Thursday, October 29, 2015

I Fell In Love With Him Long Before The First Punch: Breaking The Cycle of Domestic Violence


[Author’s note: This is really a Teen Dating Violence story. One in three teens will be in an abusive or unhealthy relationship. It is huge, but there is not enough awareness. You can learn more about these issues here.]

I fell hard. I fell fast. I fell into him—in all ways.

I was 13 years old, and he was my first love. My first everything.
I loved him. Just this fact played a tremendous role in why I stayed.
Next time would be different, right? Yes, next time. The excuses were plentiful.
He was tired. He was stressed. He was drunk. I said something to piss him off.
Bobby had a way of twisting everything around. I was so confused that I questioned absolutely everything about myself. I didn’t know what was real or manufactured in Bobby’s head.
I was annoying for asking him where he was last night, right? He would love me more if I just shut up.
Yep. That’s it.
Soon, Bobby’s questions turned into accusations, slaps, pushes, pinches, pulling of my hair and countless beatings.
What stays embedded in my mind the most from this horrific time period was Bobby’s evil smile as he would spit on my face and even threaten to kill me.
Bobby told me that nobody could have me, and that if I left him he would just “kill us both.”

I was a “thing.” His thing.

He didn’t treat me as a human being with valid feelings and thoughts. Soon, I didn’t treat myself as a person either; I followed his lead.
I forgave him. Every. Single. Time.
After his two-week-long alcohol binges, Bobby would show up at my doorstep with those big, watery blue eyes, begging for another chance. He would swear that he would never hurt me again and that I was the best thing that ever happened to him.
That was all it took for me to hop right back on the dangerous roller coaster ride of the relationship we shared.
Our notorious fights typically began with the slightest mention of the opposite sex. We were both so insecure that one can of Budweiser would crack open up a thick, bloody wound inside of our souls. We would stomp on this un-healable gash, willingly pour salt in it and then clamp it open until the violent energy struck us both again.
Yes, I said “both.” I was an equally active participant in the violence. I cut him with my words, and he pounded me with his fist.
I was beaten in front of people at parties. People would eagerly watch the “Sarah and Bobby show” and then have the nerve to invite him to leave the party with them! I was never asked if I needed help.
I was the freak.
Obviously, I had done something to trigger Bobby’s anger. People would turn their heads and hearts away from me as if they were embarrassed to know me. After all, I was the crazy girl screaming bloody murder on the front lawn!
A spectacle. A disgrace.
Why would anyone think it was his fault?

The cycle of violence is really a manipulative b*tch.

I was the one making a loud scene, swearing for all I was worth and clawing at him as he kept hitting me. How dare I claw him, right?
Bobby was charming and sweet to others. I was viewed as a hysterical, out of control girl.
I was blamed, judged and misunderstood.
One night, Bobby’s best friend waited until he left after another round of blows. This friend brought me to his house and gently put ice on my purple bruises. This was one of the kindest things anyone had ever done for me. My shins were busted open, and that cold ice felt so good.
Bobby’s best friend asked me, “Why do you let him do this to you?” It was the first time anyone acknowledged the physical abuse to my face.
I told him, “Because nobody else would want me. Look at me? I’m fucked up!”

Crazy is as crazy does.

Somehow, the perpetrator convinces the victim that it is their fault. When you’re on the road to crazy land, it is hard to think logically even about the most basic situations. For example, Bobby would show up with huge hickeys on his neck from his latest affair, look me right in the eye, and swear that I gave them to him.

And, I would believe him!

Domestic violence dances with seductive highs and dangerous lows.

Doubting myself was a daily activity. I questioned everything about myself right down to whether the size of my boobs would make Bobby not cheat.

He had a way of twisting every word I spoke.

This only solidified my own belief that I was dumb, dirty and bad. Maybe I deserved my boyfriend’s rage for all of my stupid mistakes?

Yes, that was it.

What I really was, was a damaged teenage girl just trying to survive. But, when you are in it, rational thinking goes right out the window.

Here’s the thing, I became him.

I own this. I became just as jealous, violent, manipulative and desperate. After five years of draining physical and mental abuse, Bobby tried to smother my face with a pillow.

I was actually thinking, “I’m ok with this,” until he took the pillow off my tear smudged face and began to cry.

I knew then that if I stayed with him, I might not live another year.

