Thursday, October 10, 2019

Vibe Up!

Response time=0
Ok, maybe not zero!
Things to do when someone stalks/harasses/obsesses/hates/hurts you:
Go love yourself, your family, your clients, your friends, your animals, your home, your life even MORE.

Know that someone’s reaction to you won’t affect how successful you are. How much your kids fucking love you. How much your clients love you. How much healing work you do. The quality of your work or life. How loud and hard you laugh. The love you feel for yourself when you look in the mirror. How much your partner loves you. How much is in your bank account. How much you WON’T think about their reaction. How their words are THEIR own karma. How important YOUR energy is. How much LOVE and ABUNDANCE and HEALTH and WEALTH and JOY is in your life.

In other words, unless you allow their hatred in....absolutely nothing will change in your life.

It will be utterly unaffected. In fact, their negative reaction can be used as pure golden light. It can point out where you may need more healing within. Have gratitude for what creating the fucking boundary in the first place has taught you about them...and yourself.

Note to self: the greater the tantrum, the less they ever respected or valued your boundaries in the first place.

Get excited when someone shows you who they are and how they CLEARLY feel about you. The gift in clarity IS the gift.

So, my response? I guess it did take a little of my time! Writing is a tool I use to release, even this is helping.

Ending a long term (friendship) relationship recently REMINDED ME of how unapologetic I am at maintaining strict, healthy boundaries and only high vibe energy in my life. And how sadly, hateful people hate themselves the most.

Thank you to the person that reminded me of how far I’ve come, how much more deeply I appreciate my imperfect (but happy) life, and how thankful I am that I don’t have to share that unhealthy space with them anymore.

Thank you for the awareness. Thank you for your time and attention to my life. It’s highlighted all the GOOD STUFF.

Thank you for reminding me to NEVER doubt myself when it comes to a feeling that I should end a relationship with someone—even if it is decades old. We grow, we change, and sometimes we grow apart.

Thank you for solidifying the importance of always being secure in trusting my gut first.

Ok, whew! Vibing up and moving on! Hope this helps someone out their that may have been hurt by another and is still struggling with it. You’re not alone! Remember- people treat you HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT THEMSELVES. It's not on you. <3

In warm and humble vibes,

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Shamanic Mountain Healing Resumes May 28th!

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"
FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 
Resuming My Practice on May 28th!
Hello Shamanic Mountain Healing Friends,

I cannot thank you enough for the abundance of patience and love that you so readily showered me with while I stepped away from my practice. All of your emails/notes in the past 7 weeks expressing your unconditional support for me to take care of myself first, and foremost, meant the world. Not having the pressure of working while my own energy was so depleted took an enormous weight off of my shoulders. You gave me the gift of being able to care for a loved one without the worry of running my healing business. For this, I am forever indebted to you!

Things have stabilized enough now that I feel ready to dive back into the healing work. I was actually going to reopen my practice this past week, but my body had other plans! I finally succumbed to the terrible cold/cough that is going around. It's no wonder that my physical body  collapsed when my child began to feel a little better. 

For almost two months, my family has been in fight-or-flight mode and running on adrenaline. Our body tends to white knuckles distress until it is allowed to rest. It is in the process of letting go when people often get sick. The moment I knew that my child was turning a corner, my body didn't have to hold it together anymore. It could relax, but the exhaustion from insurmountable stress definitely took it's toll. 

So, I am honoring my body/mind/spirit and what it needs right now to get ready to pour my energy back into my beautiful clients, and their Shamanic journeys, next week. 

I can't wait to see you again in Spirit! I've missed you so. I will be making up all of my April and May clients during the month of June. If we have not rescheduled yet, I will be reaching out to you next week. 

Again, THANK YOU so very much for your flexibility, understanding, and patience. 

With sincere gratitude,

Sarah Norwood, 
Shamanic Soul Guide

Sarah Norwood is a Shamanic Healing Practitioner, Reiki Master, and Psychic Medium with over 27 years of experience. Sarah's mission is to lovingly assist you on your own unique healing journey by utilizing the ancient techniques of Shamanism and Reiki. Sarah has witnessed profound healing from combining these two modalities into a practice that centers around Distance Shamanic Reiki Energy Healing. Essentially, your Soul tells Sarah a story as you travel together to alternate realms in the spirit world. Sarah's greatest hope is that you learn how to heal yourself. Your 'distance' Energy Healing or Shamanic Soul Guide session may include: Shamanic Reiki healing, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, Psychic Messages, Release of Toxic or Blocked Energy, Trauma Healing, Meeting Your Spirit Guides & Power Animals and MORE!

*All sessions are by DISTANCE and NOT in person or by phone.*
Please contact us by email for any questions.
Shamanic Mountain Healing's Social Life 
Yes, not only is Shamanic Mountain Healing on Twitter, Facebook andYouTube, it now has a Blog!
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Thursday, May 2, 2019

Reprieve, Rest & Restore- A Step Back to Wholeness

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"
FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 
Reprieve, Rest, Restore

Hello Shamanic Mountain Healing Friends,

I would like to take this moment to share with you that I am temporarily taking a step away from my Shamanic Mountain Healing practice. Due to a recent family emergency, I have had to pour all of my time, attention, and energy into helping someone I dearly love in their darkest hour. 

As an energy healer, it is my job to offer you the purest, highest-vibrational energy I can. Anything less than that would be a great disservice. If my own energy is not flowing--I am unable to do my best work. In fact, if a practitioner is not whole in mind/body/soul, the quality of Shamanic Reiki they offer their clients can actually harm them. I take the health and happiness of my clients very seriously. I never attempt to work on someone if my own energy has been compromised.

Due to severe emotional distress, fear, and anguish over the past few weeks--my own energy field is very depleted. I am recognizing that I simply do not have the 'overflow' to give to anyone else right now. This is why I am taking a reprieve to rest, and restore, myself back to wholeness. I am practicing lots of self-care so that I can (once again) offer the sacred messages and powerful energy that you so deserve. 

Doing Shamanic healing work is certainly not like a regular desk job! It is one where cleansing, clearing, cleaning, and healing yourself is an all day--every day--process. If I'm imbalanced, all bets are off! Recent events have shocked my system so dramatically that even doing mundane chores (such as dishes and laundry) have become completely  overwhelming.

