Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Spirit’s message for the day, “DON’T try to find your purpose.”

So many people are obsessed with finding their purpose that they live in a chronic state of feeling like they are lacking something BIG in their lives.

Like they have to do, do, do, DO and then...DO even MORE in order to be liked, recognized, or loved.

Like once they find something they are meant for, THEN all their pain will go away.

All their problems will vanish.

Then—they will live happily ever after.

Like the world is dangling a carrot in front of them and if they figure out the puzzle of WHO they are...then the prize will be pure bliss.

They ask me, “Why am I here? What if I can’t do what I want to do? What if I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do?”

My answer? Why do you HAVE to know? What if the answer is messy, confusing and full of pain?

What if there is NEVER an answer?

What then?

What if you don’t have a clear answer until you are on your death bed?

Would you have missed all the little things that made you happy in your daily life?

Instead, I invite people to look at things in a different way.

What if you have ALWAYS been on your perfect path?

What if your PURPOSE was to experience life just as you ARE right now?

Good, bad, up, and down?

What if your purpose was to find a way to LOVE YOURSELF THROUGH THE BULLSHIT?

What if your purpose was to be EXACTLY YOU?

Finding YOUR Way to enjoy your life EXACTLY AS YOU ALREADY ARE?

You don’t need to be DOING something to have value!!

You don’t need to be changing the world to be loved or important.

Then, would you stop comparing yourself to people that have claimed to find “their purpose”?

Would that help take the pressure off of always having to “find yourself”?

I mean. FUCK.

Social media is full of people wanting to help you find your purpose. And, that is wonderful...BUT, doesn’t that make you feel ‘less than’ in some way right now?

I’m here to stand by your side and shout it from the mountain tops that you are ALREADY living your purpose each and every day that you ALLOW yourself to BE YOURSELF!

Having to”find your purpose” is just too huge a question to constantly be struggling with.

Please just be you...wherever you are in your life...feeling whatever you are feeling.

Here now. That is enough. That’s all the world needs.

For YOU to be ALL Of you.

With your sadness. Your fears. Your confusion. Your stress. Your anger. Your frustrations.

And, your happiness. Your laughter.

The hope is that you love yourself enough to enjoy your life. If not, that is ok too!!

Just for today, allow yourself NOT to have to find your purpose.

Please be gentle with yourself. Be kind. Be as patient as you can...just for today.

You are doing the best you can and I love you for it!!

KISSES!! ❤️😘

***Today’s Spirit message came from this summer when my son kept asking, “Why am I here? What should I do? What am I gonna DO with the rest of my life?” He asked this as tears streamed down his face and was in the worst bout of depression he had ever experienced in 21 years.

Andy’s sister asked, “Why do we even NEED a purpose?”

Spirit asked...”What if your purpose was just to be Andy? That’s it. Just be Andy. Stay here and be Andy....” ❤️

#youAREyourpurpose #nopressure #live #grow #be #thisishowyoubecomeyourownshaman #shaman #shamanichealing #healing #reiki #shamanicsoulcircle #shamanicmountainhealing #beyou