Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Winter 2016 Newsletter!

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"

FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 

Wonderful Winter 2016!
Special Deal for 60 Minute Distance Energy Healing session valid through March 31!  Enjoy $10 off a one hour session. CLICK HERE to receive this special discount!

Live WITH Spirit and WITHOUT Rules!

I never liked rules. 

Let me restate that.

I hate rules!

In fact, I have fought my entire life against any force that may even mildly threatens my free-spirit!

What I have discovered as I explore my own spirituality, more and more, is that there should be no rules about how to be spiritual or live a spiritual life.

No right or wrong Way.

Being whole is being you.

And, being you IS being spiritual.

It’s something you already are.

It’s something inside of you.

It’s always there. 

Anything that brings you closer to who you really are contributes to your spiritual being.

Being spiritual is about finding your own Way. 

What brings you closer to health and happiness?

Often we try to define the ‘how’ we should be or ‘what’ we should do in order to be spiritual. How to achieve this seems to be a great area of exploration, research and debate. We are sold other people’s beliefs that if we do ‘this or that’, our enlightenment will happen faster.

Have you ever looked at someone and said to yourself, “Wow, they must be spiritual” as they post Instagram pictures in colorful bohemian clothing while sitting in a meditative pose on a mountain top? 

Yeah, me too!

Well, that works for them. It’s ok if that doesn’t work for you.

Wearing bohemian clothing, dancing in the woods under the moonlight and protesting for peace does NOT in itself make you spiritual. 

You can be a strict Catholic, devout Buddhist or extreme atheist and STILL be a spiritual person, living a spiritual life.

You can smoke a pack a day, have a diet solely consisting of meat and potatoes, swear like a truck driver and STILL be happily connected to your inner light! 

You don’t have to be a meditating, organic-eating, hot Yoga practicing, chanting guru with no material wealth to be spiritual. 

You can be a diamond loving diva with a passion for Louis Vuitton handbags (Ummm, cough, cough, like me!) whose moods are as unpredictable as the clouds above!

For some, drinking a glass of pinot noir and smoking a fat dooby after work brings them closer to peace- closer to who they were meant to be in this life. Closer to themselves.

If you have found a good Way to live a life of love, laughter and kindness; you ARE spiritual- living a spiritual life!

What you look like, have or have not accomplished, what you believe or HOW you do it- is secondary to what you feel inside. If you feel happy, then there ya go!
You are one of the more fortunate people living on this precious earth that has found a brilliant way to connect to your Soul’s natural rhythm.

If you are feeling a deep connection with yourself, you are living with Spirit. 

It isn’t about having a to-do list of full of certain techniques, exercises, or rituals.
Spirituality is so ever-changing, ebbing and flowing like the currents of the wind.

It isn’t a stagnant concept.

Part of honoring your spirit is growing, shifting and allowing ourselves not to have to do things a certain way every day. 
This is where not having rules involved with a spiritual practice is important.

Rules put pressure on us.

If we break our own rules 
(for example eating that Big Mac if we are a Vegan), we end up feeling shame and guilt. 

Following a practice of some kind is wonderful, but there must be room for movement.

Guidance is great, but a person must be willing to customize, alter and enhance their spiritual ways if they are having a bad day or it doesn’t speak to them any longer.

I always tell my clients, if it doesn’t resonate with your Soul, don’t do it! 

I am a Shamanic healer that loves glitz and glamour. I drop F-bombs when I’m mad, eat anything from Ramen to Whole Foods, and love my BMW and mountain home.

I wear anything I want, and some days, my so-called 'spiritual' practice and words of wisdom fly out the fucking window!

Being spiritual, for me, is being me at all times! 
Accepting myself, loving myself so that I can give freely to others is how I live a spiritual life.
I journey to alternate realms in the Spirit world every day, but that doesn’t make me more or less spiritual than someone who does not do this.

My Way is not your way. 

Your Way is not my way.

By living our deepest truths, we are instantly ‘spiritual’. 

When you are exactly you, you are accessing your Soul’s energy. An infinite well of love. No one is in charge of how you do this but you.Do what works for you without the pressure of what you feel you should or should not do.

