Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What's The Buzz About Heal Your Energy, Heal Your Life eCourse?

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"
FREE Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 
What are students saying?
Heal Your Energy, Heal Your Life eCourse NEW BLOG out today! CLICK HERE.

"I was decimated from a lifetime of passive-aggressive, narcissistic spouses and family. Moving out of those relationships required (and took) all I had. I had sunk into a dark and lonely place. Then I met Sarah. At first, her Shamanic Reiki gift of healing reached in and pulled me back onto my feet. Then her "Heal your energy, Heal your life" class completely turned my life around. Now, every day, I see and feel joy. I am LOVING my life. I am loving myself. I would recommend her class to anyone who wants to see the magic in life again." -NR., Student of Heal Your Energy, Heal Your Life eCourse

"This course is absolutely incredible and life changing!! You can go at your own pace and heal in your time. I have learned SO much so far. Sarah is AMAZING and if you're on the fence wondering if you should do this. ..DO IT. Learning to heal ourselves in our own way is EVERYTHING. Thank YOU Sarah for your gifts. - LW, Student of Heal Your Energy, Heal Your Life eCourse

​"Omg, I am halfway thru trauma 101. WOW WOW WOW! What a powerful lesson. I realized one important thing. I always practice's been a thing for me for a while.... but I've never thanked MYSELF!!!! I've never given gratitude to myself for the strength it took to get thru so many things in my life. Gratitude for giving me endurance to keep going. Gratitude for making smart decisions. WOW!!! Very powerful module. The energy exercises are spot on too. Sarah you are amazing. Much love to you. Thank you for healing us and for showing us how to heal ourselves." -TO, Student of Heal Your Energy, Heal Your Life eCourse
“This class has inspired me to empower myself to take better care of ME on all levels. Before this class, I didn't really realize the correlation and/or direct impact my physical, mental, and emotional well being could have on my spiritual well being! I found that when I didn't have healthy boundaries, I was less apt to trust my intuition, had way less flow in my life, lacked connection to my guides, to was like a huge horrible domino affect! It wasn't until this class that all this really hit home and resonated with me! Thanks so much Sarah for being YOU and sharing this class with us!" -LD, Student of Heal Your Energy, Heal Your Life eCourse

"Sarah's class, 'Heal Your Energy, Heal Your Life', has been so beneficial! Sarah provides exercises, information, mantras, affirmations, additional links, guided meditations, and tools for each chakra, and she teaches about the corresponding layers of your aura as well. Sarah did a tremendous job putting all of the information together in a concise way. I have never come across anything like this before. Sarah has so much information in one package! I have learned how to open my chakras and heal myself. I feel like I can pull myself out of funks better now. I feel more balanced, more grounded, and more awake. I cannot emphasize enough how incredible my journey has been while taking her class!" -JW, Student of Heal Your Energy, Heal Your Life eCourse

"Sarah's e-course has been the best investment into healing myself. I've always been very intuitive, and an empath, but I didn't understand how to ground, protect myself, and start to heal parts of me especially living through chaos, emotional abuse, grief and traumas in my life. I felt broken and not sure how to find balance, a life I want and deserve, and not be pulled into toxic energies and relationships. Healing is always an ongoing process and Sarah is there to support you through it all and after it all. Having her support and guidance is the key ingredient, to know you are not alone in this journey. She also provides an abundance of expertise and tools to help you that can be used daily. I've always had a hard time with strict rules and after my trauma being able to sit and focus for long periods of time is hard so having an e-course was perfect so you can do it at your own pace and be able to go back to re-listen and re-learn. You are always evolving and growing and Sarah creates a safe and non-judgmental space to meet you where you are and gently guide you with her love and support. It is absolutely life changing and life healing!" -CP, Student of Heal Your Energy, Heal Your Life eCourse


Shamanic Mountain Healing Services

Work 1 on 1 with Sarah Norwood in her Distance Energy Healing Sessions or Shamanic Soul Guide Skype Sessions! 

Sarah is the owner of Shamanic Mountain Healing and her niche is Shamanic Reiki. She goes on Shamanic Journeys to help you heal at a Soul level. 
Shamanic Mountain Healing, Nationwide, Worldwide, Natiowide 80222, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.