Something inside of me wanted to live. I don’t know what part of me that was, but I am thankful for it today. After that frightening incident, I got a restraining order and left Bobby.

But, I still wasn’t done—done with the cycle of violence. My physical body “left,” but my spirit and mind took decades to heal.

If only the physical damage were the hardest part. The emotional scars are far, far worse.

If it weren’t for the births of my two children, I would be six feet under.

I was an addict.

Addicted to the highs and lows of the power struggle—not only with the guys in my life, but with the battle that raged inside of me too. It was my drug, my pain, my humiliation, my rage, my comfort and my secret hell.

I needed it—just as an addict needs her or his next fix. My fix was the cycle of being built up and broken down.

One in three teens will be in an abusive relationship. Spreading awareness is key!

Today, I can look back on everything that I experienced with gratitude. Every person that hurt me forced me to look inward and heal what was attracting their darkness in the first place. By healing me, I learned how to help others. Connecting to my own pain, allows me to connect with the pain in others.

I wrote this article neither for sympathy, nor for attention. Rather, I wrote it for people who are on the endless hamster wheel of domestic violence and for the family and friends wondering “why” their loved one stays.

Here are five things to remember if you are a victim, survivor or witnessing domestic violence:

1. The confusion the victim feels is similar to being brain washed. Broken down. Give him/her an understanding ear versus a lecture to of why they should “leave.” To understand the Cycle of Violence better, visit this page.

2. If you are a victim/survivor, you are not alone. There are resources, hope and loving arms to embrace you when you are ready.

3. There are many factors that play a role in a victim’s decision to stay or go. Keeping children safe, animals and losing everything are just a few.

4. Be gentle with yourself. No one else is in your shoes. There is no handbook for what you should feel or do. Loving yourself is a process. Forgive yourself. You are doing the best you can. Transforming from victim to survivor is an individual healing journey.

5. For family and friends, remember they are already feeling bad about themselves. Be patient. Be sensitive. Just listen. You can’t save them. Domestic violence is extremely isolating; don’t take it personally. Offer acceptance and be there no matter what. Something within the victim has to shift before they can even begin the road to healing and happiness.

Sometimes falling apart is the one thing that puts you back together again.

Relephant Read:

Why Domestic Violence Victims Don’t Always Leave. {Video}

Author: Sarah Norwood

Editor: Toby Israel

Photo: Jeffrey/Flickr

About Sarah Norwood

Sarah Norwood is an energy healer, psychic medium and founder of Sarah’s Safe Houses which is a registered 501 (3) non-profit dedicated to providing financial assistance to Safe House shelters across America. Sarah is happily married to a “gentle” man and the Mom to two amazing people. Sarah lives in her dream home, doing her dream job while living her dream life in the beautiful mountains of Colorado! Sarah works with trauma victims/survivors and people all over the world at Shamanic Mountain Healing.

Feel Your Sh_t!

[Warning: Strong language ahead. If you don’t like words that start with “S” and rhyme with “wit,” you might want to move along.]

When did we start feeling bad for feeling bad?

Why are we taught how to live our “best lives,” but not how to love ourselves on our ugliest and darkest days?
Feeling like shit taught me everything I needed to know. (Not everything I wanted to know, but what I needed to know, about myself.)
When everything seemed to be going to hell, my mood swings, impulsive behaviors and rather strange thought process and actions made the most sense.
The “why” of it always revealed itself when I played hooky from work, stayed wrapped in a robe and let myself cry in the shower.
This is when I learned that feeling like shit is actually good for you!
So, I am giving you permission to feel like utter dog do-do, too.
Yes, like shit.
It’s when our body hurts, our emotions are scattered and our lives are decomposing before our eyes that we have an opportunity to learn the most about ourselves.
It is on our worst nights that we are forced to find the courage to go on. To feel every painful ache—physically and emotionally—caused by all our buried crap.
Living in a society that gives us guilt for not looking or feeling perfect at all times is a heavy burden to carry.
Putting a fake smile on your face, when deep down you just want to rage at your coworkers, family, friends or the guy flipping you the bird in traffic—it’s actually hurting you.
It’s denying you the validity of your most authentic feelings.

They are important. You are important. What you think is important.

