Monday, November 12, 2018

Spirit Messages for November 12, 2018

Dive into your life.
Don’t try to escape everything that feels “bad”.
Stay in the water even if you can’t see.
Even when the cold is painful.
In fact, dive deeper when it hurts.
Happiness is found in the nooks and crannies of your life.
It’s waiting there for you in the freezing, murky waters as much as on the sunny shores.
You will find peace only if you stay in the water long enough to discover and FEEL the warm spots. The tiny pockets of serenity. When everything gets still.Healing happens only when you decide to stay the course. When you decide to let go and trust the current.
That’s where you begin to flow WITH the waves of your life.
To surrender.
The darkness only dissipates when you keep diving deeper into the light of yourself.
Whatever you do...just stay in the water. It will carry you to exactly what you need to experience in this lifetime to grow, to heal, and to learn.
How about I stay in the water with you? ❤️

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