho was there for them. Just as he had been there for ALL OF US in his quiet way on earth.
He possessed a magical energy. He told me he lived in the 1970's briefly and then he reincarnated into Nacho's body.
I was stunned at first. I wanted my Nacho back. But, he just kept looking at me with those big brown eyes. Smiling. Full of so much love. So happy to be back in the Spirit world and out of his cancer ridden dog body.
Soon, it all made sense. Nacho had been a 'gift' to us for a brief period in our lives. He had just taken a hiatus from the Spirit world.
He came to us in this lifetime to fulfill a purpose: to teach us HOW to love more deeply on earth AND to never give up.
I was about to ask him to send us our next dog. I was babbling on because I was so excited to see him.
He told me he had ALREADY put my 'order in' for a new dog!
On Friday when I meditated, he told me that my 'order was up'!
And, that was the day we met our new puppy.
Nacho guided us directly to a silver lab puppy with gentle blue eyes. Just as gentle as his brown eyes.
He made sure we saw her online. She was not what, and where, we were looking in our search.
BUT, he made sure that we didn't go to the 3 other dog rescues we were planning on visiting.
He closed every door until we found Evie.
Then, it swung WIDE open...instantly!
The second my husband and I saw her, we knew. We both looked up and mouthed, "Nacho" when we spotted her sitting so patiently in the corner of the kennel. She wasn't playing, just calmly waiting for US. She looked up and we KNEW.
We bring home our new baby girl on Saturday.
Souls never die. They go on. And, on. Coming back briefly to the human world if they have more to learn or to teach us.
Nacho taught us so much during this past decade. He was there during the times when my husband and I were hanging on by a string, when my son battled with drugs and bullying, and when my daughter spiraled into a depression during high school.
He was there FOR us, gently nudging us us HOPE and HEALING during a time when we had all but given up.
He came back to to the human world to keep us from falling apart.
And, we grew. Together.
Thank you, Nacho! We will love you forever!
"We grow together here on earth...until we walk each other back home."
PS---Oh, by the way, since I connected with Nacho in the Spirit realm, he came to me late one night in his dog body. He knew I needed to see him again in the way we remembered him. (not as Cameron) I was almost asleep when a whoosh of blue and gold sparkling energy caught my attention. All of a sudden I saw Nacho sitting by my bed like he did for almost 10 years, waiting for me to fall asleep. My eyes were wide open and I didn't want to blink. He stayed for a minute and then was gone.



Got Energy?

CLICK HERE to join Shamanic Mountain Healing's FREE newsletter about EVERYTHING energy and take advantage of every deal, every discount and every special offered!

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Services:

Physicians around the world are discovering the benefits that can be provided to patients by coupling energy healing with traditional medical treatment. In Sarah’s energy sessions, she utilizes a variety of healing modalities including Shamanic Reiki Energy HealingPsychic Energy Readings, traditional Reikiaura repairchakra balancingsoul retrieval and recoverykarmic cleansing, and soul possession clearing. Each session is unique and personalized to your Spirit’s healing needs. Sarah may use one or all of these ancient healing techniques below during your sessions. 

Sarah completes ALL of her sessions by 'distance'. She does not do 'in person' healings. This allows her to work with people all over the world! Energy does not know time or bounds so this allows Sarah to tap into your energy no matter where you are in the Universe!

Sarah’s DISTANCE energy healing & psychic energy readings are recorded in an MP3 format and then sent to you via Dropbox. She is able to channel not only healing Shamanic Reiki energy healing, but specific messages for you directly from Spirit.

