Thursday, October 8, 2015

Happiness Is A Choice

Happiness is a choice like any other. A lot of people want to be happy, but do very little to make that happen. Our thoughts create our choices. Our choices creates our lives. The energy of our lives attracts absolutely everything- good and bad- to us. Happy is as happy does!

 Choose wisely. Here are 5 ways to lead you on the road to happiness!

  1. Ask yourself, "Will this bring me closer to health and happiness or further away?" This goes for everything. Will this food, drink, decision, thought or action bring me closer to my divine being or destroy all the goodness I desire to manifest? Are your behaviors leading you to freedom or prison? Are you moving forward or creating a prison of unhealthy choices?
  2. Do what makes your body feel good--whatever that may be. Everyone is different. What makes you feel good may not be what makes someone else feel good whether it is exercise, food or something else. When your body feels good, your mind feels good. When your mind is thinking positive thoughts, you connect with your Soul's energy and natural state of light and love.This opens up a flow of unlimited, abundant energy into your life.
  3. Choose the energy that you engage with wisely as this will determine what you attract into your life. Are you tapping into negative/toxic people or situations? Are you staying away from people that bring you down or deplete your energy? Are you meeting other people's anger with anger. What you choose to connect with directly affects the state of your happiness.
  4. What happened yesterday is not happening today. Only an energy is leftover from yesterday if you choose to bring it into your today. You can carry it with you or let it go. Remember, the pain or anger that manifests from your 'yesterdays' is outside of you. It isn't real unless you make it real! You can dive into this past energy and let it engulf you, or you can take a step back and see it for what it is, and what it is teaching you. You can even imagine the residual energy of your past being released back to whomever or whatever it came from. This way, it has no hold over your life. It can't block you from moving forward.
  5. Be present. Today. Only today matters. How well can you love yourself today? How are you feeling today? What can you fill yourself up with today that will allow you to overflow with your own love and light? We can't give to others if we have nothing left to give. Be in the now. Have gratitude for THIS MOMENT. This automatically allows you to generate new, fresh and healthy energy. Be grateful you are still breathing. Still alive and able to experience the miracles of love and life. It's a choice! 

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