Monday, October 8, 2018

Your Way Is The Right Way

Spirit Story for the week, "Do whatever helps you get in the zone.”

The number one question I get asked by my clients is 'how' to connect with their guides/god/divine/source (whatever you want to call it).

And, I never have an easy answer. 

Oh, how I wish I did!

Learning 'how' to tap into your intuition, meet your spirit guides, and receive your own different for everyone.

Meditation is a tool that can speed up the process, but traditional meditation does NOT work for everyone.

This is when people become frustrated with themselves...or they think they are doing something wrong.

I get this!

We have this image of people meditating, don't we?

You know--just someone sitting by candlelight with soft music playing in the background, breathing (while smiling peacefully), and hearing crystal clear messages from the heavens above. 

Oh, like the pic I attached to this post? 

Yeah, kind of like THAT!

Only, I wasn't meditating in this pic. I was sitting in the grass afraid the ants were crawling up my skirt while my daughter told me to 'look peaceful'.


Funny thing is...meditating looks differently for everyone. And, connecting to the higher realms? Well, that just takes good old fashioned practice.

So, you are not doing anything wrong if you shut your eyes and DON'T start seeing earth shattering visions!

It can take years to figure out what works for YOU.

I can't stress this enough..there is no right or wrong way to relax, to meditate, or to connect to your Soul and/or higher powers.

I have clients that go sit under a tree in their backyard with a joint in one hand and a shot of whiskey in another.

This is how they relax and let go. This is how sacred messages come through for them.

Is this wrong? Absolutely not!

The 'how' doesn't matter.

I have other clients that receive insights ONLY in the shower. Awesome. That works!

You don't need to be eating kale and only organic foods to 'connect' to your spirit animals.

Trust me.

I have clients that drink mountain dew and listen to Linkin Park to relax. This is when their intuition is the sharpest.


I have other clients that have to be loaded up with essential oils, listening to Native American flute music, while holding onto dozens of stones/crystals in order to 'connect'!

Some of my clients need to crank the tunes and go for a drive to get clear. Yay!

Others simply go for a walk and have Spirits shouting in their ears. 😄

Some of my clients need to dance it out, write it out, paint it out, or do something else that they love to get them into “the zone”.

Fucking great!

And still, I have other clients that don't need to be doing anything at all to receive sacred messages from the other side.

Information flows to these clients anytime, anywhere, with no rhyme or reason. It's random and unexpected.

Some of my clients are dream psychics. They go to bed and somehow, their ancestors, deceased animals, and spirit guides are able to contact them.

It just is their Way. We ALL have our Way.

Don't rush it.

Don't feel bad if 'nothing happens' right away.

The ONE thing I can tell you is that it can take practice for those of us that don't just instantly receive messages/signs/symbols.

The good news?

If you consistently set an intention to connect, YOU WILL over time.

Eventually, information will be offered in a way that only you understand.

The signs and symbols will become familiar. There will be patterns.

You will begin to understand who, what, and 'how' your unique intuition works.

So, take the pressure off of yourself!

You are doing just fine!

And, please don't compare yourself to others.

This is YOUR journey.
It is individual.
It is powerful.
It is special.

You will find your Way.
Trust yourself and don't you ever EVER give up!"

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