Friday, November 21, 2014


Spirit message for the day, "Living in alignment with your most authentic self is a beautiful thing."

We Can't Save People, But we CAN be there!

Just for today, I am thankful for my 18 year old son that bravely chose to speak about his depression, instead of shoving it down to a place that he may never reach. Nervously, I listened as he asked why life was worth living when there is so much cruelness on earth. I didn't try and convince him that the world was good or give him a list of reasons why he should want to 'stay' here. I loved him instead, without words, and he shared his Soul with me. For this, I am beyond grateful. Every day is a gift.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Energy that Drives You

Spirit message for the day, "Your energy tells a story about who you are and where you came from. It is an instant Mapquest to your entire life, exposing your history and desired destination. Wherever you decide to go, or whatever you decide to do, the energy you offer the world will determine the roads you take and the turns you make. Where are you going?” 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Peaceful Dreams!

Sending wishes for peaceful dreams for all tonight!

#Shamanic Mountain Healing

*Pic courtesy of 'Nature' Instagram page.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Cleanse & Balance Your Chakras This Weekend!

 Keep your good juju energy flowing this weekend with these cool exercises at:

1.) Chakracise your crown chakra through prayer or meditation.

2.) Brow Chakra Exercises: Chakracise your brow chakra with visualization, remote viewing, and lucid dreaming.

3.) Throat Chakra Exercises: Chakracise your throat chakra by gargling with saltwarer, singing, or screaming.

4.) Heart Chakra Exercises: Chakracise your heart chakra by doing push ups, swimming (breast stroke), and hugging yourself.

5.) Solar Plexus Chakra Exercises: Chakracise your solar plexus chakra by dancing (do The Twist, hoola hooping, and belly dancing).

6.)Sacral Chakra Exercises: Chakrasise your sacral chakra with pelvi thrusts and circular pelvis movements

7.) Root Chakra Exercises: Chakracise your root chakra by stomping your feel upon the ground, marching in place, and doing squats.

Aura Cleansing Exercises:

Chakracise your aura by cleansing it by showering, soaking an epsom salt bath, smudging with sage wand, or deep cleansing breaths.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Be Kind, It's Easy!

In honor of my son Andy's 18th birthday, I want to share a Spirit story from two years ago about a soldier and a simple act of kindness.

"It was a cold, winter morning when we were waiting for Andy's take out breakfast from Village Inn. He was getting his usual, two scrambled eggs, hash browns and sausage with a side of pancakes!

We were seated on a little orange bench by the front door. The brisk wind kept fanning our bodies as the doors opened and closed near the entrance. I snuggled a little closer to my son.

Suddenly, a soldier dressed in full uniform walked into the restaurant. He immediately turned to us, removing his hat, and politely asked if we were being helped before walking up to the hostess. He couldn't have been more than 19 years old.

I said, "Oh, thank you, we are waiting for take out." The soldier smiled, gave us a little bow and, then, was quickly whisked away to his seat by the hostess.

I turned to my son and said, "I love his manners and kindness."

Andy looked at me and said, "It's easy."

Asking him what he meant by that, he gently brushed something off of his pants and scanned the restaurant, searching for the soldier.

Andy said, "It's easy to be nice to people, Mom. It's hard to be mean."

Once again, I was struck by my child's wisdom. Even my son knew, at the young age of 16 yrs. old, that it takes way MORE energy to be cruel than it does to be kind!"

Happy Birthday to my sweet and sensitive Soul, Andy!

May you walk in peace and kindness today, gifting everyone you meet with a smile and remembering Andy's words, "It's easy!" <3


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Sunday SMH, Friends!

Happy Sunday! Whatever you do today, I hope you have a few moments to breathe in the energy of the land.

Heal your Heart, Heal your Life

Spirit message for the day, "Your heart binds you, or frees you, to live your best life. Heal your heart, heal your life."

Your Strength is in Your Gentle Kindness!

Spirit message for the day, "Your strength is in your kindness."

Lighten Up your Life Purpose!

Spirit message for the day, "Your life purpose evokes an ache, a calling that cannot be denied. Embrace it with all your might. It is part of you. Inside of you. All you have to do is let it out to play."