Thursday, November 29, 2018

Healing Is Not About The Healer

Spirit's message for the day, "Healing is not about the healer. A healer must show up, hand their client the flashlight, and then step aside. It’s not about what the healer "sees". It’s about what YOU see. A healer's job is to simply show people that they CAN connect to their own light. A healer knows that their client will always find their Way in the dark. A healer must trust in his/her client’s full ability to heal themselves. A healer should only show up, and invite their clients INTO the love. Nothing more."

#healer #healing #heal #love #beyourownshaman #shamanism #shamanichealing #shineyourlight#youknowwhattodo #yourownway #healyourself#loveyourself #igotyou #brave #yougotthis #sarahnorwood #medium #psychicmedium #channeler

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Spirit's Message for the Day- 11/27/18

Spirit's message for the day, "We give ALL of our power away the split second we meet anger with anger. Walking away isn't just a symbol of strength, it is an act of loving yourself in a moment of great weakness."

#sarahnorwood #shamanichealing #shamanism #chakrabalancing #aurarepair #energyhealing #readings #medium #channel #psychic #heal #shamanicmountainhealing #shamanicsoulguide

Love To Love

Surround yourself with people that love to love! 

~Sarah Norwood

#sarahnorwood #shamanicmountainhealing #shamanicsoulguide #shaman #shamanism #reiki #shamanicreiki #energyhealing #chakrabalancing #aurarepair #pastliferegression #soulretrieval

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

What Am I Thankful For? My Son's Life.

My son. The Warrior.

Spirit story of the year, "This was the best, and worst, year of my son’s life. It was the year that brought him to his knees. This summer, I waited by the phone night after night anticipating my son’s fiancĂ©’s call that he took his life.
I grieved my son’s death while he was still alive.
In all of his 21 years, I had never seen my son like this. So empty. So gone. Where was my baby Andy? There were no smiles. No laughs.
For the first time in my son’s life, I saw him removing himself from the family he loved. He spoke of being a “burden” and could never imagine not being sad.
See, he broke 3 years of sobriety on his 21st birthday. This alcohol binge lead him to opioids. He ended up addicted to pain killers within two weeks. He lost an internship he had wanted for years and nearly lost his life during his detox on March 16, 2018.
We watched him vomiting in a fetal position praying to die. After this, he spiraled into the worst depression of his life. Even as a Shaman, I couldn’t save Andy’s Soul. He had to find his way back to himself.
In this hell, three things happened. Mini miracles. Andy’s rock bottom lead me to contact an old friend that worked with the top specialists in the area. He referred Andy to a Psychologist. But, this wasn’t just any Psychologist.
This dr was a recovering heroin addict that had gone to prison in his early twenties. HE GOT IT. He understood Andy’s demons and slowly gave Andy his HOPE back. That was the first miracle.
The second miracle was when Andy’s underlying disorder was brought to light-instead of numbed or dismissed. Andy was misdiagnosed since he was 5 years old.
Over the years, he was given meds that nearly killed him. FINALLY, this amazing therapist guided Andy to THE dr that got it right. Andy was using drugs to alleviate his severe ADHD that impacted every area of his life. Andy was given the best meds to treat his chemical imbalance. These meds, along with talk therapy, saved his very Soul.
Chemical imbalances ARE REAL. Holistic remedies didn’t work for Andy. Yes, we tried everything. After all, I am an energy healer that believes in natural medicines and the body's ability to heal itself.
But, Andy's physical make up was different and his suffering too great. This is when I believe East needs to meet West when it comes to treatment plans. You have to do what works for YOU! Don't listen to people that want to tell medicine is 'bad'. Medicine for Andy soothed his brain and healed his body.
Ughh, I really don't like the guilt that some natural practitioners give people just because they are not open to psychiatric medicine. EVERYONE IS UNIQUE and different and their needs MUST be honored. Whatever that means for them. It's an individual journey. I'd rather have my son HERE than gone because of ego or a closed mind.
If medicine works for you, take the damn medicine!! Haha! It's your life and you know what is BEST for you! That's what I told my son.
You have to do whatever you have to do in order to become balanced and happy. The most important thing is to listen to YOUR intuition. It will never steer you wrong!
The third best thing that happened this year is that Andy began to forgive himself. He went deep inside and pulled out the pieces of him that had never left. His wild and free spirit reappeared.Slowly, son came home.
Today, he is in weekly therapy with his Mentor. He decided to switch careers. He is going to get his Masters in Cyber Security and be an advocate for mental health awareness.
He is sober. He isn’t without his bad days, but he KNOWS he can survive anything now. He believes in his power.
On December 16th, he will be 9 months sober. When we fall, we wipe the chalkboard clean and start again in my family. No guilt. No judgement is allowed. I think this was the most important year of Andy’s life because he found out what he was really made of and why he’s still here.
So, this Thanksgiving? I’m thankful for it all. As always, it worked out perfectly. ❤️