Don't worry, I am going to do whatever it takes to heal myself back to that high-vibe gal that is willing to 'go there' with you! I know I will wake up one day soon and be ready to dive back into my practice- refreshed and ready to journey to the spirit realms.

Thank you so very much for your kindness, love, and support throughout this difficult time. I don't know what I would do without such compassionate and patient clients! 

PS--I am a full three weeks behind in my sessions already, so if you had/have a scheduled session with me, I would like to offer a full refund--or if you are willing to wait until I am back on my feet again...we can reschedule at your convenience. 

It's time to get my energy back...<3
With sincere gratitude,

Sarah Norwood
Shamanic Soul Guide

Sarah Norwood is a Shamanic Healing Practitioner, Reiki Master, and Psychic Medium with over 27 years of experience. Sarah's mission is to lovingly assist you on your own unique healing journey by utilizing the ancient techniques of Shamanism and Reiki. Sarah has witnessed profound healing from combining these two modalities into a practice that centers around Distance Shamanic Reiki Energy Healing. Essentially, your Soul tells Sarah a story as you travel together to alternate realms in the spirit world. Sarah's greatest hope is that you learn how to heal yourself. Your 'distance' Energy Healing or Shamanic Soul Guide session may include: Shamanic Reiki healing, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, Psychic Messages, Release of Toxic or Blocked Energy, Trauma Healing, Meeting Your Spirit Guides & Power Animals and MORE!

*All sessions are by DISTANCE and NOT in person or by phone.*
Please contact us by email for any questions.
Shamanic Mountain Healing's Social Life 
Yes, not only is Shamanic Mountain Healing on Twitter, Facebook andYouTube, it now has a Blog!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Love Yourself There

Spirit's message for the day, "Meet yourself where you are today and love yourself there."

Sarah Norwood

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Dive The Fuck In Your Life

#divein #healer #heal #sarahnorwood #shaman #shamanicreiki #shamanism #shamanichealing #shamanicjourney #shamanicsoulguide #shamanicmountainhealing #sarahsafehouses #chakras #aura #soulretrieval #psychicmedium #pastliferegression #spiritmessages #loveyourdarkness

@shamanicsoulguide, shamanic mountain healing, sarah's safe houses 

Crying Is A Gift

Spirit's Message for the day, "Allowing yourself to cry is an act of kindness. Crying connects you to you- to your truest self. It releases all that you are holding so tightly. Crying reminds you to stop going, going, going and to just be with yourself. What a beautiful thing."

#woundedhealer #healer #heal #sarahnorwood #shaman #shamanicreiki #shamanism #shamanichealing #shamanicjourney #shamanicsoulguide #shamanicmountainhealing #sarahsafehouses #chakras #aura #soulretrieval #psychicmedium #pastliferegression

Keep At It

Spirit’s message for the day, “Keep at it.” So, if you were looking for a sign? An answer? Here it is. Keep going and never give up on that dream of yours. Ok? ❤️ 

#woundedhealer #healer #heal #sarahnorwood #shaman #shamanicreiki #shamanism #shamanichealing #shamanicjourney #shamanicsoulguide #shamanicmountainhealing #sarahsafehouses #chakras #aura #soulretrieval #psychicmedium #pastliferegression

Take Good Care Of Yourself

Feeling good in mind, body, and spirit is the key to manifesting-and attracting-a happy life. When we don’t feel good, or are imbalanced, we can only create more imbalance in our lives. Take care of YOU and the rest will fall in place. 

In light and darkness always,
Sarah Norwood

#woundedhealer #healer #heal #sarahnorwood #shaman #shamanicreiki #shamanism #shamanichealing #shamanicjourney #shamanicsoulguide #shamanicmountainhealing #sarahsafehouses #chakras #aura #soulretrieval #psychicmedium #pastliferegression

Wipe The Chalkboard Clean

I don’t have any wise words to share about leaving 2018 behind or how you should set intentions or goals for 2019. Just please take care of yourself in the only way that YOU know how. In a way that feels good for you. If you want tomorrow to be a fresh new start, it can be. If that feels like too much pressure, that’s ok too. I’ll be here alongside you for the journey in 2019 no matter what. Thank you for sharing this lifetime, and your energy, with me in 2018. I am so humbled and thankful for you. Here's to a new year, doing only what feels good! 

In light and darkness always,
Sarah Norwood

#woundedhealer #healer #heal #sarahnorwood #shaman #shamanicreiki #shamanism #shamanichealing #shamanicjourney #shamanicsoulguide #shamanicmountainhealing #sarahsafehouses #chakras #aura #soulretrieval #psychicmedium #pastliferegression

The Wounded Healer

Spirit's message for the day, "You can only help the wounded if you are consistently tending to your own wounds."

Sarah Norwood

#woundedhealer #healer #heal #sarahnorwood #shaman #shamanicreiki #shamanism #shamanichealing #shamanicjourney #shamanicsoulguide #shamanicmountainhealing #sarahsafehouses #chakras #aura #soulretrieval #psychicmedium #pastliferegression

Monday, January 7, 2019

The Day My Eyes Opened And My Soul Listened

The first blow struck me in the temple, knocking me hard to the kitchen tiles.  I was kneeling on all fours. “I can’t see…I can’t see, please stop. Stop, please, I can’t hear!”  I begged as he kicked me repetitively with his muddy work boot in the stomach.  I started to cough and threw up all over my outstretched fingers. Soon, I felt a sticky liquid being poured on my head and down my spine. I thought I heard laughing, but my ears were still ringing. The cold fluid dripped into my eyes and mouth. I licked the taste of stale beer and old cigarettes from the sides of my mouth.  I began spitting as more beer and a dozen cigarette stumps rained on my head, stinging my eyes, and then falling to the wet floor beneath my trembling arms. He threw the ashtray across the room and it landed on my pillow. Lifting me up by my hair, he dragged me to my feet so that I could see his face. Our faces were inches apart and I felt his hot breath on my nose.  This time, when he pulled back and smacked me in the mouth, I didn’t once take my eyes off of his or even whimper. The blood dripping from my cracked lips went unnoticed.
“This is what you are…a trashy, ugly, stupid, stupid girl”.  He dropped me and I landed on my side. With my cheek to the floor, I watched his boots walk out of the apartment.
The sun trickled in the windows softly at first, and then more brilliant. I laid in a fetal position for what must have been hours.  I couldn’t move and hoped that if I shut my eyes long enough, God or someone would take me.  My mouth was so dry, I could barely swallow.  I decided to get up and crawled to the bathroom.  Pulling myself up to the toilet, I lifted up the seat and slowly began picking cigarette butts out of my tangled, long hair.  I watched them fall into the water, one by one. That’s when I felt Deedie, my cat, rubbing up against my back. Her soft fur tickled me as I reached around to pet her head.  I looked down at her and her big, yellow eyes looked back at me. She always came out from underneath my bed once he was gone.

