Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Find Your Way To Happy!

If I lose followers or likes because I am sharing this truth...I’m ok with that. I hope that I help one person know that it is ok to unveil your WHOLE self. The world need you exactly as you are. It’s all good. Do you. Do what works for YOU. <3

Guess what? Everyone in this picture suffers from clinical depression. And, we all take meds. Medication makes us MORE of who we are. It makes us balanced and happy. There is no room for shame in our lives. 

Oh, but I’m a Shaman and shouldn’t be on meds? No? Ask my family if being curled up in bed with tears streaming down my face for no reason other than having a chemical imbalance—helps them? Does it help my clients for my energy to be negative and depleted? Does it help my husband for me to take the hottest herbal supplements instead of a medication that balances me just because I’m in the “Holistic Health” industry? Healers need to stop shaming other healers. We are all in this together and need to support personal choices...especially, if they help someone heal themselves! Isn't that why we do this? We are here only to guide, not to project our own experiences onto people. We are hear to listen. To NOT judge. To be open and loving in any way we can.

As a Shamanic Practitioner, I have to do whatever it takes to FEEL GOOD in order to offer you high vibrational energy. I have to heal myself in ANY WAY that works for me. I have to do this in order to help you heal your pain.

12 years ago, my own Shaman asked me why I wanted to suffer so much? Why I wasn’t “open to taking medication “. I said that it wasn’t “spiritual or natural” to take psychiatric meds. He asked, “Who the hell told you that?” Society? Other healers? Family? Friends? I nearly screamed, “YES!”But, why was I trying to deny an imbalance I was born with for other people’s beliefs?! It made no sense.

This is when my Soul opened to the idea to “do what feels good. Always. And, to listen to yourself and what YOU NEED TO HEAL.

I needed it all. Shamanic Healing, Reiki, organic foods, exercise AND MEDS. Oh, and how my life began working once I accepted my “whole” self. I honored my sadness. I honored other people’s chosen paths. I supported my children when they chose medication to heal their brains.

And, guess what?!! They are happy ON medication and living their best lives. We thrive doing it OUR WAY. 

No, I don’t need more turmeric or St. John’s Wort. It ain’t gonna work for my unique make up! I tried it all...every herb under the sun. I practiced meditation to cure my blues.

I shared 28 years of healing information with both my kids. We drank water, sat in front of sun lamps, tried marijuana...we did it all in the name of not ingesting anything “toxic” like meds. didn’t work. All three of us wanted to die at one time or another. How would that HELP?
So, we let our Soul's lead us to what DID work. We found our Way. And, for this I will be forever grateful to my Shaman that told me it was ok. We don’t need someone else’s permission to do what is best for us. Just do it! ❤️ #
Sarah Norwood & her supportive husband Eric

#mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #stopthestigma #shaman #meds #balanced #shamanichealing #idontdrink #idontsmoke #itakemedicationthathelpsmybrain #noshame #happy

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