Find Your Way To Happy!

If I lose followers or likes because I am sharing this truth...I’m ok with that. I hope that I help one person know that it is ok to unveil your WHOLE self. The world need you exactly as you are. It’s all good. Do you. Do what works for YOU. <3

Guess what? Everyone in this picture suffers from clinical depression. And, we all take meds. Medication makes us MORE of who we are. It makes us balanced and happy. There is no room for shame in our lives. 

Oh, but I’m a Shaman and shouldn’t be on meds? No? Ask my family if being curled up in bed with tears streaming down my face for no reason other than having a chemical imbalance—helps them? Does it help my clients for my energy to be negative and depleted? Does it help my husband for me to take the hottest herbal supplements instead of a medication that balances me just because I’m in the “Holistic Health” industry? Healers need to stop shaming other healers. We are all in this together and need to support personal choices...especially, if they help someone heal themselves! Isn't that why we do this? We are here only to guide, not to project our own experiences onto people. We are hear to listen. To NOT judge. To be open and loving in any way we can.

As a Shamanic Practitioner, I have to do whatever it takes to FEEL GOOD in order to offer you high vibrational energy. I have to heal myself in ANY WAY that works for me. I have to do this in order to help you heal your pain.

12 years ago, my own Shaman asked me why I wanted to suffer so much? Why I wasn’t “open to taking medication “. I said that it wasn’t “spiritual or natural” to take psychiatric meds. He asked, “Who the hell told you that?” Society? Other healers? Family? Friends? I nearly screamed, “YES!”But, why was I trying to deny an imbalance I was born with for other people’s beliefs?! It made no sense.

This is when my Soul opened to the idea to “do what feels good. Always. And, to listen to yourself and what YOU NEED TO HEAL.

I needed it all. Shamanic Healing, Reiki, organic foods, exercise AND MEDS. Oh, and how my life began working once I accepted my “whole” self. I honored my sadness. I honored other people’s chosen paths. I supported my children when they chose medication to heal their brains.

And, guess what?!! They are happy ON medication and living their best lives. We thrive doing it OUR WAY. 

No, I don’t need more turmeric or St. John’s Wort. It ain’t gonna work for my unique make up! I tried it all...every herb under the sun. I practiced meditation to cure my blues.

I shared 28 years of healing information with both my kids. We drank water, sat in front of sun lamps, tried marijuana...we did it all in the name of not ingesting anything “toxic” like meds. didn’t work. All three of us wanted to die at one time or another. How would that HELP?
So, we let our Soul's lead us to what DID work. We found our Way. And, for this I will be forever grateful to my Shaman that told me it was ok. We don’t need someone else’s permission to do what is best for us. Just do it! ❤️ #
Sarah Norwood & her supportive husband Eric

#mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #stopthestigma #shaman #meds #balanced #shamanichealing #idontdrink #idontsmoke #itakemedicationthathelpsmybrain #noshame #happy

There Is No Wrong Way to Heal Yourself

Spirit’s message for the day, “If herbs help, take herbs. If whiskey helps, drink whiskey. If screaming at the moon helps, scream wild one, scream. If meds help, take meds. There is no wrong Way to heal yourself.”

Sarah Norwood is the Shaman that lives WITH Spirit and WITHOUT Rules!