Shamanic Reiki Energy Healing:

Reiki is a very powerful method of healing touch. It is made up of two separate kanji or Chinese characters: Rei, which means universal, and Ki,  meaning energy, spirit or life force. A Reiki practitioner taps into the Universal Life Force energy — which is an unlimited source of love, light and harmony — to treat the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit. This creates many beneficial effects that include relaxation, feelings of peace, security and well-being. Learn more about Reiki.
When combined with Shamanism, Reiki becomes even more powerful. There are many forms of Shamanism from diverse cultures and people around the world. Shamans treat ailments and illness when in an alternate state, journeying to different realms in order to heal souls. Alleviating traumas affecting the soul/spirit restores the physical body of the individual to balance and wholeness. Sarah offers 60 or 75 min. Distance Shamanic Reiki energy healing session! Learn more about Shamanic Reiki.

Psychic Energy Readings:

Some say that, “Sarah talks to Angels…” and they would be correct! Sarah has been seeing, feeling and talking to Spirits since she was little. They used to scare the heck out of her! Now, she calls on her Spirit guides, power animals, ancestors and the angels to help herself and her clients heal every day. Sarah went from being an abused girl, full of pain, to a successful Shamanic Healer, Medium and Intuitive Reiki Master. Sarah has the gift of ‘sight’ and can scan your energy field directly for the answers you seek. She can also hear and feel Spirits.

Sometimes, we just crave answers. Sarah utilizes her intuitive gifts to help guide you on your Way. Remember, EVERYTHING is temporary and even if Sarah is able to retrieve a current answer, it is up to YOU to decide whether or not you want to make your situation or circumstance permanent. Sarah only helps YOU connect with your own Spirit so that you can find your Truth.

Sarah offers personalized 45 min. Psychic Energy Readings. Psychic Energy Readings are *NOT* completed by phone or in person. This is because Sarah’s gifts are enhanced when she is in a deep meditation, trance-like state (just like her energy healing sessions). Sarah records what she see, feels and hears and then, sends you an MP3 audio recording of your psychic reading immediately up it’s completion!
You ALWAYS have the power to create, shift or change your life!

Chakra Balancing:

The Divine interfaces with the physical through these whirling, energy vortexes. If chakras are blocked, physical illness or injury may manifest in the body. Sometimes, the first step in a Reiki session is to balance the chakras. Reiki energy will eventually remove these blockages, however, directly manipulating the chakras can speed up the process. Sarah offers 45.  min. Chakra Balancing Sessions! Get your boost today! Learn more about chakra balancing.

Aura Repair:

It is important to have a strong aura to protect the person from toxic energies. An aura has many layers, textures, temperatures, colors and can span several feet around the person’s physical body. Often when people are suffering dissociation, depression, possession of their soul, quick to anger, fear or just a sense of loss, their auras have been disturbed. When a person becomes vulnerable it is often because there is a crack or intrusion of another spirit or energy upon the aura. My job is to help assist in clearing the negative energy and ‘build’ up the aura to make it ‘whole’ again. Learn more about aura repair.

Other Services:

During our time together, your soul may express the need for other kinds of healing.  This may include:
  • Past life regressions
  • Karmic Cleansing
  • Soul Retrieval or repair
  • Clearing of a soul possession
***To Learn more about Shamanic Mountain Healing's services, CLICK HERE!
***To book a session, CLICK HERE!

One Day Chakra Balancing Special!

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"
FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 
One Day Special!
$15 off 45 Minute Distance Chakra Balancing Session! Email me for details at:
What are Chakras? Why do we need to keep them balanced?

We are living, breathing, walking energy fields! If even ONE of your chakras is closed, this can greatly compromise your health, wealth and happiness. Keeping your chakras open and balanced is essential to ensure that you are vibrating positive energies. When your chakra energy is flowing, you can attract everything you want in life.

If you are radiating lesser than light energies due to a stagnancy in one, or all, of your chakras, you will attract lower vibrational energy, people and situations to you. In other words, you will become a magnet (energetically) for everything you do NOT want! Your energy field (containing your chakras) determines the exact energy that you create and draw into your life. If your energy is stuck/blocked, you have the potential to attract negative (toxic) energies to you. Trust me, you don't want that! By balancing your chakras you will not only FEEL better, you will instantly improve every aspect of your life.