Some people are promoting an ‘image’ of a spiritual person, but they aren’t sincerely feeling and living a life of gentle love and compassion. For example, growing up there were a lot of people that went to my church that were hateful and critical people. Were they feeling pure love and connection to their Soul? 

If you aren’t feeling good on the inside, looking or acting like you’re ‘spiritual’ doesn’t matter!

Although, I am an energy healer, you don’t have to believe in any of that! 

This is your life. Live it how you want.

You do you, and I’ll do me, and we will live a life WITH spirit and WITHOUT rules together!
Sarah writes for the mindful and enlightened, Elephant Journal. To read her other stories, CLICK HERE!
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Got Energy? Need a balance or boost? Get $10 off a 30 min. distance Chakra Balancing session through March 31st
CLICK HERE to receive this special discount!
What IS Chakra Balancing? 

We are living, breathing, walking energy fields! If even ONE of our chakras is closed, this can greatly compromise our health, wealth and happiness. Keeping your chakras open and balanced is essential to ensure you are vibrating positive energies so that you can attract everything you want in life. If you are working with lesser than light energies due to a stagnancy in one, or all, of your chakras, you will attract lower vibrational energy, people and situations to you.

The Divine interfaces with the physical through these whirling, energy vortexes. If chakras are blocked, physical illness or injury may manifest in the body. Sometimes, the first step in a Reiki or distance energy healing session is to balance the chakras.

Chakras swirl clockwise. The energy can be measured by using a pendulum placed 6-8 inches above the chakra on the body. If a chakra is closed or stagnant, the pendulum may not move at all, move counter-clockwise, or move back and forth. The intention of the Reiki practitioner is vital. It is the intent of healing that is key, as well as the intuition of the practitioner. I move through the swirling energy fields to find the ‘cold spots’ or stagnant energy. Opening the chakras can lead to a change in energy vibration, color and/or heat, release of emotions/toxins, etc.

Often when I give a chakra balancing session, I see colors, situations, spirits, and dark or light energy that intuitively ‘pulls’ me to the chakra or area of the body that requires the most energy healing.

Before every Shamanic Reiki session, I ‘check’ the person’s chakras as they are great indicators for which areas contain blocked energy. But healing chakras through distance and across the Universe is just as effective as doing it in person.

When doing a distance chakra balancing session, I call on the person’s soul and it reveals it’s energy to me. I can see, feel and hear what is going on in a person’s chakras, even miles away. The energy can look dark, colored, angry, soft, on fire, blocked, open, stagnant, ect. The energy can tell me what is happening in and around the person. All of my distance energy healing sessions involve an ‘energy scan’ of my client’s chakra system. To learn more or purchase a 30 Minute Chakra Balancing Session with Sarah,CLICK HERE!

Here is a comprehensive overview of the Chakra System:
1st Chakra / Root Chakra:
Location: Base of Spine- Coccyx
Color: Red
Basic Meaning: Grounding, Survival Instincts, Tribal/Groups, Self-Preservation, ‘To Be Here’, ‘To Have’, Fear of What Others Think, “I AM”, Fear of ‘Lack of’ Money
An Open Root Chakra Promotes: Grounding Energy, Balance, Connection to Source/Life Force Energy, Security, Safety, Healthy relationships, Abundance, Prosperity, Ability to Let Go, Positive Attitude
Blocked Root Chakra Symptoms: 

 Addictions, Eating Disorders, Constipation, IBS, Colitis, Depression, Anxiety, Feeling dissociated, Frequent urination, and bladder issues, High blood pressure, Fertility issues, Kidney stones, Knee and joint problems, Obesity, Sciatica, Weight gain/ loss, Prostate and, Rectal cancer, Blood diseases, Skin disorders, Pelvic pain, Migraines/headaches, Sciatic, Vertigo, Painful or frequent urination, Backaches, Edema and poor circulation in legs/ankles/feet.

