Tuesday, August 29, 2017

She Mother's The World

Spirit's story of the week, "She Mother's the world."

Last night, my daughter fell apart. She has traveled on and off all year and worked full time as a Nanny---never having a second for herself.

In the past few weeks, there has been a pause. A reprieve.

Time for her to 'feel' whatever she has not allowed herself to feel.

My daughter was VERY close to the last child that she Nanny'd for that recently moved to Kansas.

She would have dropped everything and moved for this family because she loved that little girl to pieces. She was invited to do this because the family loved HER to pieces as well.

Ultimately, she decided to stay in Colorado to be close to her family and continue living in her beloved apartment in Denver.

As she has been interviewing for new positions, none of them have felt right.

It's an energy thing for my daughter. She has to feel a good vibe, or all bets are off. She goes with her gut.

Going on interviews as a Nanny is like breaking up with the love of your life and then, having that uncomfortable first date.

The chances of that instant connection are rare.

That may sound silly to some...and it may sound silly that it is 'just' a Nanny job. But, to Madeline, she pours her entire Soul into helping to raise the children she cares for.

My daughter chose not to go to college. Instead, she is living her passion as a Nanny. And, her life is more abundant than most people I know.

Helping to raise a child is quite possibly the MOST important job in this world.

My daughter is not a normal, young woman. She responds to the world differently than most.

She is CONNECTED to her pure and loving Spirit.

She had 'Mother' energy as far back as I can remember.

She 'mothered' me. She 'mothered' her brother. She 'mothered' her stuffed animals.
She 'mothered' the world. 

And, she is STILL 'mothering' all of us.

She is there for people even when they are not there for themselves.

Even when, they are not there for her.

She holds no grudges. No judgments. It is truly fucking amazing.

She is responsible, FUNNY AS HELL and SO gentle.

Last night, she cried hard.


She told me she felt 'lost'. She told me she was so very lonely. She is full of fears.

Fearful of putting herself out their for a man, or even new friends, because she has been hurt so much in the past.

So, she felt it. She felt it ALL.

All the emotions she had so neatly tucked away in her chest in order to care for others.

She has this incredible insight and wisdom that is FAR BEYOND HER YEARS.

A way of looking IN at herself that most people don't grasp until their dying days.

We talked about how this moment is for her to be there for herself and to continue feeling her pain.
This time is supposed to be here right now...just FOR Madeline.

And, she is ALL IN.

She has never shied away from feeling her shit.

But, life got busy.

She was so busy hugging everyone else, that she forgot to hug herself.

By the time we got off the phone, she told me she is going to work on her Nanny adventures children's book. She told me she is going to take a walk in the sun today. And, that she will come to Yoga with Dad and I on Thursday.

This is HER time. And, she is allowing herself to have it.

How BRAVE she is.

Oh, and the LUCKY family that she will find will treasure and cherish her forever, just like her last families.

Just as I do.

You go, Mad. I love you. ~Mommaluvs

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