Rules? Nope. Do what feels good. Do what works.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Spirit Messages for November 12, 2018

Dive into your life.
Don’t try to escape everything that feels “bad”.
Stay in the water even if you can’t see.
Even when the cold is painful.
In fact, dive deeper when it hurts.
Happiness is found in the nooks and crannies of your life.
It’s waiting there for you in the freezing, murky waters as much as on the sunny shores.
You will find peace only if you stay in the water long enough to discover and FEEL the warm spots. The tiny pockets of serenity. When everything gets still.Healing happens only when you decide to stay the course. When you decide to let go and trust the current.
That’s where you begin to flow WITH the waves of your life.
To surrender.
The darkness only dissipates when you keep diving deeper into the light of yourself.
Whatever you do...just stay in the water. It will carry you to exactly what you need to experience in this lifetime to grow, to heal, and to learn.
How about I stay in the water with you? ❤️

Healing Never Ends

Living a Shamanic life is not about sharing “spiritual” pictures of blissful smiles and saying how “blessed” you are day in and day out.
Nope! It can seriously suck. It’s about doing the work every day on OURSELVES. Cleansing, clearing, and cleaning our own energy so that we can offer you high vibe energy.
Healing does not feel good MAJORITY of the time.
It’s hurts. Its scary. It can enrage you—and then, bring you to your knees without warning.
It’s about sitting down and breathing when you don’t want to. Especially when you do NOT want to.
Shamanic Healing is about traveling to the spirit realms and talking to souls that aren’t telling you what you want to hear.
It’s about being consistent, committed, and dedicated to looking at your OWN shit.
And, taking đź’Ż responsibility for what is yours.
It’s something I have practiced for 28 years and still, connecting to my own pain can be utterly devastating.
But, the deeper I go inside myself, the deeper I can look inside of your soul’s energy.
By balancing my own chakras and continuing to heal my past traumas, I can help you heal your own. That’s about it.
I am never fully healed.
I am never always happy or sweet or warm and fuzzy.
I have a shitload of dark energy that I have to balance every single day.
All I know is that, I will go into my meditation room and heal me so that I can HELP to heal you.
Your healing has nothing to do with Sarah Norwood. Why?
A healer doesn’t heal. A healer helps you heal yourself.
All I do is hold a safe space for you to express whatever is on your mind and in your heart.
That’s what gets me out of bed in the morning.
Knowing that maybe, just maybe, one of my clients will learn how to guide themselves.
Heal themselves. Love themselves. Believe in themselves, and their worthiness, to live a life they love.
My pledge to you? To sit down in my own stuff EVERY DAY and to show up for you AS IS- not some beacon of peace and light.
It’s in the darkness that we can really get down in the dirt and get shit done.
Our lives aren’t glistening Instagram pics. Our lives are messy and uncomfortable and happy and sad.
Our lives are all over the place and then, fucking awesome.
Our lives are filled with our kids, animals, loved ones, arguments, tragedies, joys, and daily tasks.
Our lives aren’t about staring into a sunset and “looking peaceful”.
What I want for you? To FEEL PEACEFUL.
Not to look relaxed. To to genuinely FEEL relaxed so that you can truly enjoy your life.
All I know is that I will “go there” with you...wherever that is.
Wherever you are.
Thank you for being here! YOU make me a better person and your bravery to explore the spirit realms IS the reason I practice Shamanic healing. ❤️
Sunflower (Sarah)

Sunday, November 4, 2018

EARLY Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale!

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"
FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 
The Giving Month
This is the month of GIVING and Shamanic Mountain Healing wants to celebrate by offering health & healing to new, and existing, clients.

 $20 Off Any Service through November 27th!

How can I receive my discounted invoice? 

Email: with the type/length of session and Sarah will send you an invoice (via Paypal) with the discounted price! See below for more detailed information about the Shamanic Mountain Healing's Services. Then, complete steps #2 and #3 here.
The holiday season is not an easy time for everyone. It can open the flood gates to buried emotions and past traumas. It can trigger our old wounds and the pain that we once thought was healed. So, be gentle. Be kind. Be patient with yourself. Amp up your self-care and know that you are never alone. We are in this life together. Love yourself through whatever you are going through. 
What type of healing session should I try? What are my options?
Shamanic Mountain Healing's Services:

DISTANCE Intuitive Energy Healing/Readings:

During a DISTANCE Intuitive Energy Healing/Reading session, Sarah meditates and goes on a Shamanic journey. Once she travels to this alternate realm in the Spirit world, she calls on your Soul to join her. Then, Sarah utilizes a powerful and unique healing process called Shamanic Reiki- a beautiful combination of two ancient healing methods, Shamanism and Reiki. Distance energy healing utilizes an energetic process where the Shaman is in one location and the client is in another. 