“Thank you.” I whispered.  She was my silent comfort.
My legs were weak and I winced in pain as I struggled to my feet.  I didn't recognize my reflection in the mirror. A trail of dried blood that began at the corner of my mouth flowed down the curve of my neck into a circle of blood that brightly stained the front of my tight, floral dress. Leaning into the sink to get a better view of my battered face, I wiped the black cigarette ashes from my eyes and smeared them down my cheeks.  Old yellow bruises stared back at me on my arms, chest, and forehead. I ran shaky fingers over them.
“Come back…come back, I don’t know where you are.” I whispered. The tears rolled down through the black soot on my face.
Cleansing it, clearing it from the horror that was only hours before.  I couldn’t stop. I broke. Everything I had held on so tightly to for all these years, broke.  An animal-like moan released from somewhere deep within….a place that I had never allowed myself to visit. I screamed and screamed.  I cried for the little girl that had fought off the fingers of her babysitter at the early age of 6yrs. I grieved for the anorexic ballerina that craved perfection, and the teenager that had once believed in love with an untainted heart.  

I cried for all that was lost--and all that I could never get back. I cried for the emptiness that I could never fill up. No drug, no drink, no guy, nothing could touch that place within. It was up to me to stop the violence. No one could save me anymore, but me.

27 years later.
Although, this incident is now a distant memory, it still embodies the rage, the fear, the pain, the humiliation, and the repetitive cycle that domestic abuse fosters.  I lived this scene over and over and over during the years of abuse. My desperation to bury my childhood molestation gave birth to a new quest. A quest for perfection which lead me to a 20 year battle with anorexia, 8 years of domestic violence and lots and lots of alcohol, anger, and Marlboro Lights. It was not until I became pregnant with my second child in college (nearly ten years later) that I said, “ENOUGH!!!  I’m done!” I left my husband with a four month old in my belly, and a 10 month old on my hip. This was the day my journey, my quest, and my passion to live a better life began.
This was the day my eyes opened and my soul listened.

Everyone wakes up on their own time. We cannot rush this process. We cannot expect other people to see what we see, or to do what we think they should do. I’m grateful for when my personal awakening happened at the age of 23. I feel fortunate to have met a Shaman that helped me heal.

For I can only help to heal the wounded if I am tending to my own wounds.

If you are reading this and feel hopeless, please don't. I'm with you no matter what has happened in your life. Never be ashamed of what you have been through, or where you are...because it is the perfect place to be to love yourself again. And, again.

To learn more about what domestic violence is and how you can help save a life (if not your own), please click here: Sarah's Safe Houses.

If you experiencing intimate partner violence and need help, please contact: The National Domestic Violence Hotline.


~In darkness and in light,
Sarah Norwood

                         Sarah Norwood of Sarah's Safe Houses & Shamanic Mountain Healing

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Shamanic Soul Guide: BE Your Own Shaman With Sarah Norwood

Shamanic Mountain Healing
Shamanic Soul Guide: Be Your Own Shaman
By Sarah Norwood

Shamanic Healing: An Introduction

1.   Welcome
2.   Sarah’s First Shamanic Journey
3.   The Journey Finds You
5.   Finding Your Own Way
6.   My Way Will Not Be Your Way
7.   What Is Shamanism Anyway?
8.   Shamanic Soul Guidance Session Description
9.   I'm Ready!

Welcome to “Shamanic Soul Guide: Be Your Own Shaman” mentoring program! Your Spirit lead you here at the perfect time in your life! There is no coincidence that you are here. Now. Something inside of you must have been searching for someone, or something, to help you get in touch with the gifts that you may, or may not, know are already inside of you. These Shamanic Soul Guidance sessions will help you to embrace them and explore ways in which you can safely practice Shamanism in your daily life. You may have already read about the powerful techniques of Shamanism or are current clients of mine. You may even understand how Shamanic journeying works, but can’t imagine yourself being able to do it! Well, I’m here to say that YOU have the innate ability to travel to alternate realms, connect to your Spirit guides and ancestors, and receive sacred messages that can literally transform your entire life. My job is to help you discover ‘how’ you best communicate and work with the Spirit world. You may be a ‘seer’, or a ‘feeler’, or you may even be able to ‘hear’ Spirits as clear as day! The question is...What is your Way?
           Instead of overwhelming you with definitions of the history and workings of Shamanism, or a strict ‘how to’ journey guide, I’d rather take you on a ride with me. A mini Shamanic Journey that allows you to be YOU and me to be me!  I will share from my heart and allow Spirit to do the rest. However you interpret this information is exactly how you are supposed to! Utilize what feels good to your Soul and let go of what doesn’t. The one thing my Shamanic Soul mentoring program will offer you is the support you seek in taking your first steps at building your very own Shamanic practice and becoming your very own Shaman!
           I will share my own bumpy, but destined, journey to becoming a Shamanic healer. It wasn’t pretty. It wasn’t easy. In fact, there were days where practicing Shamanic healing felt more like surviving a hell inside of me.
This journey is going to get real. Not only will I speak my own truth, I will help you develop your own Way to travel to alternate realms and dance with the energies and Souls in the Spirit world. And, of course, I will throw in some jazzy definitions and descriptions of Shamanism along the way!  I want our Shamanic Soul Guidance sessions together to be relaxing, safe, fun, and stress free. This is because when you start working with Shamanic energy, you never know quite what to expect and this can feel scary. Shamanic healing peels away the layers of your Soul to unveil what needs to be healed. This can bring to the surface a lot of very uncomfortable emotions and memories. We need to proceed gently and at a pace that feels good to you. Shamanic healing is not an easy fix method. In fact, Shamanic healing becomes a way of life. Every day that you practice, there will be something new offered to you even if it seems like you aren’t getting anywhere! That may be what your Spirit needs to learn…patience. Eventually, you will start to understand the symbols presented to you during your journeys and your connection to Spirit will flow effortlessly.
Letting go of the ‘outcome’ will be essential as well. A journey ebbs and flows and so does the Shamanic energy of your practice. We must allow it to unfold organically and address ‘whatever comes up’ along the way.
           And, I want to be here for YOU to try and make sense of it all. Experimenting with Shamanic techniques can feel quite lonely as it is not always accepted by the masses. In fact, if it wasn’t for my own Shamanic teacher and friend, John Myerson, I would have felt utterly alone and sadly misunderstood.
           What I have learned from practicing Shamanic healing for the last 28 years, is that it can feel like a terribly isolating experience. It’s not every day that you meet someone at a corporate luncheon that says, “Hey, guess what? I met one of my Spirit guides last night during a Shamanic meditation and he told me something that I feel has altered the course of my life. Oh, and the fox is one of my power animals!” Most people will politely smile at you, and then, think that you’re certifiably insane! Believe me, I used to be an Executive Assistant for several CEO’s and VP’s in large corporations. I was called a ‘witch’ during a weekly planning meeting just because I had shared with a colleague that I meditated. Imagine if I had added the word ‘Shaman’ or ‘Shamanic’ to the description of my meditation practice? I have learned that what people don’t understand scares them, and fear can bring out the absolute worst in some people. It took me years to step into who I REALLY am and what I came here to do in this life. Today, I can’t imagine hiding my gifts from anyone- anywhere. The process of accepting ourselves is a Shamanic journey in itself. It can take a while before we feel secure with the Shamanic work that we do, especially because it is ever changing. Please gift yourself patience and tenderness as you explore these new worlds. And, understand that not everyone will like or be OK with you-- no matter what you do. That’s why it is so important that we do the “work” on ourselves first. Long before we even think about offering our healing gifts to others, we have to develop a consistent, daily practice. Loving ourselves is a full time job if we choose Shamanic- or any kind- of healing work. Self-love is also the key to growing our healing businesses if that is our desire. You can only help to heal others if you are relentless in healing yourself. This means looking at our own darkness. It means healing what we really don’t want to heal. It can be incredibly painful, and even terrifying, to heal ourselves.
So, I want you to KNOW that I am here for you as you attempt to cultivate your individual Shamanic healing practice. I had one person that was always there for me- and still is- decades later. If I didn’t have him to check in with, and to share my personal experiences with Spirit, I may have given up. I know how important it is to just ‘be there’ and listen. Nobody’s experiences are wrong and what you feel IS REAL if it ‘feels’ real. I will validate and support you even if you are confused as to what you are doing or feeling at the time. Every portion of your Shamanic story is important. I.AM.HERE.

