Sunday, January 4, 2015

10 Protection & Cleansing Tools!

With so much negative energy in the Universe, we must all discover ways to protect and cleanse our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. Overwhelming toxic energies can deplete our energy systems, leading to illness, anxiety and depression.

Here are a few of my "go-to" protection and strengthening tools!

10 Protection & Cleansing Tools

1.) Essential Oils- For protection and purification use Frankincense, Cypress, Myrrh, Palo Santo, Peppermint, Rose, Sage, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Lemon and Basil. These are just some of the potent  oils that can help shield you from toxic energies! Go to: to learn how to 'safely' utilize essential oils!

2.) Smudge Stick- white sage is incredible for purifying energy. Light your stick and circle it's smoke around your entire body. You can also smudge every room in your home, your jewelry, computer, phone, wallet, furniture, etc. EVERYTHING carries energy. Safeguard yourself against draining energies with sage's healing smoke!

3.) Tibetan Singing Bowl/Bells- Sound tools emit certain tones which can instantly shift your energy promoting a calming effect. Reduce stress, harmonize and balance your physical body by playing your bowl any way you'd like! These soothing tones can boost your immune system and rid your space of dark energies -especially if used during meditation.

4.) Stones/Crystals- The energy of stones is very powerful They are wonderful for cleansing and balancing your energy! Hold, carry or place these stones near you for your energetic protection: Black tourmaline, black onyx, black obsidian, amethyst, malachite, smoky quartz, citrine, topaz, turquoise, aventurine, etc.! To learn more about stones and crystals, read 'The Crystal Bible'.

5.) Drums/Rattles- The beat of drums breaks up toxic energy and offers a harmonious rhythm to the environment!

6.) Salt lamp- Place a salt lamp in your home/office. It dispels negative ions and balances the energy in any space.(Available at Vitamin Cottage, Whole Foods and online!)

7.) Candles- Use your intention to 'cleanse' a space with candles. White candles symbolize purity. You can ask the energy of candles to help you release negative energies that may be stored inside of you. Also, green candles promote healing and pink ones represent self-love. Light them any time during the day/night!

8.) Lemons- yes, lemons! Citrus fruit placed in the four corners of any room absorb negative energies. When they shrivel up, replace with fresh ones! Also, drinking warm lemon water can clean out your insides...thus, balancing your immune and promoting health!

9.) Nature- Collect items that you find outside in the earth’s natural habitat. It can be a feather, leaf, rock, flower, grass, tree branch, etc. Nature instantly transforms your energy space.

10.) Sterling Silver- Protect yourself from negative energies by wearing sterling silver on your left wrist or finger at all times. If your bracelet falls off or breaks, that means it is time for a new one! The silver absorbs all of the toxic energy and eventually cannot hold anymore.

Use the above healing tools to protect and cleanse your home, office or car! Start off with setting your ‘intention’ by saying an affirmation or prayer to bless your sacred energy and space. Then, utilize whichever tools feel ‘good’ to you.

There is no right or wrong way cleanse your personal energy or your environment. Go with your gut!

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