Tuesday, July 17, 2018

What If The Pain Was THE GIFT?

Spirit's message for the day, "The pain IS the gift."

The pain really IS the gift.

It's when you feel like you can't go on--when you are sitting in a pool of your own vomit and tears that the pain asks...

What's up?

What cycle are you so tired of living that you are willing to break IT even if it breaks you for a moment...or two.

The pain will ask you if you are WILLING to heal yourself NOW or later.

The pain will give you a clear choice: love yourself THROUGH this, or continue the same self-destruction for another five years.

It will SCREAM at you to look at things differently...even when you can't look at yourself in the mirror.

Pain is a badass teacher--even if we don't want to learn today. It will keep showing up until we are ready.

Pain is unapologetic.

It doesn't care if your to-do list is completed or if 'it is the right time'.

Nope, pain only cares about YOU, NOW, IN THIS LIFE.

The pain LOVES you enough to ask you what YOU love to do.

What are YOU passionate about? What would make YOU happier than this moment of anguish?

The pain begs us to ask ourselves, "What the flying fuck do I REALLY WANT?!"

Which way do I really want to go? And, with who?

The pains SHOWS us what truly needs healing within.

The pain has this spectacular way of grabbing us by the shoulders and shaking us AWAKE.

Only you get to decide whether we go back to sleep.

And, if you decide that you need to sit in the pain longer...that is OK too.
Stay in your darkness as long as it takes.
Stay with your broken pieces.

You will need them for when you are ready to come back HOME to yourself.
To who you are meant to be in this lifetime.

But, know that the pain will NOT give up on you and your worthiness to experience love.

True love. Self love.

The pain IS the gift that will open you to the light of yourself.

Embrace it with all your might. 


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