My First Shamanic Journey
Considering the fact that Shamanism can be traced all the way back to the Stone Age era, and is known as the first human ‘spiritual practice’, you would have thought that I would have (at least) heard the word ‘Shaman’ throughout my young life.  That would be a ‘no’! The only spiritual discussions I ever had with my family was how I didn’t want to go to church on Sunday! I was raised Catholic. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the idea of praying to God in a church, it was that I couldn’t ‘feel’ anything there. I would follow along the bible, saying all the right words and listen to the pretty choir and feel nothing. For me, it was a place to go to repent our sins, look nice and be kind to a bunch of strangers. Afterwards, I couldn’t wait to tear off my tights and dress and go find my cat. I felt God in different ways. I would feel Him in the wind, the trees and the rain. I felt what I thought to be ‘God’s love’ in the people I hugged or the animals I pet. It felt forced when I went to church. I was seeking something different. I alway felt a void in my chest no matter how hard I tried to adopt the ‘beliefs’ I was taught. I wanted to feel what everyone else felt. I wanted to be normal and just be a good little girl and pray like the others. Something was missing in church, but as I often slept in my backyard under the stars...there He was. I felt my God in the ‘energy’ of nature. Still, though, I felt all alone in a big scary world full of shadows and spirits. I didn’t understand ‘why’. Why do I have to see these things?! Everything felt dark. To make matters worse, I was being sexually molested from ages 5 to 11 years old by multiple people. I stopped feeling God, or anything at all. At 19, my life took a fork in the road and everything changed.

