Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It's All About the Oils!

Essential Oils for Your Chakra Health

Keeping these whirling vortexes open is a must for good health! If your chakras are 'blocked', your energy field can become 'compromised' very quickly.

Below are some 'go to' oils to keep you flowing with abundant energy! https://www.youngliving.org/sarahnorwood

Root Chakra:  Clematis, rosemary, ylang-ylang, myrrh, frankincense, benzoin, patchouli and sandalwood. Valor by Young Living Essential Oils is also terrific for grounding you to the earth and increasing your root chakra health!

Sacral Chakra:   All citrus oils, such as grapefruit, neroli, melissa, tangerine, and orange. Jasmine, rose, hibiscus are also beneficial for this amazing chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra:  Essential oils for the solar plexus should be calming and clearing oils. Look for ‘peace and calming’ from Young Living or geranium, yarrow, chamomile, peppermint, lemon juniper, vetivert, wintergreen, petigrain and marjoram.

Heart Chakra: Rose oil is a wonderful heart centered chakra oil. Also, mandarin, jasmine, neoroli, orange, ylang ylang, cyprus, lavender, holly, eucalyptus and pine, melissa, bergamot, jasmine and rosewood.

Throat Chakra:  Ylang ylang, cedar, rosewood, ginger, fennel, spearmint, lemon eucalyptus, blue chamomile, sage, lemongrass, geranium, hyssop, coriander, jasmine and ginger.

Third Eye Chakra:  Angelica root, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, spruce, frankincense, patchouli, marjoram, helichrysum, sandlewood, elemi or clary sage.

Crown Chakra:  Frankincense, cedarwood, rosewood, vetiver, spikenard, angelica root, frankincense, sandalwood, myrrh, jasmine, benzoin, neroli, and lavender.

How to Use Essential Oils for Chakra Balancing:

The simplest and most direct way is to rub 3 to 6 drops on the souls of your feet, the base of your spine, or the base of your cervical spine. You can also place a few drops on each individual chakra.

Essential oils absorb within 30 seconds to your blood stream. This is why using only 100% pure grade oils is imperative so that you can receive the greatest result.

With more mild oils, you can place a few drops under the nose or on your temples. Make sure to blend stronger oils with your carrier oil (almond or coconut oil), onto the skin above the Chakra you wish to treat.

Another way is to rub the oils into your palms, then wave your hands around your aura and physical body. This will transmute any negative energy around you or that may be absorbed into your aura.

Rebalance your aura by waving and swirling your hands in a clockwise motion. This will break up unwanted energies. Then move your hands counter-clockwise to rebalance your aura. Finally, set your intention to send ‘back’ any energies that are not yours to the Universe. Imagine having negative energies bounce off of your aura and deflect back to where they came from!

You can also treat your home or office by using an essential oil diffuser. You can purchase these at https://www.youngliving.org/sarahnorwood

This cleansing and balancing device dispels the essential oil fragrance of your choice into your surroundings and changes the energy of the environment.

Another method is to place a little water plus a few drops of essential oil in a shallow bowl and light a candle underneath.  As the candle warms the bowl, the oil will begin to burn off and dispense into the air. They sell diffusers at: https://www.youngliving.org/sarahnorwood 

There are also several recipes to treat your bath water!


Warning: essential oils are generally safe, but do not ingest them unless you follow strict

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Young Living Website!

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