Emotional: Anger of the past, Fear of deadlines/future, Fear of to letting go, Feeling heavy burden on shoulders, Abandonment issues, Rage, Shame, Guilt, Fear or pressure of sex, Numbness, Hypocrisy, Concerns regarding money, Inability to flow with life, Holding onto old belief systems, Lack of trust in people and in life, Lack of integrity or courage or convictions, Blaming others, Self-blame, Deep anguish/hurt, Overwhelming resentment, Grief, Hate, Constant crisis or stressed state, Paranoia, Mania, Aggression

How to Help Balance Root Chakra: Exercises that connect You to your Spirit, Nature and the Earth (Yoga, Dance, Mindful walking, etc.), Take a shower, Grounding Meditation, Color therapy (Visualization of the Color Red, Wear it, Or Light a Red Candle), Aromatherapy (Valor, Peace & Calming, Sandalwood, Ginger, Cedar, Rosewood, Black pepper, Cloves, Rosemary, Lavender and Chamomile Essential Oils, Walking Barefoot, Get a Reflexology or Massage, Prayer, Healthy Eating, Affirmations/Mantras, Crystal/Stone Therapy (Citrine, Red Jasper, Ruby, Garnite, Bloodstone, Rose Quartz, Azurite, Bloodstone, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Chrysocolla, Obsidian, Golden Yellow Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian), Sound therapy, Positive Affirmations/Mantras, Eating Whole Foods, Drinking Water, Practice Mindfulness

2nd Chakra / Sacral Chakra:
Location: Abdomen, Sexual Organs, Hips, Lower Back
Color: Orange
Basic Meaning: Sexuality, Emotions, Creativity, Gratification, ’To Feel, To Want', Storage of Guilt/Shame, “I FEEL”
An Open Sacral Chakra Promotes: A love of life, Positive Attitude, Healthy Sensuality, Confidence, Self-love, General feeling of Well-Being and Happiness, Balanced Emotions, Physical Wellness, Freedom from Within, Flowing WITH life
Blocked Sacral Chakra Symptoms: 

 Bladder pain/frequent urination, Cystitis, Gynecological Problems (Infertility, Endometriosis, Miscarriages, Ovarian Cysts, Fibroids, Pre-menstrual syndrome, Cramps, etc.) IBS, Kidney issues, Muscle cramping and spasms, Prostate Disorders, Testicular cancer, Candida, Bed-wetting, Circulation problems in hands and feet, Creative Energy blocks

Emotional: Shame, Guilt, Lack of Trust in life and people in general, Lack of patience, Desire to run and hide, High levels of anxiety, Holding on to old beliefs and pain, Tightly wound, Frustration, Feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, Rage/Anger, Tendency to force things, Feeling Victimized, Pessimism, Numb or Dissociated, Co-Dependency or Neediness, Out of Body Feeling, Shut down/Closed, Anxiety, Depression, Putting others first, Not taking care of yourself, Blaming others instead of taking responsibility for one’s life, Constant anger at a partner, Self-sabotage/punishment, Self-denial, Rejecting feminine or masculine aspect of oneself, Bitter words left unspoken leading to 5th chakra blockage, Sexual stress/pressure/concerns, Tension, Inflexible social and political beliefs, Anger towards past love relationships, Fear of mother or father, Emotionally overwhelmed, Control issues, Suppression of emotions, Denial of joy, A strong belief that sex or intimacy/touch is bad, “I am bad” belief, Greediness, Addictions, Compulsiveness

How to Help Balance Sacral Chakra: Move those Hips, Belly dance, Hoola-hooping or Yoga, Work on Letting go, Color Therapy (Visualize the Color Orange, Wear it, Or Light an Orange Candle) Surround yourself with beautiful things (art, flowers, etc.), Gardening or getting out in nature, Aromatherapy (Jasmine, Rose, Ylang ylang, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Lemongrass and Lavender, Do Something Creative, Positive Affirmations/Mantras, Crystal/Stone Therapy (Red/Blue/Orange Jasper, Fire Amber, Topaz, Hematite, Orange Carnelian, Amber, Orange Calcite, Citrine), Eating Whole Foods, Drinking Water