This is when my awakening began.
In 1993, I abruptly left my abusive boyfriend and fled South. I grew up in Massachusetts and chose a college 14 hours away down in Radford, VA. I knew I would die if I stayed with with my ex-boyfriend. This was my third attempt at college life. Just like in Goldilocks, the first college was too big, the second was too small, and the third one was just right! I chose to major in English and minored in Psychology. Coming from the Boston area, I never thought in a million years that I would meet a ‘Shaman’ in Virgina AND that he would be my favorite English teacher…ever.  This tall, energetic man was one that you might call ‘in touch’ with his spirit.  He cut his own hair without looking in a mirror, slept in his office, or a tent near the college campus. Often, he just went with it in class--always igniting contagious excitement with his totally random discussions.  And, I LOVED it! He encouraged me to write about my pain and pushed me to be a writer without boundaries. 
One day, he invited me to a Shamanic drumming out of the blue. Shamanic, Shamanism, Shama, what? What in dear God was that all about??  But, there was no question; I was going to find out. Thanks to my father, I was a seeker from birth, always curious, always questioning EVERYTHING. I ended up going to this intriguing ‘drumming’ with a friend of mine at a small house on campus that evening.  Once everyone arrived, I remember my English teacher (and some of the other students) thanked the Spirits in the house for allowing us to be there, and then the manic drumming began.  I felt right at home once the ‘Spirit’ talk began.  After all, finally, someone was acknowledging the ghosts that I had seen (and heard) most of my life.
My English teacher spoke as the drumming reached a high-pitched rhythm. He told us to imagine a place in the earth to go through to the ‘underworld’.  It could be a tree, body of water, or even a hole in the ground.  I was nervous, unsure of what was happening, but I closed my eyes and let the drumming take me.  Instantly, I saw myself in another realm.  I went through a tree to the underground and landed in soft grass next to a stream/lake.  To this day, this is still my ‘underground’, alternate realm that I go to on my Shamanic journeys.  I met one of my power animals during this first Shamanic journey, the raccoon. I also met Sasha.  She is an angel Spirit guide of mine. She led me deeper into this mysterious, but beautiful underworld. While exploring this wondrous, alternate realm I could still hear the drumming faintly in the background. I was enjoying this ‘journey’. How cool was this?
Suddenly, my Soul impulsively jumped into the current of a large, raging lake and sunk rapidly to the bottom.  Black snakes began to choke me as I fought furiously to get back to the surface of the water. I couldn’t breathe. I was drowning. I fought for my life in that black water.
In that lake, I experienced the symbolic violence that was my abusive life at the time.
After what felt like hours, I somehow managed to jump out of the cold lake just as the drumming came to a climax.  Then, we were all instructed to go back through the hole we came from and back into our human, physical bodies. Instantly, I felt my Spirit returning to the over-crowded room full of college kids.
Wiping sweat from my upper lip, I was ‘back’. But, back from what? What WAS that? What the hell just happened?! What was this Shamanic drumming supposed to teach us? That life can be heaven AND hell? I had so many questions racing through my mind. It was like the force of a hurricane wind. But, this wind was good. I was amped up. High from my first journey. It was scary, but fucking awesome too. It almost felt like I had gone back ‘home’ for a while. I had felt so alone and different my whole life, but in the spirit world I could be myself. Exactly myself...without judgement. Oh, how cool. I was hooked.
           Then, I took one look at my friend and my heart broke. My friend did not have a miraculous, healing and insightful journey like me.  She was pale, wide-eyed, and having trouble breathing.  She yanked on my arm and said we had to get out of there ASAP.  Just as I was about to stand up and leave, my free-spirited English teacher started to ask all of us about our Shamanic journeys. I sat back down. I was fascinated by what others had to say even though I knew my friend was struggling beside me. I grabbed her hand and squeezed, whispering that we could go. She quickly shook her head and told me that we could stay a bit longer. I think she wanted to see if anyone else had experienced her frightening symptoms.
People began saying a few words about their individual journeys. Everyone sounded casual and unbothered by what they had seen and heard on their journeys. They gave brief, 2 to 3 minute descriptions. And, then it was my turn.  For fifteen minutes, I described in vivid detail my first Shamanic journey.  All eyes were on me just staring and silent. Normally, I was terrified to speak in front of large groups of my peers. But, it was not just “I” that spoke about my journey. I realized that my explanation of what had just transpired was not a small deal. Something was speaking through me. I was ‘channeling’ Spirit, but completely unaware of what, or who, or even why this was happening. And, my ability to just ‘go’ on this meditative journey was like second nature to me.  It was easy. Too easy. I didn’t even try, I just went.  Finally, I turned to my friend and she was staring at me with large, blank eyes. She started to tell the group about her troubling journey, but could barely speak.  Something scared her and she was frozen in fear.  With shaky hands she described a feeling that felt like somebody was pressing down on her solar plexus. She said that she felt a large hand choking her while crushing her chest the entire time. And, I felt horrible. How could I have put my friend through this?
At that time, I did not know that energy work could enhance what was already going on inside of a person. Energy healing tends to go to the core and can bring our deepest fears to the forefront. This is why it is SO IMPORTANT NOT to work on someone if they are in an ‘acute’ state of mental or physical distress. Keeping a client safe is the number one rule when we offer Shamanic healing. If I ‘look’ at someone’s energy and it is too dark, or too sick, I back off. I wait patiently for my client to feel well enough to have a session.
In this circumstance, my friend was not doing well prior to attending the Shamanic drumming. She didn’t really want to go. We should have honored this feeling and listened to our intuition. Instead, we had no idea what we were getting into because this was our first time. I had no idea that a Shamanic journey could actually make people feel worse if there is serious unhealed trauma or negative spirits/energies attached to that person.
Today, decades later, I can look back and know that my friend had a spirit possessing her in that moment. It’s as if she was familiar with this toxic energy and it triggered her into a state of shock. Back then, though, I was so inexperienced and unprepared. I had no idea how to help my friend with the horrific pain and discomfort that was evoked during her journey to the underworld. I didn’t know how to keep her safe. Or even that Shamanic journeying could be dangerous. So, I just grabbed her hand and we left the house. We didn’t speak of that night again.  In fact, it was one of the last times I ever saw her.
What I learned, and why I am sharing this, is that Shamanic Healing needs to be practiced safely. It needs to be practiced with a heightened awareness that sometimes it can bring painful physical, spiritual, and emotional energy to the surface. Helping our clients understand that this type of healing work is not always about light, love, and sugar plum fairies is very important! It encourages the individual to look at things that they may never have addressed in the entire life. That is why, in addition to offering a warning, I always refer out to therapists, doctors, or other healers if more additional support is needed. Shamanism can really stir things up. I know it has for me! Continuous support for our clients, and for one another, is absolutely essential to ensure health and happiness.

The Journey Finds You: Three Times A Charm
Every few years, no matter where I was in my life, light or darkness, I would encounter another powerful Shaman. It was as if my Soul was randomly steered towards Shamans wherever I went. The second Shaman I met, the SAME year as my English Teacher/Shaman, was Dr. John Myerson. I had contracted a severe case of mono-hepatitis my freshman year of college. And, when I say ‘severe’, it was so bad that my parents flew me home from VA to Massachusetts in order to be in their care. A doctor actually made a house call because he thought I had AIDS. It was the sickest I had ever been in my life. This is when my Father suggested that I go see a friend of his. He described his friend as a ‘healer’ that was also an Acupuncturist, Herbalist, and Psychologist from Harvard University. I had no idea that this man was one of the most powerful Shamans in the world. All I knew is that I was sick emotionally/physically and spiritually. I had suffered years of childhood sexual abuse and then entered into 5 years of teen-dating violence. I was broken. Little did I know that I would end up working with John for the next 27 years of my life. He confirmed that ‘Sasha’ the angel that I had met in the ‘underworld’ during my first journey, “would be with me for the duration of my life.”
 How did he know this? But, he did. The course of my entire life changed when I was 19 years old with these two Shamans in the midst of a mental and physical health crisis. This is when my healing began, but it would take me another decade before meeting a third Shaman that solidified my Shamanic life path.
Some people say, “Three times a charm!” In my case, they would be correct! The third, influential Shaman that I met lived across the country in Manitou Springs, Colorado. I was visiting my Aunts that lived in Colorado Springs on a summer vacation in 2002. I went without my children. I was always ‘called’ to the mountains. On a warm, summer morning my Aunts took me to explore the magical town of Manitou Springs. I wandered into a metaphysical store called, “Whispering Winds”. As I browsed the candle and tarot card aisle, a beautiful, dark haired woman approached me. She asked, “Would you like a reading?” I immediately told her “Thank you, but I have no money.” She smiled and with more force said, “I will read you for free.” I felt as if there was no choice in the matter and I didn’t want to be rude, so I followed her into a tiny room in the back of the store. It was filled with crystals, angels, Goddess statues, and all sorts of “new age” items. I felt like I had walked into another realm or time in space. Gone was the casual tourist exploration of my morning. I didn’t even know where my Aunts were anymore for I had no time to tell them about getting this ‘reading’. Also, I did not know who this woman was, that she owned the store, or was a descendant of a long line of Shamanic Healers. All I knew was that I was ‘feeling’ an intense energy, one that told me that I was not alone. She stared at me as she expertly flipped her tarot cards over. The first thing she said was, “You are a Master, like me. Do you know that?” I nervously laughed and asked, “What does that mean?” She said that I would be doing what she was doing one day. She told me that I would be a ‘Great Healer’, but I had to move from where I was living now to meet my soulmate and begin my Spirit Journey. At the time, I was a single Mom living outside of Boston with my two children. The Shaman woman continued my reading, sharing about how I would meet a younger man that would be my equal, my team-mate and that I would write a book by the age of 45yrs old.
Miraculously, within three years of this reading, I picked up and moved to the state of Colorado, met my soulmate on my first day of work, and began a career a few years later as a Shamanic Reiki Practitioner. And, I started thinking seriously about writing a book.
Three Shamans later, here I am! My wild English teacher, Psychotherapist Dr. John Myerson, and Shaman and famous psychic, Ruth Perez, all manifested at three very crucial turning points in my life. There are no mistakes or coincidences. If you are destined to be or do something, I truly believe that if you ask for Guidance, the teachers and Way will manifest!