The Divine interfaces with the physical through these whirling, energy vortexes. We have 7 chakras in our physical body that are about 6 inches apart. The first chakra (the root) is located in the lower pelvis. The last one is positioned at the crown of our head (7th chakra). If ANY of these chakras are blocked, physical illness or injury may manifest in the body. Sometimes, the first step in a Shamanic Reiki distance energy healing session is to balance the entire chakras system.

When doing a 'distance' chakra balancing session, I call on the person’s soul and it reveals it’s energy to me. I can see, feel and hear what is going on in a person’s chakras, even thousands of miles away. The energy can look dark, colored, angry, soft, on fire, blocked, open, stagnant, ect. The energy can, also, tell me what is happening in, and around, the person. All of my distance energy healing sessions involve an ‘energy scan’ of my client’s chakra system. A chakra balance is the most effective way to feel better fast!

1st Chakra / Root Chakra:

Base of Spine- Coccyx
Color: Red
Basic Meaning: Grounding, Survival Instincts, Tribal/Groups, Self-Preservation, ‘To Be Here’, ‘To Have’, Fear of What Others Think, “I AM”, Fear of ‘Lack of’ Money
An Open Root Chakra Promotes: Grounding Energy, Balance, Connection to Source/Life Force Energy, Security, Safety, Healthy relationships, Abundance, Prosperity, Ability to Let Go, Positive Attitude
Blocked Root Chakra Symptoms: 

Physical: Addictions, Eating Disorders, Constipation, IBS, Colitis, Depression, Anxiety, Feeling dissociated, Frequent urination, and bladder issues, High blood pressure, Fertility issues, Kidney stones, Knee and joint problems, Obesity, Sciatica, Weight gain/ loss, Prostate and, Rectal cancer, Blood diseases, Skin disorders, Pelvic pain, Migraines/headaches, Sciatic, Vertigo, Painful or frequent urination, Backaches, Edema and poor circulation in legs/ankles/feet.

Emotional: Anger of the past, Fear of deadlines/future, Fear of to letting go, Feeling heavy burden on shoulders, Abandonment issues, Rage, Shame, Guilt, Fear or pressure of sex, Numbness, Hypocrisy, Concerns regarding money, Inability to flow with life, Holding onto old belief systems, Lack of trust in people and in life, Lack of integrity or courage or convictions, Blaming others, Self-blame, Deep anguish/hurt, Overwhelming resentment, Grief, Hate, Constant crisis or stressed state, Paranoia, Mania, Aggression

How to Help Balance Root Chakra: Exercises that connect You to your Spirit, Nature and the Earth (Yoga, Dance, Mindful walking, etc.), Take a shower, Grounding Meditation, Color therapy (Visualization of the Color Red, Wear it, Or Light a Red Candle), Aromatherapy (Valor, Peace & Calming, Sandalwood, Ginger, Cedar, Rosewood, Black pepper, Cloves, Rosemary, Lavender and Chamomile Essential Oils, Walking Barefoot, Get a Reflexology or Massage, Prayer, Healthy Eating, Affirmations/Mantras, Crystal/Stone Therapy (Citrine, Red Jasper, Ruby, Garnite, Bloodstone, Rose Quartz, Azurite, Bloodstone, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Chrysocolla, Obsidian, Golden Yellow Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian), Sound therapy, Positive Affirmations/Mantras, Eating Whole Foods, Drinking Water, Practice Mindfulness

2nd Chakra / Sacral Chakra:

Location: Abdomen, Sexual Organs, Hips, Lower Back
Color: Orange
Basic Meaning: Sexuality, Emotions, Creativity, Gratification, ’To Feel, To Want’, Storage of Guilt/Shame, “I FEEL”
An Open Sacral Chakra Promotes: A love of life, Positive Attitude, Healthy Sensuality, Confidence, Self-love, General feeling of Well-Being and Happiness, Balanced Emotions, Physical Wellness, Freedom from Within, Flowing WITH life
Blocked Sacral Chakra Symptoms: 