During an intuitive energy healing/reading session, Sarah not only calls on your Spirit, she calls on spirit guides/helpers (animal, ancestor, and angel guides) and any other enlightened beings to help you heal a current or past issue or trauma.

Distance energy healing is extremely powerful as energy is not bound by time or space. It can be felt across the Universe at anytime, anywhere. Sarah’s gifts are enhanced in a deep, meditative trance-like state. This why her energy healing sessions are *NOT* done by phone or in person.

In Sarah’s energy sessions, she utilizes a variety of healing modalities including Shamanic Reiki, traditional Reiki, aura repair, chakra balancing, soul retrieval and recovery, karmic cleansing, and soul possession clearing.

Sarah, also, has the gift of channeling psychic messages during your sessions. Oh how we crave so many answers in our life! What is our life purpose? Will I get that job? Is he/she the ONE? Sarah is able to tap into the Universe and ask Spirit for these answers. Whether you are looking for information about your relationships, finances, career, etc., Sarah asks her Guides to show you the Way. She ‘scans’ your energy field and taps into your innate truths. 

Remember, EVERYTHING is temporary and YOU have the POWER to change and shift your own reality in any moment. Her readings will give you a ‘current’ answer, but the rest is up to you!Sarah will ask Spirit and the Universe for the answers to all your questions. Sarah asks her guides for a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Sometimes, they will elaborate on the answers and sometimes not. Sarah relies solely on her Spirit Guides (and yours), and the Universe, to send her the answers you are seeking.

Your spirit tells Sarah a story which guides her and the Shamanic Reiki energy to go wherever it needs to go in order to heal you. The more consistent energy healing sessions, the faster you can heal and release what no longer serves you, so that you can move forward to a happier, healthier and more balanced life!

”Your spirit tells Sarah a story as you travel together in a Shamanic realm.”

Sarah will ask her spirit guides, as well as yours, to guide you during your energy healing journey. Sometimes, just removing stagnant energies and repairing the aura is the only purpose of the healing session. Other times, things go deeper; Sarah may need to help cut cords, connect you to a lost loved one, or heal various parts of you that are in pain.

Remember, the energy and messages come through Sarah, not from Sarah. These sessions are about you, not her. Sarah does not try to interpret them. She only relays the information that is channeled through her and, frequently, what she see does not make sense to her! Sometimes, several spirits enter Sarah’s body and perform the work on clients. Other times, Sarah simply sees or hears the spirits as situations play out before her eyes. They (the spirits) visually show Sarah what is going on within a person.

Sarah is able to scan and ‘read’ someone’s body and see where blocked energy or specific memories are stored. The spirits even yell at Sarah or joke to get their point across! Every session is completely different. She never know what will happen! Her job is to simply watch, feel and listen. Sarah ‘assists’ you and the spirit guides to facilitate your unique healing process.

These transformative sessions are not completed on the phone with you because Sarah finds that distance energy healing/readings are more effective when performed in a deep, transitive and alternate, shamanic state. Once Sarah is connected to spirit in an alternate, Shamanic realm, she records your energy healing session while sharing everything she sees/feels/hears simultaneously with you.

**After the completion of your 60 or 75 min. session, Sarah will immediately email you a customized audio recording in an MP3 format that you may keep forever. Your MP3 audio file will be sent via DropBox so that you can easily download and listen to your session at your convenience

2.) Shamanic Soul Guide: BE Your Own Shaman Sessions:

No matter where you are in the world, experience one-on-one (intensive) Shamanic Soul Guidance LIVE with Sarah via Skype or FaceTime! These ‘close up and personal’ sessions are for people that desire to to take their healing practice to the next level! Create your very own Shamanic healing practice or learn how to heal yourself with Shamanic Reiki techniques. These 75 minute sessions are offered in a Skype OR FaceTime format so that you are working face-to-face with Sarah as she lovingly guides you to finding YOUR WAY of healing.

