Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

One More Day!

Mercury in retrograde has dug up lots of old goodies.Things have gently, or violently, risen to the surface to be healed once and for all.

Couples are fighting, parents are struggling, kids are wondering why things feel so dang intense an...
d people's doubts and insecurities are heightened tenfold.

THE GOOD NEWS...1) Only one more days of retrograde, so hang in there! 2.) Your NOT alone! 3.) EVERYTHING is going to be Ok.

So, take a big step back, a few calming breaths, and review the difficult lessons and invaluable gifts offered to you by Spirit this month.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Give Yourself What You Need From Others

Just for today, I will give myself the love and respect that I 

am not receiving from another person. I will fill up that void 

in my heart with my very own light. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Energy of 'Feeling Love' Lightens Emotions

Spirit message for the day, "Instead of analyzing 'why' you are feeling sad or depressed, go love something. Instead of talking about 'why' you are angry, go love something.

Instead of trying to escape your anxiety, go love something. 

It can be your pet, a person, a place, a tree, a favorite exercise, a memory, a song...even a pumpkin  - doesn't matter what 'IT' is, only that you 'feel love' for it. 

The energy of ' feeling love' instantly lifts away the heaviness of these other emotions. 

What can you LOVE today that will transmute your energy back to a more loving and happier space?"

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Love Your Life Now!

Just for today, I will surrender to where I am at in life. I will not place constant pressure upon my Soul to always have to 'do something' in order to 'get somewhere'. I will love and accept my life AS IS in this moment!

Monday, October 13, 2014

FREE Stuff!

Happy Monday, Shamanic Mountain Healing friends! Want some great deals on energy work this Holiday season? Enjoy reading about EVERYTHING energy? Sarah will share tips on how to protect your energy from others, balance your chakras, seal your aura, explore the ancient healing techniques of Shamanism and Reiki, teach you how to connect to your Spirit guides and power animals, share messages directly from Spirit and more! Click HERE to Sign up for SMH's FREE newsletter and special offers today!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Check Out SMH's Holiday Specials!

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"
FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 
Do the Holidays stress you out? Do you start to feel overwhelmed the second you hear, 'Santa Clause Is Coming to Town', in your local department store? Have no fear, Sarah's energy healing is here! Check out three discounted offers that run all the way through New Year's Day! 

This budget friendly 60 Min. Energy Healing session is $15 off starting right NOW! Sarah's Energy Healing sessions may include: Shamanic Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, Karmic Cleansing, Sacred Messages, contact with your Spirit Guides/Power Animals & so much more! Click HERE for this SPECIAL OFFER!

During the Holiday rush, it is really easy to tap into chaotic, painful, angry or stressful energy in the Universe. Stay balanced with Sarah's 30 Min. Chakra Balancing session! Hit that refresh button, and once again be in alignment with your mind, body and Spirit. Sometimes, all we need is a little energetic maintenance work to feel back on track! Click HERE for this SPECIAL OFFER!

Need clarity? Not sure which direction to go? Why not have Sarah speak directly with Spirit and ask the questions which will bring you the peace of mind you deserve this Holiday season. Take advantage of $20 off a 45 Min. Psychic ReadingClick Here for this SPECIAL OFFER!
Want to know 'What to Expect' for any of the above services! 

Sometimes, we don't know which 'service' is right for us. In this case, a simple Gift Certificate may be the best choice! GO HERE to learn about ALL of SMH's Services! Give the Gift of Healing to yourself or someone you care about this Holiday season. CLICK HERE for Shamanic Mountain Healing's Gift Certificates! 
Shamanic Mountain Healing, Nationwide, Worldwide, Natiowide 80222, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mercury In Retrograde!

It's OK not to be strong right now.

Give yourself permission to have that big cry.

Mercury is in retrograde this month until Oct. 25th. This affects everyone in one way or another.

Technology goes haywire, communications are strained, tensions are high and pain runs deep during retrograde.

Even though, it is a great time for self-reflection, bursts of creativity and enhanced tuition, Mercur...y in retrograde can put a wrench in any well sought out plans.

If you feel overwhelmed, misunderstood and just like one hot mess, you are not alone!

We are in this thing together! ~Sarah

Let it Go...

Just for tonight, I will put all of my stress onto a Fall leaf and watch it gently float away into a shining lake.

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Gift of Healing!

ALERT ALERT! It's never too early to think about gift ideas for the upcoming Holiday season.
Check out Shamanic Mountain Healing's Special Deal available until New Year's Day!

Click Here for SMH Gift Certificates!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsetter!

Want to subscribe to Sarah's NEW Shamanic Mountain Newsletter, "Got Energy?" This FREE newsletter is about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, Spirit Messages/Stories/Thoughts for the Day, Mediumship/Channeling & so much MORE! 

Click here to sign up today: 

**COMING SOON: Shamanic Soul Sessions- customized with YOUR gifts, YOUR Way! Ever wanted to learn how to journey, connect to your Spirit Guides and discover your unlimited potential? 
**November 1, 2014 launch date!**

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"
FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 

Spirit Message for the Day!

Spirit Message for the day, "Leave it alone. Sometimes, it is better to walk away than force a desired result. If we put 'it' on the shelf for awhile, we may return to find a completely different perspective waiting for us."

What Are You Vibrating?

Spirit message for the day, "You attract your very own energetic vibration in the Universe.

If you vibrate peace, you will attract all things peaceful to you. 

If you vibrate love, you will attract all things loving to you.

If you vibrate anger, you will attract all things angry to you. 

What are YOU vibrating every day?! "

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Do Spiritual Healing & Become Rich!


For some reason, it seems to leave a very bad taste in our mouths when we see someone that offers 'Spiritual healing' become very, very rich from their business.

I have run across so many gifted Spiritual healers (Energy healers, Shamans, Reiki Masters, Mediums, etc.) that discount ALL of their services because they believe that it, 'isn't about the money', but only the 'profound healing' provided which truly matters. 
Although, the healing part is VERY true for so many of us, why can't we feel more comfortable receiving the financial wealth and abundance for our services alone? After all, retail stores and the corporate world ALL have no problem charging what a product is worth or question the cost. Why do healers practically give away sessions to give more to our clients?

Unfortunately, this is why healers become easily burnt out. Not charging their real WORTH leads to energy drainage, financial struggle and illness. In the end, how is this helping their families, friends and clients?  

Healers: don't short change your worth! Your products and services heal the body, spirit and mind. You offer a wholeness of 'being' and help guide your clients to find their own happiness, wealth and health.
This is priceless.  Learn how to here:  Be Spiritual AND Rich!