 Bladder pain/frequent urination, Cystitis, Gynecological Problems (Infertility, Endometriosis, Miscarriages, Ovarian Cysts, Fibroids, Pre-menstrual syndrome, Cramps, etc.) IBS, Kidney issues, Muscle cramping and spasms, Prostate Disorders, Testicular cancer, Candida, Bed-wetting, Circulation problems in hands and feet, Creative Energy blocks

Emotional: Shame, Guilt, Lack of Trust in life and people in general, Lack of patience, Desire to run and hide, High levels of anxiety, Holding on to old beliefs and pain, Tightly wound, Frustration, Feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, Rage/Anger, Tendency to force things, Feeling Victimized, Pessimism, Numb or Dissociated, Co-Dependency or Neediness, Out of Body Feeling, Shut down/Closed, Anxiety, Depression, Putting others first, Not taking care of yourself, Blaming others instead of taking responsibility for one’s life, Constant anger at a partner, Self-sabotage/punishment, Self-denial, Rejecting feminine or masculine aspect of oneself, Bitter words left unspoken leading to 5th chakra blockage, Sexual stress/pressure/concerns, Tension, Inflexible social and political beliefs, Anger towards past love relationships, Fear of mother or father, Emotionally overwhelmed, Control issues, Suppression of emotions, Denial of joy, A strong belief that sex or intimacy/touch is bad, “I am bad” belief, Greediness, Addictions, Compulsiveness

How to Help Balance Sacral Chakra: Move those Hips, Belly dance, Hoola-hooping or Yoga, Work on Letting go, Color Therapy (Visualize the Color Orange, Wear it, Or Light an Orange Candle) Surround yourself with beautiful things (art, flowers, etc.), Gardening or getting out in nature, Aromatherapy (Jasmine, Rose, Ylang ylang, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Lemongrass and Lavender, Do Something Creative, Positive Affirmations/Mantras, Crystal/Stone Therapy (Red/Blue/Orange Jasper, Fire Amber, Topaz, Hematite, Orange Carnelian, Amber, Orange Calcite, Citrine), Eating Whole Foods, Drinking Water

3rd Chakra / Solar Plexus Chakra:

Location: Solar Plexus, Diaphragm, Lungs
Color: Yellow
Basic Meaning: Seat of our Personal Power, ‘To Act’, Where we Store our Emotions, “I WILL”
An Open Solar Plexus Chakra Promotes: Enhanced Will Power, Ability to Stand in One’s own Power and Follow one’s Own Path, Clarity, Focus, Decisive, Confident, Lives with Intention, Volition, Commitment to a Happy and Healthy life, No Tolerance for Negativity, Never Settling for Less Than
Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra Symptoms:

 Food or Environmental Allergies, Eating Disorders- Bulimia/Anorexia, Digestive problems (heartburn, gastritis, stomach inflammation/pain, abdominal cramps, acid stomach, peptic ulcers, etc.) Kidney issues/Gall stones, Hepatitis, Liver Disease, Pancreatic Disease, Jaundice, Gall bladder issues, Anemia, Weakened immune system, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Susceptibility to viruses/diseases, Diabetes, Weight problems, Arthritis, Colon disease

Emotional: Intense fear/anxieties, A feeling of hopelessness or ‘what’s the use’, Felt lack of love and attention as a child, Depleted of all energies-defeated, Rage/Anger, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Feeling condemned, Pride driven by Ego, Confusion, Uncertainty, Feeling of impending dread or doom, Anxiety, Giving away or denying your own power, Powerless, Criticism or Cynical, Constant disappointment and feelings of being let down, Failure, Guilt, Shame, Child-like or immature reactions, Unresolved anger or pain, Constant complaining, The need to prove or justify oneself, Fault-finding in others, Unwillingness to let go of the past, Fear of Rejection, Lack of belief in oneself, Bossy, Narrow-minded, Avoidance of confrontation, Trouble saying ‘No’, Unable to let go of past, Trouble making decisions, Addicted to caffeine, soda or beer