Don’t hold in your pain and anguish until it explodes at Thanksgiving dinner over burnt biscuits. (Ummm, yeah, about that…)
Trust me, if we don’t honor our shit today, our loved ones may have the loony bin on speed dial tomorrow.
In fact, I’ve spent more than half of my life being sick because I suppressed my own feelings on the shitty days.
I would feel bad for feeling bad after traumas, hurtful arguments or difficult breakups. My medical diagnoses included: cervical cancer, fibromyalgia, anorexia, a rare mast cell disorder, bladder, stomach and colon disorders, depression, mono-hepatitis and anxiety. Need I go on?
All of this from cleverly holding in my dark and crazy shit.
Stored emotional pain eventually gives way to physical pain.
Literally and figuratively, my body manifested about twenty “dis-eases,” all because I chose to kick the dirt over my ugly wounds.
Instead of healing my gut-wrenching pain, I swept it under the carpet so that no one could see it.
Calmly presenting myself to the world as an Ann Taylor model look-alike with a gleaming smile and air of confidence was my M.O.
And, I killed it.
I was polished. I was perfect. But, was I?
Society told me to look this way or that, to eat certain foods, to drink lemon water, to buy expensive creams that would remove my wrinkles—remove any imperfections.
I had to feel and look great at all times. Yes, at all times. Or else, I might appear mentally ill or “abnormal.”
Since I did not sit down with my own shit, I let it build up as the years went on, and on and on, until I was so sick I almost died.

So, I’m starting a new revolution. We must embrace our darkest days as much as our most brilliant.

Our dark as much as our light.
To love it all.
Please don’t feel bad about feeling bad.
Love that part of you that thinks it is not okay to have a terrible day.
It is okay. It is more than okay to not always feel good.
After all, we’re human beings—not Buddha or Jesus Christ himself for crying out loud!
We are only people trying to survive in this wild and wondrous world of ours, which is packed full of sadness, tragedies and danger.
So, feel your shit!
By you being you, you allow me to be me.
By you feeling your yuckiness, I can feel mine.
We are all in this life together. Sharing our triumphs and championing our accomplishments, but also just being there for each other when the sun does not shine.
When the days feel long and pointless.
To truly be there for another, you need to be there for yourself at all times—the good, the bad and the downright shittiest of days.
I don’t want you to pick and choose when to like/love yourself according to how you feel.
Please don’t apologize.
Be in it. Roll around in it. It truly is the only way to freedom.
The next time someone tells you to “eat shit,” say, “Thanks, I’ll get right on that.”
Relephant Read:

We get what we Manifest: What’s In Your World? by Sarah Norwood

Author: Sarah Norwood
Editor: Toby Israel

About Sarah Norwood

Sarah Norwood is an energy healer, psychic medium and founder of Sarah’s Safe Houses, which is a registered 501 (3) non-profit dedicated to providing financial assistance to Safe House shelters across America. Sarah is happily married to a “gentle” man and mom to two amazing people. Sarah lives in her dream home, doing her dream job, while living her dream life in the beautiful mountains of Colorado! Sarah works with trauma victims/survivors and people all over the world at Shamanic Mountain Healing.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

We Get What We Manifest: What's In Your World?

Via Sarah Norwoodon Oct 20, 2015

Photo: Mysi via Flickr

My world is a beautiful place to be.

One thing that I’ve learned from 25 years of practicing Shamanic healing and meditation, is that I am solely responsible for my own life and everything in it.
I pick and choose which energies to focus on and which ones to let go.
I stopped watching the news years ago. It’s not that I don’t want to be aware of all the dangerous and important things happening in our world, it’s just that I am very careful where I place my energy.
Being a feeler, I can watch one disturbing crime being reported on the news for five minutes and will then be affected by it for five weeks.
It is so easy to get caught up in the gruesome details of today’s society and all of the atrocities.
It’s really easy to spend hours complaining about what is wrong with the world.
My daughter and son are also highly sensitive, intuitive people. Each of them have expressed how cruel people can be and have asked why anyone would even want to live in such a f*cked up world.
My only answer for this is that their world doesn’t have to be filled up with abuse, bullies, murderers, racists or any other of the countless disturbing images they see online.
Their world can consist of love, giving, healing and happiness.
What they choose to surround themselves with is all that matters.
What they choose to “plug in” to directly affects their well being.
What they choose to think about will help manifest the types of people and events they attract into their lives.
I asked them, “Why not focus your energy on what is right with the world?”
On the good people doing great things.
On the enlightenment and awakening that is happening, more than ever, around the universe.
Why not pour your precious energy into the guy giving water to a homeless person’s dog? The innocence of the baby that you nanny for? The evolutionary accomplishments of people who are taking a stance for equality.
The people fighting for animal and human rights.
We may not have control over the negativity in the world, but we do have control over how we choose to act and be in this wild world of ours.
I choose to stay positive and have unconditional faith in humanity.
I choose to feel hope and see the goodness in people.
It makes it that much easier to spread love, acceptance and compassion.
I am not in denial of the dark events taking place across the globe—it’s just that when I lend my energy to love, instead of hate, I find that love is what I get more of.
It may not make all the “bad things” go away, but I have to believe that the energy we are creating—with our own kindness towards others—will somehow reach those that feel none.

