Sunday, October 28, 2018

Shamanic Mountain Healing Spirit Messages 2018

#sarahnorwood #shamanicmountainhealing #shamanicsoulguide #healing #shaman #shamanism #shamanicjourney #shamanic #shamanichealing #energyhealing #spiritguides #medium #psychic #empath #sensitive #health #loveyourself #youareyourgreatesthealer #truth #pain #darkness #light #thankyoudarkness #thankyoulight #2018 #spiritmessages #sight #feeler #clairvoyant #clairaudient #heal

Monday, October 8, 2018

Your Way Is The Right Way

Spirit Story for the week, "Do whatever helps you get in the zone.”

The number one question I get asked by my clients is 'how' to connect with their guides/god/divine/source (whatever you want to call it).

And, I never have an easy answer. 

Oh, how I wish I did!

Learning 'how' to tap into your intuition, meet your spirit guides, and receive your own different for everyone.

Meditation is a tool that can speed up the process, but traditional meditation does NOT work for everyone.

This is when people become frustrated with themselves...or they think they are doing something wrong.

I get this!

We have this image of people meditating, don't we?

You know--just someone sitting by candlelight with soft music playing in the background, breathing (while smiling peacefully), and hearing crystal clear messages from the heavens above. 

Oh, like the pic I attached to this post? 

Yeah, kind of like THAT!

Only, I wasn't meditating in this pic. I was sitting in the grass afraid the ants were crawling up my skirt while my daughter told me to 'look peaceful'.


Funny thing is...meditating looks differently for everyone. And, connecting to the higher realms? Well, that just takes good old fashioned practice.

So, you are not doing anything wrong if you shut your eyes and DON'T start seeing earth shattering visions!

It can take years to figure out what works for YOU.

I can't stress this enough..there is no right or wrong way to relax, to meditate, or to connect to your Soul and/or higher powers.

I have clients that go sit under a tree in their backyard with a joint in one hand and a shot of whiskey in another.

This is how they relax and let go. This is how sacred messages come through for them.

Is this wrong? Absolutely not!

The 'how' doesn't matter.

I have other clients that receive insights ONLY in the shower. Awesome. That works!

You don't need to be eating kale and only organic foods to 'connect' to your spirit animals.

Trust me.

I have clients that drink mountain dew and listen to Linkin Park to relax. This is when their intuition is the sharpest.


I have other clients that have to be loaded up with essential oils, listening to Native American flute music, while holding onto dozens of stones/crystals in order to 'connect'!

Some of my clients need to crank the tunes and go for a drive to get clear. Yay!

Others simply go for a walk and have Spirits shouting in their ears. ðŸ˜„

Some of my clients need to dance it out, write it out, paint it out, or do something else that they love to get them into “the zone”.

Fucking great!

And still, I have other clients that don't need to be doing anything at all to receive sacred messages from the other side.

Information flows to these clients anytime, anywhere, with no rhyme or reason. It's random and unexpected.

Some of my clients are dream psychics. They go to bed and somehow, their ancestors, deceased animals, and spirit guides are able to contact them.

It just is their Way. We ALL have our Way.

Don't rush it.

Don't feel bad if 'nothing happens' right away.

The ONE thing I can tell you is that it can take practice for those of us that don't just instantly receive messages/signs/symbols.

The good news?

If you consistently set an intention to connect, YOU WILL over time.

Eventually, information will be offered in a way that only you understand.

The signs and symbols will become familiar. There will be patterns.

You will begin to understand who, what, and 'how' your unique intuition works.

So, take the pressure off of yourself!

You are doing just fine!

And, please don't compare yourself to others.

This is YOUR journey.
It is individual.
It is powerful.
It is special.

You will find your Way.
Trust yourself and don't you ever EVER give up!"

2018 Fall Newsletter & Discounts!

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"
FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 
Happy Fall 2018!
I will not heal you. YOU will heal you. I’ll be beside you—cheering you on, gently rocking you if needed, crying in the darkness if that is where your Soul takes us, screaming with you as YOU release your traumas and fears...but, I won’t heal you. I won’t take credit for anything at all. I will only help YOU understand that YOU-my dear brave one- have the greatest ability to heal yourself. Only you.

~Love, The Shamanic Soul Guide❤
Shamanic Mountain Healing is offering:
 $10 Off All Services Until the End of October!

Balance your chakras, strengthen your aura, heal trauma energy, travel to a past life, unblock your energy field or learn how to become your very own Shaman!