Finding YOUR Way

I live in a place where connecting with Spirits from alternate realms is looked upon by some as workings with Evil.  It is the energetic wave I go up against on a daily basis in the tiny, mountain town I call home. Today, I truly believe that the energetic balance I bring to this small town is necessary. Years ago, though? I thought I had made a huge mistake in moving to this part of the country, let alone a place like Monument, Colorado.
I believe in Love. It doesn’t matter if someone believes in God, the Archangels, nature, the Universe, the Divine, or praying to a tree in their backyard. If you work with compassion, forgiveness, and are all right in my book. At first, I thought, how am I--a bead wearing, wild child, Shamanic practicing, tattooed woman going to fit in with the really conservative, Christians in this town?  I worried about my children being judged for a Mommy that talks to more Spirits in a day than actual people. I worried that my young children would be persecuted for MY beliefs. How do you explain to your friends that your Mom is an ‘energy healer’?  My son used to say I was in ‘Sales’ just to avoid the questioning stares.  LOL! Gotta love kids! I wondered if we should move to a larger, more diverse city. I worried about how I would EVER build up a clientele in this small, strict, and conservative town. How did I even end up here?
           Doubting my gift of sight and ability to offer pure, loving energy to others, I couldn’t even charge people a quarter of my worth in those first few years of practice. Hesitantly, I moved into an official office setting in downtown Monument. Originally, I was attracted to the building because of its’ ornate tiles and Southwestern decor. Native American Indian designs and their culture speaks to me. I felt ‘home’ in this place. More importantly, I could immediately hear and feel the Spirits the second I walked into the building. Whenever I need to explore new spaces, I tend to judge them on how I ‘feel’. Which is ironic because I spent the majority of my youth NOT wanting to feel! After years of working with Shamanic Reiki healing energy though, I developed heightened senses and started to feel again. This manifested in my ability to feel Spirits physically pushing and pulling my body. I was pulled by the Spirits when I went in to check out the 200 sq. ft. space with the 80’s colored green rug and large cracked walls. I loved it. I signed the lease on the spot!