3rd Chakra / Solar Plexus Chakra:
Location: Solar Plexus, Diaphragm, Lungs
Color: Yellow
Basic Meaning: Seat of our Personal Power, ‘To Act’, Where we Store our Emotions, “I WILL”
An Open Solar Plexus Chakra Promotes: Enhanced Will Power, Ability to Stand in One’s own Power and Follow one’s Own Path, Clarity, Focus, Decisive, Confident, Lives with Intention, Volition, Commitment to a Happy and Healthy life, No Tolerance for Negativity, Never Settling for Less Than
Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra Symptoms:

 Food or Environmental Allergies, Eating Disorders- Bulimia/Anorexia, Digestive problems (heartburn, gastritis, stomach inflammation/pain, abdominal cramps, acid stomach, peptic ulcers, etc.) Kidney issues/Gall stones, Hepatitis, Liver Disease, Pancreatic Disease, Jaundice, Gall bladder issues, Anemia, Weakened immune system, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Susceptibility to viruses/diseases, Diabetes, Weight problems, Arthritis, Colon disease

Emotional: Intense fear/anxieties, A feeling of hopelessness or ‘what’s the use’, Felt lack of love and attention as a child, Depleted of all energies-defeated, Rage/Anger, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Feeling condemned, Pride driven by Ego, Confusion, Uncertainty, Feeling of impending dread or doom, Anxiety, Giving away or denying your own power, Powerless, Criticism or Cynical, Constant disappointment and feelings of being let down, Failure, Guilt, Shame, Child-like or immature reactions, Unresolved anger or pain, Constant complaining, The need to prove or justify oneself, Fault-finding in others, Unwillingness to let go of the past, Fear of Rejection, Lack of belief in oneself, Bossy, Narrow-minded, Avoidance of confrontation, Trouble saying ‘No’, Unable to let go of past, Trouble making decisions, Addicted to caffeine, soda or beer

How to Help Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra: Core strengthening exercise like Pilates, Increase your Visual Arts with Drawing, Painting or Photography, Yoga, Breathing Meditations, Aromatherapy (Rose, Rosemary, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Chamomile and Myrrh Essential Oils, Go in Nature, Get Some Sun, Positive Affirmation/Mantras, Color therapy (Visualize the color yellow, Wear it, or Light a Yellow Candle), Healthy eating, Sound Therapy, Crystal/Stone Therapy (Malachite, Jasper, Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Topaz, Amber, Yellow Tourmaline), Eating Whole Foods, Drinking Water

4th Chakra / Heart Chakra:
Location: Heart, Chest
Color: Green/Pink
Basic Meaning: Love, Relationships, Self-acceptance, ‘To love and Be Loved’, Trust, “I LOVE”, Self-love
An Open Heart Chakra Promotes: Love, Humor, Compassion, Kindness, Generosity, Peace, Patience, Forgiveness, Calmness, Feeling like Life Supports You and You have What you Need, Abundance, Prosperity, Empathy, Understanding, Awakening, Good Health
Blocked Heart Chakra Symptoms:

 Auto Immune Disorders, Breast Cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Circulation problems, Heart Diseases/Conditions, Lung and Breathing problems (Asthma, Shortness of Breath, Chronic Upper Respiratory illness, Bronchitis, Chronic Cough, Pneumonia, Chest/Lung Conditions) Influenza, Pain in hands or lower arms, Hyperventilation, Chronic Allergies, Sleep disorders/Insomnia, High Blood pressure and/or Cholesterol, Sugar addictions, Smoking addictions, Alcohol Addictions

Emotional: Pessimism, Feeling Targeted by ‘Life’ in General, Feeling Constantly ‘Attacked’, Greediness, Difficulties in Receiving Lover or Giving Love, Jealousy, Sense of Utter Desperation, Worn Out/Burnt Out, Irrational Fears, Feeling Smothered, Neediness, Stressed, Feeling ‘Out of Breath’, Feeling Stuck/Stagnant, Feeling of Grief from Heartbreak, Holding Back Tears, Intense Sadness, Grief, Hopelessness and Utter Despair, Suspicion, Insecurity, Possessiveness, Feeling Alone, Resentfulness
How to Help Balance The Heart Chakra: Sound Therapy (Music), Aromatherapy, Bergamot, Melissa, Rose, Lavender, Jasmine, Angelica and Frankincense Essential Oils, Color Therapy (Visualize the color green, Wear it or Light a Green Candle), Meditation with Breathing Exercises, Yoga or Stretching to Open the Chest, Crystal/Stone Therapy (Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Chrysoprase, Emerald, Peridot, Moss Agate, Green Jade, Malachite, Aventurine), Louise Hay’s “Mirror Work”, Positive Affirmations/Mantras, Eating Whole Foods, Drinking Water