How to Help Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra: Core strengthening exercise like Pilates, Increase your Visual Arts with Drawing, Painting or Photography, Yoga, Breathing Meditations, Aromatherapy (Rose, Rosemary, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Chamomile and Myrrh Essential Oils, Go in Nature, Get Some Sun, Positive Affirmation/Mantras, Color therapy (Visualize the color yellow, Wear it, or Light a Yellow Candle), Healthy eating, Sound Therapy, Crystal/Stone Therapy (Malachite, Jasper, Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Topaz, Amber, Yellow Tourmaline), Eating Whole Foods, Drinking Water

4th Chakra / Heart Chakra:

Location: Heart, Chest
Color: Green/Pink
Basic Meaning: Love, Relationships, Self-acceptance, ‘To love and Be Loved’, Trust, “I LOVE”, Self-love
An Open Heart Chakra Promotes: Love, Humor, Compassion, Kindness, Generosity, Peace, Patience, Forgiveness, Calmness, Feeling like Life Supports You and You have What you Need, Abundance, Properity, Empathy, Understanding, Awakening, Good Health
Blocked Heart Chakra Symptoms:

 Auto Immune Disorders, Breast Cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Circulation problems, Heart Diseases/Conditions, Lung and Breathing problems (Asthma, Shortness of Breath, Chronic Upper Respiratory illness, Bronchitis, Chronic Cough, Pneumonia, Chest/Lung Conditions) Influenza, Pain in hands or lower arms, Hyperventilation, Chronic Allergies, Sleep disorders/Insomnia, High Blood pressure and/or Cholesterol, Sugar addictions, Smoking addictions, Alcohol Addictions

Emotional: Pessimism, Feeling Targeted by ‘Life’ in General, Feeling Constantly ‘Attacked’, Greediness, Difficulties in Receiving Lover or Giving Love, Jealousy, Sense of Utter Desperation, Worn Out/Burnt Out, Irrational Fears, Feeling Smothered, Neediness, Stressed, Feeling ‘Out of Breath’, Feeling Stuck/Stagnant, Feeling of Grief from Heartbreak, Holding Back Tears, Intense Sadness, Grief, Hopelessness and Utter Despair, Suspicion, Insecurity, Possessiveness, Feeling Alone, Resentfulness

How to Help Balance The Heart Chakra: Sound Therapy (Music), Aromatherapy (Bergamot, Melissa, Rose, Lavender, Jasmine, Angelica and Frankincense Essential Oils, Color Therapy (Visualize the color green, Wear it or Light a Green Candle), Meditation with Breathing Exercises, Yoga or Stretching to Open the Chest, Crystal/Stone Therapy (Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Chrysoprase, Emerald, Peridot, Moss Agate, Green Jade, Malachite, Aventurine), Louise Hay’s “Mirror Work”, Positive Affirmations/Mantras, Eating Whole Foods, Drinking Water

5th Chakra / Throat Chakra:

Location: Throat
Color: Green or Blue
Basic Meaning: Communication, Self-Expression, ‘To Speak and Be Heard’, ‘I matter’, ‘I SPEAK’
An Open Throat Chakra Promotes: Wonderful listener, Clairaudient, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Excellent Communication
Blocked Throat Chakra Symptoms:

 Chronic Upper Respiratory Issues (Asthma, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sinusitis, etc.) , Throat Problems (Chronic Sore Throats, Mouth Ulcers/Cankers, Tonsilitis, Stiff/Painful Neck, Hoarseness, Lost Voice, Laryngitis, etc.) Ear and Hearing Problems (Chronic Ear Infections, Tinnitus, etc.) Teeth & Gum Issues, Hay Fever, Thyroid Problems, Bursitis, TMJ