**Email: with the type/length of session and Sarah will send you an invoice (via Paypal) with the discounted price! See below for more detailed information about the Shamanic Mountain Healing's Services. 
Who is Sarah Norwood?

Sarah Norwood is the Shaman that live WITH Spirit and WITHOUT rules! She owns Shamanic Mountain Healing in the beautiful state of Colorado. For over 27 years, Sarah has practiced Shamanic Healing. She dances in the human and spirit worlds, offering her clients a variety of healing services which may include: chakra balancingkarmic cleansingaura repairpast life regression, soul retrieval, sacred messages directly from spirit/ancestors, and helping people to connect with their spirit guides. Sarah merges the two ancient healing techniques of Shamanism and Reiki in alternate realms in order to help you heal your energy, mind, body, & soul.

Sarah believes that everyone has the ability to heal themselves. She does not take credit as a 'healer'. She simply assists YOU in your own special healing. Guiding people to become their very own Shaman is an incredible passion of Sarah's. This is why Sarah now offers personalized Shamanic Soul Guidance sessions in addition to her (distance) Intuitive Energy Healing/Readings which allow her to work with people all over the world.

Every person is different and has unique gifts/abilities to share with this world. Sarah's job is to help you learn how to heal yourselffirst so that you may one day you may share your healing powers with others.

What type of healing session should I try? What are my options?
Shamanic Mountain Healing's Services:

DISTANCE Intuitive Energy Healing/Readings:

During a DISTANCE Intuitive Energy Healing/Reading session, Sarah meditates and goes on a Shamanic journey. Once she travels to this alternate realm in the Spirit world, she calls on your Soul to join her. Then, Sarah utilizes a powerful and unique healing process is called Shamanic Reiki- a beautiful combination of two ancient healing methods, Shamanism and Reiki. Distance energy healing utilizes an energetic process where the Shaman is in one location and the client is in another.

During an intuitive energy healing/reading session, Sarah not only calls on your Spirit, she calls on spirit guides/helpers (animal, ancestor, and angel guides) and any other enlightened beings to help you heal a current or past issue or trauma.

Distance energy healing is extremely powerful as energy is not bound by time or space. It can be felt across the Universe at anytime, anywhere. Sarah’s gifts are enhanced in a deep, meditative trance-like state. This why her energy healing sessions are *NOT* done by phone or in person.

In Sarah’s energy sessions, she utilizes a variety of healing modalities including Shamanic Reiki, traditional Reiki, aura repair, chakra balancing, soul retrieval and recovery, karmic cleansing, and soul possession clearing.

Sarah, also, has the gift of channeling psychic messages during your sessions. Oh how we crave so many answers in our life! What is our life purpose? Will I get that job? Is he/she the ONE? Sarah is able to tap into the Universe and ask Spirit for these answers. Whether you are looking for information about your relationships, finances, career, etc., Sarah asks her Guides to show you the Way. She ‘scans’ your energy field and taps into your innate truths.

Remember, EVERYTHING is temporary and YOU have the POWER to change and shift your own reality in any moment. Her readings will give you a ‘current’ answer, but the rest is up to you!Sarah will ask Spirit and the Universe for the answers to all your questions. Sarah asks her guides for a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Sometimes, they will elaborate on the answers and sometimes not. Sarah relies solely on her Spirit Guides (and yours), and the Universe, to send her the answers you are seeking.

Your spirit tells Sarah a story which guides her and the Shamanic Reiki energy to go wherever it needs to go in order to heal you. The more consistent energy healing sessions, the faster you can heal and release what no longer serves you, so that you can move forward to a happier, healthier and more balanced life!

”Your spirit tells Sarah a story as you travel together in a Shamanic realm.”

Sarah will ask her spirit guides, as well as yours, to guide you during your energy healing journey. Sometimes, just removing stagnant energies and repairing the aura is the only purpose of the healing session. Other times, things go deeper; Sarah may need to help cut cords, connect you to a lost loved one, or heal various parts of you that are in pain.

Remember, the energy and messages come through Sarah, not from Sarah. These sessions are about you, not her. Sarah does not try to interpret them. She only relays the information that is channeled through her and, frequently, what she see does not make sense to her! Sometimes, several spirits come inside of Sarah’s body and perform the work on clients. Other times, Sarah simply sees or hears the spirits as situations play out before her eyes. They (the spirits) visually show Sarah what is going on within a person.