5th Chakra / Throat Chakra:
Location: Throat
Color: Green or Blue
Basic Meaning: Communication, Self-Expression, ‘To Speak and Be Heard’, ‘I matter’, ‘I SPEAK’
An Open Throat Chakra Promotes: Wonderful listener, Clairaudient, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Excellent Communication
Blocked Throat Chakra Symptoms:

Chronic Upper Respiratory Issues (Asthma, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, etc.) , Throat Problems (Chronic Sore Throats, Mouth Ulcers/Cankers, Tonsiilitis, Stiff/Painful Neck, Hoarseness, Lost Voice, Laryngitis, etc.) Ear and Hearing Problems (Chronic Ear Infections, Tinnitus, etc.) Teeth & Gum Issues, Hay Fever, Thyroid Problems, Bursitis, TMJ

Emotional: Constantly ‘too busy’, Overwhelmed Easily, Too Much on one’s Plate, Wanting to Strike out at Someone, Confusion, Stubbornness, Suppressed Emotions, Blocked Creativity, Fear of Standing or Speaking Up for Oneself, Resentful of Authority Figures, Controlling, Fear of the Deadline’s, Belief in Punishment for Guilt, Fear of Communication, Self-Hatred, Irritation and Frustration, Anger Right Below the Surface, Incessant talking, Mental Health Issues, Antagonism, Indecisiveness, Blaming Others, Not Taking Responsibility for One’s Words or Actions, Non Self-Acceptance, Rejection of Self, Hostility, Dishonesty, Distraction, Resentment

How To Help Balance The Throat Chakra: Color Therapy (Visualize the color blue, Wear it or Light a Blue Candle ), Crystal/Stone Therapy (Blue stones- Lapis Lazuli, Blue calcite, Larimar, Aqua crystal, Tanzanite, Blue tourmaline, Amazonite, Blue kyanite, aquamarine, Turquoise, Sodalite, , Chrysocolla, Blue Lace Agate, Celestial Aura Quartz, Blue Halite), Mediation out in Nature, Sunlight, Aromatherapy (Rose, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Neroli, Sandalwood, Lemongrass and Jasmine Essential Oils, Sound therapy, Chanting, Singing, Positive Affirmations/Mantras, Eating Whole Foods, Drinking Water

6th Chakra / Third Eye Chakra:
Location: Between Brows, Forehead
Color: Blue/Purple/Indigo
Basic Meaning: Intuition, Self Reflection, “I SEE”, Connection to Spiritual Gifts, The Seat of the Soul
An Open Third Eye Promotes: Enhances Pineal and Pituitary gland health, Higher Intuition, Imagination, Clarity, Psychic Abilities, Idealism, Visions
Blocked Third Eye Symptoms:

 Brain Tumor, Headaches, Cataracts, Deafness, Dyslexia, Tension, Insomnia, Poor Eye Sight, Migraine, Sinus Issues, Food and Environmental Allergies, Crossed eyes, Poor Hearing/Deafness, Earache, Fainting spells, Sty, Astigmatism, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Blood supply to the head, Cancer, Nervousness, Anxiety, Mania, Insomnia, Head colds, High blood pressure, Migraine headaches, Nervous Breakdowns, Amnesia, Chronic tiredness, Dizziness, Hormonal imbalances, Growth or development disorders, Body-image disorders- Anorexia/Bulimia, Tendency to ‘Space Out’