These sessions are for the beginner level all the way up to advanced. If you have always wanted to learn how to meditate, journey to alternate realms in the Spirit world, meet your Spirit Guides, or even learn how to become a certified Shamanic Practitioner…these Skype or FaceTime Sessions are for YOU! 

Sarah was once a 19 year old woman that walked into an office for what she thought would be an acupuncture session. It turned out that the doctor was, in fact, a very powerful Shaman from the East Coast. Little did she know that he would teach her how to go safely on a Shamanic journey through meditation and heal herself for the next 27 years! So, she’s been there. She knows how lonely it can feel at first. Sarah will take your hand and walk WITH you through all your fears. She will guide you through the darkness AND the light.

Shamanic Soul Guide: BE Your Own Shaman Sessions may include:Live Energy Healings, Usui Reiki Training, Shamanic Meditation Techniques, The History of Shamanism and Reiki, Shamanic Practitioner Level Training, Intuitive Mentoring, Psychic Energy Readings, Unlimited Email Support, and More! These intensive 75 minute sessions will offer you an incredible opportunity (and a safe space) to explore your inner gifts at a much deeper level. Sarah, also, gives you a free Shamanic Soul Guide journal to help you express your deepest desires!

With 27 years of Shamanic practice under her belt, Sarah is so happy to to finally be able to share ALL of her own wisdom, tips, stories, heart and Soul with you

Sarah Norwood will lovingly mentor and teach you how to discover YOUR special Way to becoming your very own Shaman! Anyone can learn how to practice Shamanic healing! You don’t have to be ‘spiritual’ or ‘psychic’ to do this. You only have to be open to exploring the depths of your Soul- even if it hurts, even if it makes you furious, sad or scared. We will get down to business together! We will embrace what works for you, what you love, what relaxes you, what calls your Soul’s name and ignites your passions.

Your Way is the ‘right way’ to heal!

Sarah Norwood will mentor you on how to safely go on exciting Shamanic journeys to the Spirit world, help you enter alternate realms in the Spirit world, meet your Spirit Guides, learn how to open your own chakras, fly beside you into a past lives, cut karmic cords, clear negative energy from your life and so much MORE!

Becoming your own Shaman will open you up to a whole new world of love, forgiveness, empowerment, abundance and a peace you may never have known before. Shamanic Healing can be profound and life-altering, offering a life beyond your wildest dreams!

Sarah will meet you where YOU are in your healing practice, helping you discover YOUR unique gifts. There is no right or wrong way to heal yourself. Sarah will help you identify, and expand upon, the gifts you already have inside of you! Sarah will gently assist you on your unique healing path–leading you directly to your life purpose! Sarah will mentor you, listen to you, support you and help you expand upon your own intuitive gifts!

**These sessions are offered by DISTANCE through Skype OR FaceTime to allow Sarah to work with people all over the world!**

Healing is forever. It’s never over. It’s constant.

We are not simple creatures. We have energetic layers that protect us from trauma and pain. 

The “work” is all about peeling back these layers and diving in. Over and over.

It’s in the nooks and cranny‘s of our physical/mental/spiritual bodies where we meet the truth of ourselves.

Surrender to the process. Be patient with yourself. Not rushing your healing is so important. 
Healing is not about trying to be someone other than yourself, feeling something other than you are feeling. 

It’s about finding a way to be gentle with yourself through it all...for the rest of your life. 

Healing doesn’t always have to hurt. 

If you embrace it—you will never stop learning, growing or discovering one more layer of yourself. Be tender. Be kind. 

Healing doesn’t have to be hell. It can be profound, rewarding and so very beautiful. 
Live what you love. And, do it every day- somehow, someway. ❤
Meet yourself wherever you are and love yourself there. Doesn’t matter what you are going through, no matter what you are feeling. You need love. Your love. 

#chakrabalancing #shaman #sarahnorwood #heal #healing #shamanicmountainhealing #shamanism #shamanicsoulguide #energyhealing #aurarepair #pastliferegression #psychicmedium
#medium #channeler #spiritguides #spirit #spiritrealms #shamanicreiki #reiki #energy #raiseyourvibration #loa #lawofattraction #thesecret #hoponopono #love #darkness #light