Settling in fast, I decorated my new office with chakra colored candles, essential oils, medicine wheel hangings, Kuan Yin and Buddha statues, colorful chakra and aura flags, a massage table, multiple gemstones and the old glider rocking chair that I nursed both my children in back in college. My smile quickly vanished, as I looked around satisfied with the interior. I was terrified that now I actually had to do what I advertised I could do. Holy shit! Am I really doing this?
           And, so it began. My Shamanic healing practice in a town that rarely, if ever, used the word ‘Shaman’ in its vocabulary.  The Shaman from Manitou Springs (third Shaman I met on my journey) told me to ‘get clear’ on who I was, and what I could offer people, and then...they would come. She said that people would find me. The only thing I had to do was set my intention and advertise my gifts. I didn’t even know what the heck ‘my gifts’ were back then so I spent another two years becoming a Board Certified Massage Therapist. I was already Board Certified in Reflexology and a Reiki Master, but still had no confidence in my ability to see, feel, and hear clearly for my clients. I struggled with offering ‘Shamanic Reiki’. After all, it was ‘out there’ wasn’t it?
           Even with my lack of confidence, I never gave up. Every day, I meditated for a long, long time. I sat with my pain, loved my anger, and walked through my fears. I had to do my own ‘work’ in order to offer my clients the highest vibrational, most loving Reiki energy. I journeyed to alternate, Shamanic realms on a daily basis-just as I had since I was 19 years old.  I found comfort in my natural ability of just sitting and ‘going there’ like I had done on my first journey at 19. I didn’t need music, candles, drumming or crystals in order to do this. I simply shut my eyes, called on my Spirit guides, and my Spirit flies. The alternate realms in the Spirit world became my second home.
           Shamanic Reiki energy healing is my niche. It took years for me to discover that my gift was not in massaging people’s physical bodies, but in dancing with their energy.  In the alternate realms, I am able to call on someone’s Spirit and see, feel, and hear energetically what is going on inside of them and around them. I see chakra energy, auras, past lives, ancestors that have crossed over, darkness, and areas of pain or blockages inside the individual. Then, I just open up to the Universal Life force energy and send them love and healing. Essentially, I tap into what I like to call ‘love energy’. It is not religious or even spiritual. I bring loving energy into me and then I offer it to you. During my distance Shamanic Reiki sessions, I can also see what part of ME needs the most healing in that moment.
By loving me, I can love you.
My Shamanic healing meditations are largely focused on loving the wounded parts of me EVERY DAY so that I can connect with the pain in others. By loving myself, I can help assist in healing the anger and grief in another soul. If I am not comfortable with my own pain, how can I help with another’s pain and truly be there for them?
           But STILL, even with all of my daily practice, I did not fully BELIEVE in my abilities. How many more board certifications would it take before I saw value in my work?  It didn’t matter what a psychic told me in the past. Until I believed that I WAS a powerful channel/medium of love and light, I would continue to veil my innate abilities and offer others more widely sought after forms of bodywork.
           Fortunately, though, as I offered massage and reflexology to my eager clients on the table, my body had other plans. Isn’t it funny how everything that we try to keep so deeply hidden within our Soul has a way of crawling to the surface one way or another? As I generously massaged people’s feet and shoulders, the familiar warmth of Reiki energy would flow through my palms and I would hear all sorts of voices. I could not block these voices out no matter how loud I played my Enya Pandora station on my laptop computer. No matter how much I disagreed with the Spirit’s in my head, shouting at them to ‘shush!’ they continued their conversations. Spirit was not rattled at all with all my ‘shushing’!  They would just get louder, repeating the same message or question until I found myself speaking before I even knew I opened my mouth.
           It got to the point where I would literally ask my client; did I just say that out loud? The answer would be a surprising YES! Slowly, and with lots of hesitation and caution, I would start to ask my clients the questions that were whispered in my ears. They would stare at me blankly, caught off guard at first, then their eyes would widen. The first words out of their mouths would be, “It’s interesting you say that or it’s funny you say that…” My way of getting people in my office door was by offering massage and reflexology healing services, but they would end up leaving with an additional 60 minutes of Shamanic Reiki!
Some clients never came back. I would say something unfiltered from Spirit and scare the shit out of them! Astonishingly, years later, an old familiar face would return for another session because something in them shifted and was now ready to heal. I believe when a Soul is ready to hear the truth, they are open to learning what Spirit has to say. If they are not ready, they will run in anger, pain or fear. Or all three! And, that was OK. I respected everyone’s readiness to heal on his or her own time, and in their own Way.
Soon though, even the most conservative Catholic or Christian clients started becoming repeat clients in my tiny office with the funky green rug. Eventually, I learned when to push and when to stay silent with new clients. Not everyone wanted ‘energy’ or messages from Spirit and I honored each client’s boundaries.
Then, my practice shifted again. I was attracting more and more clients that were not interested in getting massages or, even, being touched. This was especially true for trauma survivors. It felt safer for them not to be physically touched, so I held my hands a foot above their physical bodies and trusted the energy. These clients were only desiring the Reiki energy and discovering what the Spirits wanted them to know. So, I began offering Reiki energy healing sessions in addition to massage and Reflexology- still leaving out the ‘Shaman’ part.  Why scare people? As long as the energy was pure love, did it matter that I journeyed to Spirit realms in order to give them their ‘Reiki’ energy? Reiki seemed acceptable in a way that ‘Shamanic Reiki’ did not back then. I learned that I did not need to ‘prove’ that I was a Shamanic Practitioner as much as a channel for love and healing. I, also, learned that energy healing could make people feel great- even better than a deep tissue massage. It was the energy they craved. So, in this little, ultra-conservative town, I thought I had finally found a place for myself and my energy business.
What I didn’t realize at the time is that it had NOTHING to do with the town’s people and earning their respect. The lesson from the Universe was designed solely for me!
I had to accept myself without judgment before others could.
It was in my head that people in town were against my practice. This was about my own insecurity and lack of self-worth, things that I had struggled with since childhood. I had grown up feeling ‘crazy’ and this old dialogue was the record still on rewind and repeat in my conflicted mind. It was I that had to overcome my own fears and accept and love myself fully. Once I did this, that is when my business exploded online and ‘Sarah Norwood Health Services’ transformed into ‘Shamanic Mountain Healing’.
I had FINALLY welcomed the Shaman into my life.

My Way Will Not Be Your Way.
The above story of my encounters with Shamans is what lead me on my own Shamanic Path. I encourage you to think about how YOU were lead here today- to being interested in becoming a Shaman or practicing Shamanic Healing. As we work together over Skype or FaceTime developing your practice, I invite you to think about your own life journey:
-What signs and symbols do you remember as a child, and as an adult, that has contributed to your interest in Shamanism?
-Have you met healers along the way that guided you here? -Have you had supernatural experiences?
-Are you aware of any of your own gifts yet?
-What is it that you would like to expand upon during your Shamanic Soul Guidance sessions?
Those are just a few questions to ponder as we delve more and more into your healing path. You may even want to journal any thoughts or ideas that pop into your head as you explore what truly brought you here today.
What The Heck IS Shamanism Anyway?
Let’s get down to the knitty-gritty! I told you that I would weave in some snazzy definitions along the way of this awesome healing system, so, here we go!
The practice of Shamanism involves a process where the healer often lives with one foot in both the human and the spiritual worlds. Shamanic healers act as intermediaries, standing as the connection between a person’s physical earthbound body and their Soul’s energy in the spirit world. Shamanic healers work primarily in alternate realms treating various physical, spiritual and emotional ailments and illnesses.
Shamanic healing is powerful and transformational for the individual on so many levels. While operating mainly in the Spirit world, the Shamanic healer can illicit deep healing simultaneously in the human world. So, when the Shaman works to restore a person’s Soul in the spiritual realm, this can result in the elimination of various illnesses for the person in the human/physical realms. Going to a Shamanic healer is like going to a cyber Doctor who does not reside in the same time and space that we do. He/She is a ‘virtual’ healer that brings their patients to
Shamans gain knowledge and the power to heal by entering into the spiritual world or other alternate states of mind. Most shamans have dreams or visions that tell them certain things. These powerful messengers, heal in alternate realms and journey to non-ordinary states in order to heal a person at a Soul level
           While in the spiritual world, Shamans can often channel guidance directly from Spirits and are often lead by spirit guides, power animals, ancestors and other enlightened beings and energies. While in a trancelike state, Shamans gain intuitive knowledge about how to help heal individuals. They pass this information and wisdom along to the person they are healing at the time.
In a Shaman’s travels, the Shaman is often able to see, feel or hear if a person’s Soul is lost, possessed, shut down, in need of cleansing toxic energies, or even karmic healing. The Shaman communicates simultaneously with a person’s spiritual body in a higher realm and physical body on earth, becoming a conduit for profound healing.
           Shamanic ancient healing techniques are utilized across this vast Universe in countless cultures, tribes and regions around world. It doesn’t matter if it is a big city or on a farm, the healing benefits of Shamanism cross all borders. On the other hand, some people still have an idea that a Shaman is someone that dances around with feathers and smoke, half dressed with their eyes going back into their heads as they scream and chant demons out of someone’s body. Now, in some cultures, this may be true. But, Shamanism is practiced by more people than you may think. Your postman may journey every night after work, or the teenage girl that just served your customized Starbucks drink may talk to her angel guides on her lunch break. Your boss may even be a Shaman, but chooses to keep it on the ‘down low’ as to not upset anybody in a professional office environment. At one time, I wore Ann Taylor clothing from head to toe and always maintained freshly manicured nails and a polished look while working in the corporate world. Once I walked through the door of my apartment, though, I would light some incense and resume the conversations with the ghosts I felt (and heard) in my morning meditation. This is why we can never judge a book by its cover! Why would a practice that dates back to before the Stone Age be so popular, but still not as widely accepted in Western cultures? Something is obviously working, but there is a consistent lack of understanding of Shamanism. Some people fear it because they have varying religious beliefs that deem ‘calling on spirits’ as the devil’s work. I’ve had new clients that are very interested in Shamanic healing, but because they were raised to believe anything other than worshiping God was ‘bad’ or ‘evil’, their overwhelming fears stop them from further exploration. Once I share the true intentions behind Shamanic healing, people understand that Shamanism is only about love. I work with love, call on love, protect my clients with love and help to heal them with love. Nothing more, nothing less. The only difference is that I do this healing work in another realm called the Spirit world.  
 In some places, though, Shamanic practice is welcomed. I have found that it all depends on where you live and how diverse and open-minded the people are in that area. Education and awareness are key. I think that if the miraculous results from Shamanic healings were shared more, like God’s healing light, this may elicit a wider acceptance. That’s why I have made it my mission to modernize Shamanism and bring it’s profound healing benefits to the forefront!