Emotional: Scattered Energy, Indecisive, Unforgiveness, Easily Overwhelmed, Rejection/Abandonment Issues, Stubbornness, Isolation, Loneliness, Rage/Anger, In a State of Constant Crisis, Feeling that Life is Too Much to Handle, Passing Out/Blacking Out, Irrational beliefs, Inaccurate Perceptions, Determined, Too Driven, Can’t Stop Thinking, Can’t Relax, Anxiety, Struggle, Selfish, Negative Attitude, Lack of Experiencing Joy and Happiness, Flighty, Scattered Thinking, Invalidating Self, Critical of Self, Communication Issues, Not Clear on What They Want, Future Fears, Self Absorption

How to Help Balance the Third Eye Chakra: Color Therapy (Visualize the Color Indigo, Wear it, or Light an Indigo Colored Candle), Aromatherapy (Rosemary, Rose, Frankincense, Angelic Root, Peppermint, Bay Laurel, Juniper, Clary Sage, Helichrysum,, Marjoram, Cypress, Patchouli, Veltiver, Cypress and Sandalwood Essential Oils, Sound Therapy, Sunshine, Be In Nature, Positive Affirmations/Mantras, Crystal/Stone Therapy- (Purple Fluorite, Sugilite, Lapis, Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite, Aquamarine, Lolite, Azurite, Aqua Aura Crystal, Blue Aventurine, Dumortierite, Axinite, Blue Argonite, Cacoxenite, Lazulite, Ulexite, Blue Tourmaline, Quartz Crystals), Visualization Meditation Exercises, Eating Whole Foods

7th Chakra / Crown Chakra:
Location: Top of Head
Color: White/Purple
Basic Meaning: Awareness, Self knowledge, Connection/Opening to Universe, “I KNOW”, Guides Consciousness of Spiritual Awakening/Enlightenment,
An Open Crown Chakra Promotes: Spiritual Awakening, Connection to the Divine/Source/Universal Life Force Energy, Feeling of ‘Oneness’ with People and the Earth Enhanced Intuition,
Blocked Crown Chakra Symptoms:

Physical: Alzheimer’s, Depression, Dizziness, Epilepsy, Feeling of ‘Heaviness’, Multiple Sclerosis, Paralysis, Parkinson’s Disease, Schizophrenia, Immune system disorders, Cancers, Bone disorders, Nervous system disorders, Learning Disorders, Multiple Personality Disorder, Neurosis, Psychosis, Headache/Migraines, Dizziness, Migraines/Headaches, Insomnia, Coordination Issues, Mental Illness, Sensitivity to Light, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism

Emotional: Depression, God Complex, Not in Touch with Reality, Lack of Self-understanding, Feeling ‘Out of Body’, Feeling Better than Others, Feeling Unloved, ‘Life is Meaningless’ Feelings, Feelings of ‘Lack of Purpose’ in Life

How to Help Balance The Crown Chakra- Color Therapy (Visualization of the Color White/Purple/Violet, Wear Purple, Light a Purple Candle), Eating Whole Foods, Aromatherapy (Cedarwood, Frankincense, Vetiver, Galbanum, Gurjum, Helicrysum, Jasmine, Elimi, Myrrh, Neroli, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Spikenard and Lavender Essential Oils, Crystal/Stone Therapy (Clear Quartz, Obsidian, Amethyst, Goshenite, Selenite, Phenacite, Charoite, Celeste, Fushite, Blue sapphire, Peacock Ore, Petalite, Moldavite, Danburite, Stilbite, Spirit Quartz, Sugilite, Cacoexinite, Danburite, Stilbite and
Barite), Meditation Consistently, Practice Mindfulness, Breathing, Meditate out in Nature, Chanting ‘Om’, Prayer
Got Energy? Need a balance or boost? Get $10 off a 30 min. distance Chakra Balancing session through March 31st
CLICK HERE to receive this special discount!
Need clarity? Take advantage of $10 off of a 45 Minute Psychic Reading until March 31 CLICK HERE to receive this special discount!

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Social Life 
Yes, not only is Shamanic Mountain Healing on Twitter, Facebookand YouTube, it now has a Blog! Social media is a beautiful way to connect with people, share Spirit stories/messages, talk about energy, chakras, Shamanic healing and how to live  your DREAM LIFE. Check out SMH's Blog here today! Shamanic Mountain Healing's Blog!
Shamanic Mountain Healing, Nationwide, Worldwide, Natiowide 80222, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.