Emotional: Constantly ‘too busy’, Overwhelmed Easily, Too Much on one’s Plate, Wanting to Strike out at Someone, Confusion, Stubbornness, Suppressed Emotions, Blocked Creativity, Fear of Standing or Speaking Up for Oneself, Resentful of Authority Figures, Controlling, Fear of the Deadline’s, Belief in Punishment for Guilt, Fear of Communication, Self-Hatred, Irritation and Frustration, Anger Right Below the Surface, Incessant talking, Mental Health Issues, Antagonism, Indecisiveness, Blaming Others, Not Taking Responsibility for One’s Words or Actions, Non Self-Acceptance, Rejection of Self, Hostility, Dishonesty, Distraction, Resentment

How To Help Balance The Throat Chakra: 
Color Therapy (Visualize the color blue, Wear it or Light a Blue Candle ), Crystal/Stone Therapy (Blue stones- Lapis Lazuli, Blue calcite, Larimar, Aqua crystal, Tanzanite, Blue tourmaline, Amazonite, Blue kyanite, aquamarine, Turquoise, Sodalite, , Chrysocolla, Blue Lace Agate, Celestial Aura Quartz, Blue Halite), Mediation out in Nature, Sunlight, Aromatherapy (Rose, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Neroli, Sandalwood, Lemongrass and Jasmine Essential Oils, Sound therapy, Chanting, Singing, Positive Affirmations/Mantras, Eating Whole Foods, Drinking Water

6th Chakra / Third Eye Chakra:

Location: Between Brows, Forehead
Color: Blue/Purple/Indigo
Basic Meaning: Intuition, Self Reflection, “I SEE”, Connection to Spiritual Gifts, The Seat of the Soul
An Open Third Eye Promotes: Enhances Pineal and Pituitary gland health, Higher Intuition, Imagination, Clarity, Psychic Abilities, Idealism, Visions
Blocked Third Eye Symptoms:

 Brain Tumor, Headaches, Cataracts, Deafness, Dyslexia, Tension, Insomnia, Poor Eye Sight, Migraine, Sinus Issues, Food and Environmental Allergies, Crossed eyes, Poor Hearing/Deafness, Earache, Fainting spells, Sty, Astigmatism, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Blood supply to the head, Cancer, Nervousness, Anxiety, Mania, Insomnia, Head colds, High blood pressure, Migraine headaches, Nervous Breakdowns, Amnesia, Chronic tiredness, Dizziness, Hormonal imbalances, Growth or development disorders, Body-image disorders- Anorexia/Bulimia, Tendency to ‘Space Out’

Emotional: Scattered Energy, Indecisive, Unforgiveness, Easily Overwhelmed, Rejection/Abandonment Issues, Stubbornness, Isolation, Loneliness, Rage/Anger, In a State of Constant Crisis, Feeling that Life is Too Much to Handle, Passing Out/Blacking Out, Irrational beliefs, Inaccurate Perceptions, Determined, Too Driven, Can’t Stop Thinking, Can’t Relax, Anxiety, Struggle, Selfish, Negative Attitude, Lack of Experiencing Joy and Happiness, Flighty, Scattered Thinking, Invalidating Self, Critical of Self, Communication Issues, Not Clear on What They Want, Future Fears, Self Absorption

How to Help Balance the Third Eye Chakra: Color Therapy (Visualize the Color Indigo, Wear it, or Light an Indigo Colored Candle), Aromatherapy (Rosemary, Rose, Frankincense, Angelic Root, Peppermint, Bay Laurel, Juniper, Clary Sage, Helichrysum,, Marjoram, Cypress, Patchouli, Veltiver, Cypress and Sandalwood Essential Oils, Sound Therapy, Sunshine, Be In Nature, Positive Affirmations/Mantras, Crystal/Stone Therapy- (Purple Fluorite, Sugilite, Lapis, Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite, Aquamarine, Lolite, Azurite, Aqua Aura Crystal, Blue Aventurine, Dumortierite, Axinite, Blue Argonite, Cacoxenite, Lazulite, Ulexite, Blue Tourmaline, Quartz Crystals), Visualization Meditation Exercises, Eating Whole Foods

