Wednesday, May 27, 2015

5 Tips to Survive Mercury in Retrograde!

5 Tips to Survive Mercury in Retrograde! (May 19- June 11)

1.) Let go- You can't control the outcome of anything during this time period. Most everything will not go 'according to plan'. Be open to working with unpredictable energies!

2.) Stay grounded- The energy is intense during retrograde. This can trigger old emotional wounds. Taking care of yourself (meditation, getting out in nature, exercising, etc.), will help you not take on the energy in the Universe. Breathe, step back, center your body and know that 'this too shall pass'!

3.) Trust your intuition- Intuitive energies are high at this time. It is a GREAT time to connect to your spiritual gifts. Trust your first thoughts, your gut reactions. Look for signs and symbols from Spirit. Ask for a 'sign' and you WILL receive!

4.) Don't make life changing decisions- Ever heard of the old saying, 'sleep on it'? Contracts, deals, purchases, big decisions...should all wait until after mercury in retrograde! The energy will shift and new ideas/thoughts and discoveries will be made crystal clear once the chaotic energy is over.

5.) Be aware of communication issues- This is a time where people really misinterpret each other. Perceptions are somewhat 'off' and it is very difficult to express our feelings with clarity. There is often increased arguing during retrogrades. Have an awareness of this and try not to take things personally if you can!

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