Sarah is able to scan and ‘read’ someone’s body and see where blocked energy or specific memories are stored. The spirits even yell at Sarah or joke to get their point across! Every session is completely different. She never know what will happen! Her job is to simply watch, feel and listen. Sarah ‘assists’ you and the spirit guides to facilitate your unique healing process.

These transformative sessions are not completed on the phone with you because Sarah finds that distance energy healing/readings are more effective when performed in a deep, transitive and alternate, shamanic state. Once Sarah is connected to spirit in an alternate, Shamanic realm, she records your energy healing session while sharing everything she sees/feels/hears simultaneously with you.

**After the completion of your 60 or 75 min. session, Sarah will immediately email you a customized audio recording in an MP3 format that you may keep forever. Your MP3 audio file will be sent via DropBox so that you can easily download and listen to your session at your convenience

2.) Shamanic Soul Guide: BE Your Own Shaman Sessions:

No matter where you are in the world, experience one-on-one (intensive) Shamanic Soul Guidance LIVE with Sarah via Skype or FaceTime! These ‘close up and personal’ sessions are for people that desire to to take their healing practice to the next level! Create your very own Shamanic healing practice or learn how to heal yourself with Shamanic Reiki techniques. These 75 minute sessions are offered in a Skype OR FaceTime format so that you are working face-to-face with Sarah as she lovingly guides you to finding YOUR WAY of healing.

These sessions are for the beginner level all the way up to advanced. If you have always wanted to learn how to meditate, journey to alternate realms in the Spirit world, meet your Spirit Guides, or even learn how to become a certified Shamanic Practitioner…these Skype or FaceTime Sessions are for YOU! 

Sarah was once a 19 year old woman that walked into an office for what she thought would be an acupuncture session. It turned out that the doctor was, in fact, a very powerful Shaman from the East Coast. Little did she know that he would teach me how to go safely on a Shamanic journey through meditation and heal herself for the next 27 years! So, she’s been there. She knows how lonely it can feel at first. Sarah will take your hand and walk WITH you through all your fears. She will guide you through the darkness AND the light.

Shamanic Soul Guide: BE Your Own Shaman Sessions may include:Live Energy Healings, Usui Reiki Training, Shamanic Meditation Techniques, The History of Shamanism and Reiki, Shamanic Practitioner Level Training, Intuitive Mentoring, Psychic Energy Readings, Unlimited Email Support, and More! These intensive 75 minute sessions will offer you an incredible opportunity (and a safe space) to explore your inner gifts at a much deeper level. Sarah, also, gives you a free Shamanic Soul Guide journal to help you express your deepest desires!

With 27 years of Shamanic practice under her belt, Sarah is so happy to to finally be able to share ALL of her own wisdom, tips, stories, heart and Soul with you

Sarah Norwood will lovingly mentor and teach you how to discover YOUR special Way to becoming your very own Shaman! Anyone can learn how to practice Shamanic healing! You don’t have to be ‘spiritual’ or ‘psychic’ to do this. You only have to be open to exploring the depths of your Soul- even if it hurts, even if it makes you furious, sad or scared. We will get down to business together! We will embrace what works for you, what you love, what relaxes you, what calls your Soul’s name and ignites your passions.

Your Way is the ‘right way’ to heal!

Sarah Norwood will mentor you on how to safely go on exciting Shamanic journeys to the Spirit world, help you enter alternate realms in the Spirit world, meet your Spirit Guides, learn how to open your own chakras, fly beside you into a past lives, cut karmic cords, clear negative energy from your life and so much MORE!

Becoming your own Shaman will open you up to a whole new world of love, forgiveness, empowerment, abundance and a peace you may never have known before. Shamanic Healing can be profound and life-altering, offering a life beyond your wildest dreams!

Sarah will meet you where YOU are in your healing practice, helping you discover YOUR unique gifts. There is no right or wrong way to heal yourself. Sarah will help you identify, and expand upon, the gifts you already have inside of you! Sarah will gently assist you on your unique healing path–leading you directly to your life purpose! Sarah will mentor you, listen to you, support you and help you expand upon your own intuitive gifts!

**These sessions are offered by DISTANCE through Skype OR FaceTime to allow Sarah to work with people all over the world!**

See how quickly your energy shifts when you decide to meet anger with love, fear with love, pain with love, and frustration with love. Your day can only improve when you choose to meet every toxic person/situation with love. Love transmutes all negativity. ~Sarah 
Shamanic Mountain Healing, Nationwide, Worldwide, Natiowide 80222, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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What Are You Growing?