7th Chakra / Crown Chakra:

Location: Top of Head
Color: White/Purple
Basic Meaning: Awareness, Self knowledge, Connection/Opening to Universe, “I KNOW”, Guides Consciousness of Spiritual Awakening/Enlightenment,
An Open Crown Chakra Promotes: Spiritual Awakening, Connection to the Divine/Source/Universal Life Force Energy, Feeling of ‘Oneness’ with People and the Earth Enhanced Intuition,
Blocked Crown Chakra Symptoms:

Alzheimer’s, Depression, Dizziness, Epilepsy, Feeling of ‘Heaviness’, Multiple Sclerosis, Paralysis, Parkinson’s Disease, Schizophrenia, Immune system disorders, Cancers, Bone disorders, Nervous system disorders, Learning Disorders, Multiple Personality Disorder, Neurosis, Psychosis, Headache/Migraines, Dizziness, Migraines/Headaches, Insomnia, Coordination Issues, Mental Illness, Sensitivity to Light, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism

Emotional: Depression, God Complex, Not in Touch with Reality, Lack of Self-understanding, Feeling ‘Out of Body’, Feeling Better than Others, Feeling Unloved, ‘Life is Meaningless’ Feelings, Feelings of ‘Lack of Purpose’ in Life

How to Help Balance The Crown Chakra: Color Therapy (Visualization of the Color White/Purple/Violet, Wear Purple, Light a Purple Candle), Eating Whole Foods, Aromatherapy (Cedarwood, Frankincense, Vetiver, Galbanum, Gurjum, Helicrysum, Jasmine, Elimi, Myrrh, Neroli, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Spikenard and Lavender Essential Oils, Crystal/Stone Therapy (Clear Quartz, Obsidian, Amethyst, Goshenite, Selenite, Phenacite, Charoite, Celeste, Fushite, Blue sapphire, Peacock Ore, Petalite, Moldavite, Danburite, Stilbite, Spirit Quartz, Sugilite, Cacoexinite, Danburite, Stilbite and Barite), Meditation Consistently, Practice Mindfulness, Breathing, Meditate out in Nature, Chanting ‘Om’, Prayer
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Skeptical of energy healing 'long distance'? Does it REALLY work? Discover what exactly a distance healing session is and what it can do for YOU!

What is a ‘distance’ Energy Healing Session?

During a distance energy healing session, Sarah meditates and goes on a Shamanic journey. Once she travels to this alternate realm, she calls on your Soul and provides Reiki energy healing. This powerful and unique healing process is called Shamanic Reiki- a beautiful combination of two ancient healing methods, Shamanism and Reiki.

Distance energy healing utilizes an energetic process where the Shaman is in one location and the client is in another. During a distance session, Sarah not only calls on your Spirit, she calls on spirit guides/helpers (animal, ancestor, and angel guides) and any other enlightened beings to help you heal a current or past trauma/issue.

Distance healings are extremely powerful as energy is not bound by time or space. It can be felt across the Universe at anytime, anywhere. Sarah’s gifts are enhanced in a deep, meditative trance-like state. This why her energy healing sessions are NOT done by phone or in person.

In Sarah’s energy sessions, she utilizes a variety of healing modalities includingShamanic Reiki, traditional Reiki, aura repair, chakra balancing, soul retrieval and recovery, karmic cleansing, and soul possession clearing.

Each session is unique and personalized to your Spirit’s healing needs. All of Sarah’s sessions are recorded in an MP3 format and present like a psychic energy reading as I am able to channel not only healing Shamanic Reiki energy, but specific messages for you directly from Spirit.

Your spirit tells Sarah a story which guides her and the Shamanic Reiki energy to go wherever it needs to go in order to heal you. The more consistent energy healing sessions, the faster you can heal and release what no longer serves you, so that you can move forward to a happier, healthier and more balanced life!

