Sunday, November 9, 2014

Be Kind, It's Easy!

In honor of my son Andy's 18th birthday, I want to share a Spirit story from two years ago about a soldier and a simple act of kindness.

"It was a cold, winter morning when we were waiting for Andy's take out breakfast from Village Inn. He was getting his usual, two scrambled eggs, hash browns and sausage with a side of pancakes!

We were seated on a little orange bench by the front door. The brisk wind kept fanning our bodies as the doors opened and closed near the entrance. I snuggled a little closer to my son.

Suddenly, a soldier dressed in full uniform walked into the restaurant. He immediately turned to us, removing his hat, and politely asked if we were being helped before walking up to the hostess. He couldn't have been more than 19 years old.

I said, "Oh, thank you, we are waiting for take out." The soldier smiled, gave us a little bow and, then, was quickly whisked away to his seat by the hostess.

I turned to my son and said, "I love his manners and kindness."

Andy looked at me and said, "It's easy."

Asking him what he meant by that, he gently brushed something off of his pants and scanned the restaurant, searching for the soldier.

Andy said, "It's easy to be nice to people, Mom. It's hard to be mean."

Once again, I was struck by my child's wisdom. Even my son knew, at the young age of 16 yrs. old, that it takes way MORE energy to be cruel than it does to be kind!"

Happy Birthday to my sweet and sensitive Soul, Andy!

May you walk in peace and kindness today, gifting everyone you meet with a smile and remembering Andy's words, "It's easy!" <3


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