Thursday, October 10, 2019

Vibe Up!

Response time=0
Ok, maybe not zero!
Things to do when someone stalks/harasses/obsesses/hates/hurts you:
Go love yourself, your family, your clients, your friends, your animals, your home, your life even MORE.

Know that someone’s reaction to you won’t affect how successful you are. How much your kids fucking love you. How much your clients love you. How much healing work you do. The quality of your work or life. How loud and hard you laugh. The love you feel for yourself when you look in the mirror. How much your partner loves you. How much is in your bank account. How much you WON’T think about their reaction. How their words are THEIR own karma. How important YOUR energy is. How much LOVE and ABUNDANCE and HEALTH and WEALTH and JOY is in your life.

In other words, unless you allow their hatred in....absolutely nothing will change in your life.

It will be utterly unaffected. In fact, their negative reaction can be used as pure golden light. It can point out where you may need more healing within. Have gratitude for what creating the fucking boundary in the first place has taught you about them...and yourself.

Note to self: the greater the tantrum, the less they ever respected or valued your boundaries in the first place.

Get excited when someone shows you who they are and how they CLEARLY feel about you. The gift in clarity IS the gift.

So, my response? I guess it did take a little of my time! Writing is a tool I use to release, even this is helping.

Ending a long term (friendship) relationship recently REMINDED ME of how unapologetic I am at maintaining strict, healthy boundaries and only high vibe energy in my life. And how sadly, hateful people hate themselves the most.

Thank you to the person that reminded me of how far I’ve come, how much more deeply I appreciate my imperfect (but happy) life, and how thankful I am that I don’t have to share that unhealthy space with them anymore.

Thank you for the awareness. Thank you for your time and attention to my life. It’s highlighted all the GOOD STUFF.

Thank you for reminding me to NEVER doubt myself when it comes to a feeling that I should end a relationship with someone—even if it is decades old. We grow, we change, and sometimes we grow apart.

Thank you for solidifying the importance of always being secure in trusting my gut first.

Ok, whew! Vibing up and moving on! Hope this helps someone out their that may have been hurt by another and is still struggling with it. You’re not alone! Remember- people treat you HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT THEMSELVES. It's not on you. <3

In warm and humble vibes,