”Your spirit tells Sarah a story as you travel together in a Shamanic realm.”

It is in this alternate, energetic realm that you will receive the healing energy. Often times, these journeys reveal what needs healing in you and other helpful tools that you can use, such as:

essential oils,
sage cleansing,
sound therapy,
body therapies (massage, reflexology, acupuncture, etc.),
stone and crystal energy healing, and
even traditional psycho-therapies.

Sarah will ask her spirit guides, as well as yours, to guide you during your energy healing journey. Sometimes, just removing stagnant energies and repairing the aura is the only purpose of the healing session. Other times, things go deeper; Sarah may need to help cut cords, connect you to a lost loved one, or heal various parts of you that are in pain.

Remember, the energy and messages come through Sarah, not from Sarah. These sessions are about you, not her. Sarah does not try to interpret them. She only relays the information that is channeled through her and, frequently, what she see does not make sense to her! Sometimes, several spirits come inside of Sarah’s body and perform the work on clients. Other times, Sarah simply sees or hears the spirits as situations play out before her eyes. They (the spirits) visually show Sarah what is going on within a person.

Sarah is able to scan and ‘read’ someone’s body and see where blocked energy or specific memories are stored. The spirits even yell at Sarah or joke to get their point across! Every session is completely different. She never know what will happen! Her job is to simply watch, feel and listen. Sarah ‘assists’ you and the spirit guides to facilitate your unique healing process.

These transformative sessions are NOT completed on the phone with you because Sarah finds that distance healings are more effective when performed in a deep, transitive and alternate, meditative state. Once Sarah is connected to spirit in an alternate, Shamanic realm, she records your energy healing session while sharing everything she sees/feels/hears simultaneously with you.

After the completion of your distance energy healing session, Sarah will immediately email you a customized audio recording in an MP3 format that you may keep forever. Your MP3 audio file will be sent via DropBox so that you can easily download and listen to your session at your convenience.

"Working with Sarah and her shamanic healing has been one of the most profound experiences of my life. It has literally changed me. Forever. Her work is extraordinary. Her wisdom profound. Her caring unending. Experiencing her shamanic work has been incredibly transformative. Incredibly. With each journey I have deepened my connection to Spirit, I have found my voice and I am living with more peace and joy than ever before. It took forty years to get to this point…and with just one healing session I was altered and on the road to healing. In a way I never even knew existed. ” ~Shanna Persian, Colorado Springs

“All….. Here is my experience with Shamanic Mountain: About three years ago I was experiencing lower back pain that was persisting after lifting something heavy. I engaged Sarah to use her Reiki prowess to heal this discomfort. After a set of six sessions I departed these procedures, and soon after this my back became normal again with a complete recovery. It is my opinion Sarah’s Reiki is the reason for my healing.” ~Charlie Pickering, Colorado Springs
"Sarah is simply amazing! Her readings are ALWAYS spot on! Now, you may listen and even think at the time “there is no way this can be true” well, give it a few weeks and see what happens! Sarah helps …you focus and gain new perspectives on any issues you may have or just in your everyday life. She has really helped me grow spiritually and mentally as a person. If you have found your way to Sarah, believe me, you were meant to find her. There is a reason you have crossed paths with her and it didn’t happen by chance, it is meant to be! She has a truly amazing gift and I’m so happy she chose to share it with the world!” ~Beth Rein, Alabama
Shamanic Mountain Healing's Social Life 
Yes, not only is Shamanic Mountain Healing on Twitter, FacebookandYouTube, it now has a Blog! Social media is a beautiful way to connect with people, share Spirit stories/messages, talk about energy, chakras, Shamanic healing and how to live  your DREAM LIFE. Check out SMH's Blog here today! Shamanic Mountain Healing's Blog!
Shamanic Mountain Healing, Nationwide, Worldwide, Natiowide 80222, United States
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