So, are you READY? Do you want to learn HOW TO BECOME YOUR VERY OWN SHAMAN? I can’t promise that it will be easy. I can’t promise that it will always be fun. I can’t promise that your journey won’t be messy and hard some days. I CAN promise that it will change you. Forever. I can promise that Shamanic Healing will help you heal YOURSELF. I can promise that I will be by your side through thick and thin. I can promise that your energy will shift and your life will transform into something really beautiful--if you allow it. I can promise you that if you want to will. And, I’m all in. I will be your ride or die partner in the spirit realms.
Being your own Shaman literally means learning ‘how to heal yourself’ so that you can support another’s healing process. Becoming your own Shaman is learning what works for You. How do you travel to the Spirit realms? What tools do you need? What is YOUR WAY? Let’s jump in and find out. Sound good? I’m here. Let’s go!
See below for a description of Sarah Norwood’s 75 Minute Shamanic Soul Guidance sessions:

Shamanic Soul Guide: BE Your Own Shaman Sessions:

No matter where you are in the world, experience one-on-one (intensive) Shamanic Soul Guidance LIVE with Sarah via Skype or FaceTime! These ‘close up and personal’ sessions are for people that desire to take their healing practice to the next level! Create your very own Shamanic healing practice or learn how to heal yourself with Shamanic Reiki techniques. These transformative 75 minute sessions are offered in a Skype OR FaceTime format so that you are working face-to-face with Sarah as she lovingly guides you to finding YOUR WAY of healing.
These sessions are for the beginner level all the way up to advanced. If you have always wanted to learn how to meditate, journey to alternate realms in the Spirit world, meet your Spirit Guides, or even learn how to become a certified Shamanic Practitioner…these Skype or FaceTime Sessions are for YOU! Sarah was once a 19 year old woman that walked into an office for what she thought would be an acupuncture session. It turned out that the doctor was, in fact, a very powerful Shaman from the East Coast. Little did she know that he would teach me how to go safely on a Shamanic journey through meditation and heal herself for the next 27 years! So, she’s been there. She knows how lonely it can feel at first. Sarah will take your hand and walk WITH you through all your fears. She will guide you through the darkness AND the light.
Shamanic Soul Guide: BE Your Own Shaman Sessions may include: Live Energy Healings, Usui Reiki Training, Shamanic Meditation Techniques, The History of Shamanism and Reiki, Shamanic Practitioner Level Training, Intuitive Mentoring, Psychic Energy Readings, Unlimited Email Support, and More! These intensive 75 minute sessions will offer you an incredible opportunity (and a safe space) to explore your inner gifts at a much deeper level. Sarah, also, gives you a free Shamanic Soul Guide journal to help you express your deepest desires!
With 27 years of Shamanic practice under her belt, Sarah is so happy to finally be able to share ALL of her own wisdom, tips, stories, heart and Soul with you! Sarah Norwood will lovingly mentor and teach you how to discover YOUR special Way to becoming your very own Shaman! Anyone can learn how to practice Shamanic healing! You don’t have to be ‘spiritual’ or ‘psychic’ to do this. You only have to be open to exploring the depths of your Soul- even if it hurts, even if it makes you furious, sad or scared. We will get down to business together! We will embrace what works for you, what you love, what relaxes you, what calls your Soul’s name and ignites your passions.
Your Way is the ‘right way’ to heal!
Sarah Norwood will mentor you on how to safely go on exciting Shamanic journeys to the Spirit world, help you enter alternate realms in the Spirit world, meet your Spirit Guides, learn how to open your own chakras, fly beside you into a past lives, cut karmic cords, clear negative energy from your life and so much MORE!
Becoming your own Shaman will open you up to a whole new world of love, forgiveness, empowerment, abundance and a peace you may never have known before. Shamanic Healing can be profound and life-altering, offering a life beyond your wildest dreams!
Sarah will meet you where YOU are in your healing practice, helping you discover YOUR unique gifts. There is no right or wrong way to heal yourself. Sarah will help you identify, and expand upon, the gifts you already have inside of you! Sarah will gently assist you on your unique healing path–leading you directly to your life purpose! Sarah will mentor you, listen to you, support you and help you expand upon your own intuitive gifts!
These sessions are offered by DISTANCE through Skype OR FaceTime to allow Sarah to work with people all over the world!

To Purchase, Schedule, and Send Your Shamanic Soul Guidance Session Form, BOOK NOW!


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