Thursday, December 14, 2017

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Holiday Newsletter 2017!

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Holiday Specials! 
Take advantage of Special Deals Today thru Christmas Eve! 

$20 Off of 75 Min. Distance Energy Healing Sessions
$15 Off of 60 Min. Distance Energy Healing Sessions
$10 Off 45 Min. Distance Chakra Balancing Sessions

Email: if interested! Let Sarah know what length/type of session and she will send you an invoice via Paypal!

Happy Holidays! Thank you for being a part of Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter this year! This Newsletter is about EVERYTHING energy and we throw in some special discounts along the way!

If you haven't worked with me in the Spirit realms yet, please let me introduce myself. My name is Sarah Norwood, and I am so happy to meet you! I would love to share a little bit about who I am and what I do.

Two decades ago, I was introduced to Shamanic meditation through my teacher, friend and powerful Shaman, Dr. John Myerson. My spiritual journey to find inner peace and love continued over the ensuing years culminating in a life I could never have imagined — a life in the beautiful mountains of Colorado with my amazing husband and two strong and intuitive children whom I lovingly call Spirit Girl and Wandering Boy.

I am passionate about helping people heal at a Soul level, connect with their own unique gifts, and find their Way.

I love to dance, swim in warm water every day, meditate, write, read historical fiction and just ‘be’ with my family, pets and friends! Living IN GRATITUDE is a way of life for me! I’m so blessed! <3

A firm believer that loving and accepting yourself at the deepest level can free your Spirit so that you may live the life of your dreams, I live by a quote that I saw many years ago in my Shaman’s waiting room: “Have the courage to be who you REALLY are.” It takes real courage to heal the pain and uncover your joy, but I will walk with you on your journey every step of the way — loving, supporting and encouraging you to embrace your spirit and release the energy and fear that is no longer serving you.

My mission is to lovingly assist YOU in your own unique journey by utilizing the ancient healing techniques of Shamanism and Reiki. I have found tremendous benefit from combining these two modalities into a practice that centers around Shamanic Reiki healing. I focus on what your Spirit shows me it needs to heal, and your Spirit and mine work together to bring about lasting change. And, I have found, in a deep meditative state, that I have a gift of receiving psychic messages from the other side as well! I enjoy doing Psychic Energy Readings to help connect people to their inner truth!

During our time together, your soul may express the need for other kinds of healing. This may include: Past life regressions, Karmic Cleansing, Soul Retrieval or repair, Clearing of a soul possession.

Every Day Cleansing & Protection Tools

We ALL need a healing tool basket, especially during the Holiday Season!

Here are 10 cleansing tools that will help you cleanse/protect/strengthen your own energy today:

1.) Essential Oils- Use for grounding, healing and balancing your energies.

2.) Smudge Stick- White sage is incredible for clearing your auric and chakra energies as well as the energy in your home or office.

3.) Tibetan Singing Bowl/Bells- Sound tools emit certain tones which can shift and change your energy promoting a calming effect.

4.) Stones- The natural energy of stones is very powerful. Use stones that resonate with your Spirit. They are wonderful for cleansing/balancing/protecting your energy! The Crystal Bible is an excellent reference book to learn more.

5.) Drums/Rattles- The beat of drums breaks up toxic energy and offers a harmonious rhythm to your environment. Drums/rattles strengthen and raise your frequency so that you can align yourself with the highest vibrational energy in the Universe.

6.) Salt lamp- Place a salt lamp in your home/office. It dispels negative ions and balances the energy in the space.

7.) Candles- Use a green candle for healing and a pink one for self-love. White candles are wonderful to enhance purity and your connection to Spirit.

8.) Intention- Your ‘intention’ is the key to any clearing. Your mind creates an energy that is passed along to the space, person or animal. And, it’s free!

9.) Lemons- Yes, lemons! Citrus fruit placed in the four corners of any room absorb negative energies. When they shrivel up, replace with fresh ones!

10.) Nature- Collect items that you find outside in the earth’s natural habitat. It can be a feather, leaf, rock, flower, grass, tree branch, etc. Nature transforms your energy space.

11.) Sterling Silver- Protect yourself from negative energies by wearing sterling silver on your left wrist or finger at all times. It is a Native American Indian belief that silver can protect you from toxic energies by absorbing lesser than light energies. If your bracelet falls off or breaks, that means it is time for a new one!

Use the above healing tools to cleanse your home, office and car! Start off with setting your ‘intention’ for the space. You can say an affirmation or prayer to bless your sacred space. Then, utilize whichever tools feel ‘good’ to you. There is no right or wrong way to do a cleansing of a space. Go with your gut! I visualize my space as cleared of all depleting energies first and then, I utilize white sage and my singing bowl to remove any excess energies that are not serving my highest good!

GOT ENERGY? Feeling like you have lost your flow? Tired, anxious, angry or sad? Don’t fear, Sarah is here! Sarah is able to help balance all of your chakras so that you can get your mojo back! Fall and winter can offer us heavier energy. Don’t get weighed down with blocked or toxic chakra energy! In addition to opening your chakras, Sarah will also seal, strengthen and repair your aura if needed. Think of this as a 45 minute WHOLE BODY tune-up! While Sarah is channeling Reiki energy to you, she is able to ‘see’ and ‘feel’ what is going on within your chakras. Are they closed? Open? Needing a boost of positive energy? Sarah's got ya' covered!

Aura Repair

It is important to have a strong aura to protect your physical body from toxic energies. Making sure a person’s aura is sealed and strong is an essential component to many energy healing modalities. Practitioners ‘check’ and can sense a person’s aura in the same way that they can see and feel the energy in a client’s chakras. CLICK HERE to learn more about auras.

An aura has many layers, textures, temperatures, colors and can span several feet around the person’s physical body. Often when people are suffering dissociation, depression, possession of their soul, quick anger, fear or just a sense of loss, their auras have been disturbed. When a person becomes vulnerable it is often because there is a crack or intrusion of another spirit or energy upon the aura.

An energy healer’s job is to help assist in clearing the negative energy in the aura to make it ‘whole’ again. If cracks or tears are discovered in a client’s aura, the practitioner will work on sealing these cracks with energy. There are several exercises and visualizations that can help people strengthen their very own auras. The more one fills up with their own self-love and acceptance, the wider and stronger his or her aura becomes.

A few ways to strengthen your aura are:

1.) Dead sea salt baths

2.) Yoga exercises or exercise that connects you to your mind, body and spirit

3.) The sun! Go outside and stand in the warmth of the sun, visualizing your aura expanding with golden light.

4.) Smudge your aura with white sage. Let the smoke encircle your entire physical body.

5.) Sound or tonal healing. Certain frequencies can cleanse your aura. Music that soothes your Soul is another great tool to use!

6.) The essential oil Vetiver. This oil and Valor (Click Here) are great for grounding and cleansing your energy system, thus strengthening your aura!