About Sarah Norwood

Sarah Norwood is an energy healer, psychic medium and founder of Sarah’s Safe Houses, which is a registered 501 (3) non-profit dedicated to providing financial assistance to Safe House shelters across America. Sarah is happily married to a “gentle” man and mom to two amazing people. Sarah lives in her dream home, doing her dream job, while living her dream life in the beautiful mountains of Colorado! Sarah works with trauma victims/survivors and people all over the world at Shamanic Mountain Healing.

                              Author: Sarah Norwood
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Photo: Flickr/Mysi

Monday, October 26, 2015

SMH's Fall 2015 Newsletter!

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"

FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 

Happy Fall 2015!
Special Deal for 60 Minute Distance Energy Healing session valid through Thanksgiving! Sarah's way of giving THANKS to you! Enjoy $15 off an hour session. CLICK HERE to receive this special discount!

Goodnight Moon.

With two retrogrades, impressive full moons and an eclipse, the energy in the Universe this Summer and Fall has been INTENSE! Been feeling more emotional, argumentative, exhausted, or manic? Wondering why your internal motor just won't quit? Or why stuff that you thought you healeddecades ago, came back with a bang?

And, just when you think things have finally calmed down...boom! Another retrograde. Another super moon. And, to top it off...a beautiful eclipse of a crimson full moon on September 27, 2015. Woah.

This astrological action put our feelings on steroids! Whatever you were feeling was enhanced tenfold as the planets moved backwards and the moon swelled and deflated again, and again. This meant that unexpected, mini explosions of anger erupted and fear's long fingers closed in on our throats without warning!

Things that you had carefully placed on the back burner, suddenly were begging for your attention. You could no longer 'ignore' the repetitive cycles of your own behaviors. The past came back to haunt us in a way it never has before. 

The planetary energy forced us to OWN our stuff and too take 100% responsibility. We could no longer conveniently blame anyone for our actions or words. We were forced to accept that we are solely the master creators of our lives

No one, and nothing outside of ourselves, can truly make us happy. 

The carpet was pulled out from under our feet and our old belief systems were challenged over and over. Replacing our deeply embedded, passionate convictions with new perspectives was NOT easy work!

Being triggered became a daily event for a lot of us, especially when Venus and Mercury were circling backwards! 

Essentially, these planets went 'back', and so did we--regurgitating our old traumas and threatening our present reality. 

We were asked to step up and heal ourselves once and for all. 

This powerful Summer and Fall energy taught us to slow down. It shined an enormous spotlight on what was working and what was not working in our lives. It helped us to focus on what was truly important and what we should let go.

This summer, Venus was in Retrograde. Relationships were put to the test. 

Should you stay, or should you go? Heal or run for the hills? 

Endings and beginnings were plentiful. Only the strong survived. The relationships where BOTH people wanted to get their hands dirty, dig deep and grow together endured. If not, they dissolved instantly as if they never even happened! 

Ok, so just when you think you FINALLY survived Venus doing the moonwalk in outer space, in danced our old friend, Mercury, this Fall. 

Uggghhhh, didn't we just survive a retrograde in Mercury in the beginning of the summer? YES. WE DID! And, just as it wasn't pretty then, it wasn't pretty this time around either. 

The leaves may be changing into glorious colors, but our insides were twisting and turning, tying into knots of gut wrenching anger or pain. 

Our buried 'stuff' was brought up all over again. 

Why? Why must we keep 'feeling' all of our 'feelings'?! 
Personally, I found myself having flashbacks and being re-triggered by events that occurred a quarter of a century ago! I had to stand my ground and let the unrelenting downpour soak me to the bone--without an umbrella...without a raincoat. 