Spirit's Story For The Week, "Be careful what you grow."

Every day, I ask myself the same question: What am I growing in my relationships?
In the beginning of my marriage, I was very insecure. 
Like the kind of insecure that you don't want to talk about. 
The ugly kind. 
The kind that makes you question your own sanity on a daily basis.
My jealousy was simply out of control.
I compared myself to every other woman on the planet.
And, god freaking forbid if my husband even looked at another female in my presence.
My perceptions of what was happening right before my eyes was DEEPLY skewed because of years of abuse and my struggle with anorexia.
So, it didn't matter if my husband just glanced at an attractive mind instantly went to this false reality where I just KNEW he would cheat on me.
Why? Well, I had never not been cheated on.
I had never had a man want to 'stay' with me.
I had never had a man not lie to me.
I had never had someone just fucking love me for me- and not my body.
And, if they did? I wouldn't believe them anyway!
I was famous for driving men away. I had to always be the one to run first.
Until, my husband.
Those first two years of our marriage sucked. Yep.
I pointed out everything he was doing wrong.
In some twisted way, this was how I protected myself if he ever did decide to leave.
I could say, 'well, that's because he did this, or that.'
Staying constantly angry and hyper focused on what was NOT going well almost ended our marriage even before it began.
Not that my husband was perfect. He wasn’t- as we all have our own “stuff”.
We were both wounded in different ways. His way of dealing with something was by not dealing with it. Facing issues was not comfortable. The weather was. When things got bad, we talked about the weather.
Still (back then), I was chronically pissed at men.
At myself.
At the world.
Yes, the sexual abuse, rape, and domestic violence didn't help--but I took things to the extreme.
I am still surprised my new husband didn't just pack up in those first few months and run far, far away.
ALL the energy I put into our relationship (at first) was negative.
I had zero trust in anyone, but my children.
In fact, I think I only began to REALLY trust my husband this year. Yes, over a decade later! Sounds awful to say that, but it's my truth.
I'm owning this. I think it's difficult to trust if you feel emotionally unsafe all the time.
Thing is, no one can make you feel safe but YOU.
I didn't understand this for years, though, and all of my relationships suffered.
So even though my husband didn't hurt me, he didn't always stand up for me either.
This felt like the worst kind of betrayal.
I would scream, "I need just one man to protect me in my life!"
Sadly, my old habit of retreating into spiked armor didn't break until my husband finally DID stand up for me.
Through LOTS AND LOTS of Shamanic healing, I realized the problem I had with trust wasn't my husband's fault.
It was about me--and how my past experiences were cancelling out every GOOD thing in our relationship.
I was the one 'growing' all the wrong stuff.
I was growing the past. Over and over.
I didn't nurture us.
Always assuming the worst before it even happened hardened the dirt beneath our feet.
I was growing resentment instead of trust.
Anger instead of openness.
Pain instead of love.
Fear instead of safety.
If I wanted trust to grow, I had to pay attention to what I DID trust about my husband. About all the people in my life.
I knew I had to grow a different kind of love.
I had to pour my energy into what was GREAT about my husband. I had to focus on what he was doing right! Which was a LOT.
I had to remember what made me fall in love with him in the first place.
I was so caught up in how he "might" hurt me that I stopped seeing all the genuine beauty in him.
In us.
The more I focused on what I loved about him, the more our healthy LOVE GREW.
We grew.
I spent years staying stagnant in fear because some guy kicked my ass 25 years ago.
It's not my husband's job to make me feel secure.
Or, loved.
Or, even happy.
It's not his job to heal me.
It's mine.
And, I've chosen to grow that.

 Eric & Sarah's Wedding Day 9/7/07

 Eric & Sarah Norwood's Vowel Renewal On 10 year Anniversary

Eric & Sarah Norwood's 11 Year Wedding Anniversary

#truth #marriage #relationships #trust #safety #love #healing #wounds #grow #growlove #whatareyougrowing #sarahnorwood #ericandsarahnorwood #ourlovestory #uglytruths #getreal #sharingmytruthsoyoufeelsafeenoughtoshareyours #shamanicsoulguide #shamanism #shamanicreiki #reiki #shamanichealing #chakrabalancing #energyhealer #shaman #theshamanandtheengineer