I had to allow myself to weather the pounding rain as it kept attacking my raw body, mind and soul. I had to sit down and just be in ALL of it. Feel it. Absorb it. And, ponder what it was that I REALLY was supposed to finally learn from my past. 

Only when I accepted and healed what was coming up, AS IS, did the raging storm within transmute into calm waters. 

The breeze was gentler. My thoughts were not taking a pounding from the energy vibrating in the Universe any longer. 

There was a surrender. A silence. An internal understanding that if pain was coming up, it was supposed to come up. 
I didn't question it. I allowed it. And, I hope you did too!

Thank you, crazy planets. Thank you, retrogrades. I love you.

Goodnight, Moon.
Special Deal for 60 Minute Distance Energy Healing session valid through Thanksgiving! Sarah's way of giving THANKS to you! Enjoy $15 off an hour session. CLICK HERE to receive this special discount!
What's in Your World?

My world is a beautiful place to be.

One thing that I've learned from 25 years of practicing Shamanic healing and meditation, is that I am solely responsible for my own life and everything in it.

I pick and choose which energies to focus on, and which ones to let go.

I stopped watching the news years ago. It's not that I don't want to be aware of all the dangerous and important things happening in our world, it's just that I am very careful where I place my energy.

Being a 'feeler, I can watch one disturbing crime being reported on TV for 5 minutes and then be affected by it for 5 weeks.

It is so easy to get caught up in the gruesome details of today's society and all of the atrocities.

It's really easy to spend hours complaining about what is wrong with the world.

My daughter and son are also highly sensitive people. Each of them have expressed how cruel people can be and asked why would they even want to live in such a f-cked up world?

My only answer for this is that their world doesn't have to be filled up with abuse, bullies, murderers, racists, and disturbing images.

Their world can consist of love, giving, healing and happiness.

What they choose to surround themselves with is all that matters.

What they choose to 'plug in' to will directly affect their well being.

What they choose to think about will manifest the people and events they attract into their lives.

I asked them, "Why not focus your energy on what is right with the world?"

With the GOOD people doing GREAT things.

The enlightenment and awakening that is happening more than ever around the Universe.

Why not focus on the guy giving water to a homeless person's dog. The innocence of the baby that you nanny for. The evolutionary accomplishments of people who are taking a stance for equality.

The people fighting for animal and human rights.

We may not have control of the negativity in the world, but we do have control over how we choose to act and BE in this wild world of ours.

I choose to stay positive and have unconditional faith in humanity.

I choose to feel HOPE and see the goodness in people.

It makes it that much easier to spread love, acceptance and compassion.

I am not in denial or ignorant of the dark events taking place across the globe, it's just that when I lend my energy to love, instead of hate, I find that LOVE is what I get more of.

It may not make all the bad things go away, but I have to believe that the energy we are creating with our own kindness towards others will somehow reach those that feel none.

My world is a beautiful place to be. Is yours? 
Got Energy? Need a balance or boost? Get $10 off a 30 min. distance Chakra Balancing session through Thanksgiving! 
CLICK HERE to receive this special discount!
Skeptical of energy healing 'long distance'? Does it REALLY work? Discover what exactly a distance healing session is and what it can do for YOU!

What is a ‘distance’ Energy Healing Session?

During a distance energy healing session, Sarah meditates and goes on a Shamanic journey. Once she travels to this alternate realm, she calls on your Soul and provides Reiki energy healing. This powerful and unique healing process is called Shamanic Reiki- a beautiful combination of two ancient healing methods, Shamanism and Reiki. 

Distance energy healing utilizes an energetic process where the Shaman is in one location and the client is in another. During a distance session, Sarah not only calls on your Spirit, she calls on spirit guides/helpers (animal, ancestor, and angel guides) and any other enlightened beings to help you heal a current or past trauma/issue.

Distance healings are extremely powerful as energy is not bound by time or space. It can be felt across the Universe at anytime, anywhere. Sarah’s gifts are enhanced in a deep, meditative trance-like state. This why her energy healing sessions are NOT done by phone or in person.

In Sarah’s energy sessions, she utilizes a variety of healing modalities includingShamanic Reiki, traditional Reikiaura repairchakra balancingsoul retrieval and recovery, karmic cleansing, and soul possession clearing.

Each session is unique and personalized to your Spirit’s healing needs. All of Sarah’s sessions are recorded in an MP3 format and present like a psychic energy reading as I am able to channel not only healing Shamanic Reiki energy, but specific messages for you directly from Spirit.

Your spirit tells Sarah a story which guides her and the Shamanic Reiki energy to go wherever it needs to go in order to heal you. The more consistent energy healing sessions, the faster you can heal and release what no longer serves you, so that you can move forward to a happier, healthier and more balanced life!

”Your spirit tells Sarah a story as you travel together in a Shamanic realm.”

It is in this alternate, energetic realm that you will receive the healing energy. Often times, these journeys reveal what needs healing in you and other helpful tools that you can use, such as:

essential oils,
sage cleansing,
sound therapy,
body therapies (massage, reflexology, acupuncture, etc.),
stone and crystal energy healing, and
even traditional psycho-therapies.

Sarah will ask her spirit guides, as well as yours, to guide you during your energy healing journey. Sometimes, just removing stagnant energies and repairing the aura is the only purpose of the healing session. Other times, things go deeper; Sarah may need to help cut cords, connect you to a lost loved one, or heal various parts of you that are in pain.

Remember, the energy and messages come through Sarah, not from Sarah. These sessions are about you, not her. Sarah does not try to interpret them. She only relays the information that is channeled through her and, frequently, what she see does not make sense to her! Sometimes, several spirits come inside of Sarah’s body and perform the work on clients. Other times, Sarah simply sees or hears the spirits as situations play out before her eyes. They (the spirits) visually show Sarah what is going on within a person.

Sarah is able to scan and ‘read’ someone’s body and see where blocked energy or specific memories are stored. The spirits even yell at Sarah or joke to get their point across! Every session is completely different. She never know what will happen! Her job is to simply watch, feel and listen. Sarah ‘assists’ you and the spirit guides to facilitate your unique healing process.

These transformative sessions are NOT completed on the phone with you because Sarah finds that distance healings are more effective when performed in a deep, transitive and alternate, meditative state. Once Sarah is connected to spirit in an alternate, Shamanic realm, she records your energy healing session while sharing everything she sees/feels/hears simultaneously with you.

After the completion of your distance energy healing session, Sarah will immediately email you a customized audio recording in an MP3 format that you may keep forever. Your MP3 audio file will be sent via DropBox so that you can easily download and listen to your session at your convenience.

"Working with Sarah and her shamanic healing has been one of the most profound experiences of my life. It has literally changed me. Forever. Her work is extraordinary. Her wisdom profound. Her caring unending. Experiencing her shamanic work has been incredibly transformative. Incredibly. With each journey I have deepened my connection to Spirit, I have found my voice and I am living with more peace and joy than ever before. It took forty years to get to this point…and with just one healing session I was altered and on the road to healing. In a way I never even knew existed. ” ~Shanna Persian, Colorado Springs

“All….. Here is my experience with Shamanic Mountain: About three years ago I was experiencing lower back pain that was persisting after lifting something heavy. I engaged Sarah to use her Reiki prowess to heal this discomfort. After a set of six sessions I departed these procedures, and soon after this my back became normal again with a complete recovery. It is my opinion Sarah’s Reiki is the reason for my healing.” ~Charlie Pickering, Colorado Springs

"Sarah is simply amazing! Her readings are ALWAYS spot on! Now, you may listen and even think at the time “there is no way this can be true” well, give it a few weeks and see what happens! Sarah helps …you focus and gain new perspectives on any issues you may have or just in your everyday life. She has really helped me grow spiritually and mentally as a person. If you have found your way to Sarah, believe me, you were meant to find her. There is a reason you have crossed paths with her and it didn’t happen by chance, it is meant to be! She has a truly amazing gift and I’m so happy she chose to share it with the world!” ~Beth Rein, Alabama

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Social Life 
Yes, not only is Shamanic Mountain Healing on Twitter, Facebookand YouTube, it now has a Blog! Social media is a beautiful way to connect with people, share Spirit stories/messages, talk about energy, chakras, Shamanic healing and how to live  your DREAM LIFE. Check out SMH's Blog here today! Shamanic Mountain Healing's Blog!
Shamanic Mountain Healing, Nationwide, Worldwide, Natiowide 80222, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.
