Thursday, February 5, 2015

Ancient Healing & Ancient Medicine's That STILL Work Today!

Mankind's First Spiritual Practice

Shamanism can be traced all the way back to the Stone Age era and was known as human's 'first spiritual practice'! And, guess what? Not only are Shamans and Shamanic healing techniques still used today, they are becoming more widely accepted and are more popular than ever! Meditation, being mindful, Yoga, chanting, living in gratitude and the Law of Attraction are BIG 'it' practices that celebrities and people across the globe are talking about today. 

Shamanic healing is a practice that allows the Shaman or practitioner to heal themselves, or another, at a 'Soul' level. They do this by using some form of meditation. During deep meditation, the practitioner can 'travel' or 'journey' to an alternate, healing realm. In this realm, they can call on the Spirit of the person that they want to heal. With the help of spirit guides, power animals, ancestors and other enlightened beings/energy, the Shaman can communicate with the spirit world and learn 'how' to help heal the person. By healing the ailments or traumas of a person in the spirit world, the person's Soul is healed simutaneously in the human world.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Shamanic Healing! Sarah's niche is Shamanic Reiki. Not only does she travel to alternate healing realms to help her clients, she taps into the Universal Life Force Energy and offers Reiki energy to all of her clients during her Shamanic Journeys!

Mankind's First Medicine

Essential Oils are often referred to as "Mankind's First Medicine". In fact, there are over 200 references to aromatics, incense, and ointments throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible (36 of the 39 books of the Old Testament and 10 of the 27 books of the New Testament mention essential oils or the plants that produce them.)

Essential Oils are aromatic liquids. They are distilled from flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and the seeds of plants, and are rich in antioxidants, nutrients and compounds beneficial to health and vitality. The distillation process is what makes essential oils so concentrated - it takes, for example, thousands of flower petals to create the drops that are in a single bottle of rose oil, and adding just one drop of peppermint oil to a glass of water has approximately the same concentration as 20 bags of tea.

CLICK HERE to learn more about how to heal your body and life with essential oils!

A note to readers: for best results, use only pure and natural products; referred to as therapeutic-grade, like Young Living Essential Oils. I'll share more information about producing therapeutic-grade essential oils in later issues.
Here is the personal testimony of a Holistic Medical Professional, who understands the power of Essential Oils. "These essential oils truly represent the new frontier of medicine." --- Terry Friedmann, M.D., Co-founder of American Holistic Medical Association.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Shamanic Mountain Healing's February Newsletter!

 Shamanic Mountain Healing's Newsletter

"Got Energy?"
FREE monthly Newsletter about EVERYTHING energy! Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aura Repair, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Spirit Stories/Messages & More! 
Happy LOVE month! February's newsletter is all about how to love yourself from the inside out! Learn how to cleanse, strengthen and balance your own energies so that you can live your healthiest & happiest life! Check out chakra, aura, protection and overall balance tools below! Feel good and spread YOUR powerful love energy to the Universe! <3
Essential Oils for Your Chakra Health

Keeping the whirling vortexes of our chakras open is a MUST for good health! If our chakras are 'blocked', your energy field quickly becomes compromised, causing illness, fatigue and imbalance.

Below are some 'go to' oils to keep you flowing with abundant energy! CLICK HERE to purchase or learn more today!

Root Chakra: Clematis, rosemary, ylang-ylang, myrrh, frankincense, benzoin, patchouli and sandalwood. Valor by Young Living Essential Oils is also terrific for grounding you to the earth and increasing your root chakra health!

Sacral Chakra: All citrus oils, such as grapefruit, neroli, melissa, tangerine, and orange. Jasmine, rose, hibiscus are also beneficial for this amazing chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Essential oils for the solar plexus should be calming and clearing oils. Look for ‘peace and calming’ from Young Living or geranium, yarrow, chamomile, peppermint, lemon juniper, vetivert, wintergreen, petigrain and marjoram.

Heart Chakra: Rose oil is a wonderful heart centered chakra oil. Also, mandarin, jasmine, neoroli, orange, ylang ylang, cyprus, lavender, holly, eucalyptus and pine, melissa, bergamot, jasmine and rosewood.

Throat Chakra: Ylang ylang, cedar, rosewood, ginger, fennel, spearmint, lemon eucalyptus, blue chamomile, sage, lemongrass, geranium, hyssop, coriander, jasmine and ginger.

Third Eye Chakra: Angelica root, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, spruce, frankincense, patchouli, marjoram, helichrysum, sandlewood, elemi or clary sage.

Crown Chakra: Frankincense, cedarwood, rosewood, vetiver, spikenard, angelica root, frankincense, sandalwood, myrrh, jasmine, benzoin, neroli, and lavender.

How to Use Essential Oils for Chakra Balancing:

The simplest and most direct way is to rub 3 to 6 drops on the souls of your feet, the base of your spine, or the base of your cervical spine. You can also place a few drops on each individual chakra!

Essential oils absorb within 30 seconds to your blood stream. This is why using only 100% pure grade oils is imperative so that you can receive the greatest result.

With more mild oils, you can place a few drops under the nose or on your temples. Make sure to blend stronger oils with your carrier oil (almond or coconut oil), onto the skin above the Chakra you wish to treat.

To learn how to safely use oils, CLICK HERE!

Rub the oils into your palms, then wave your hands around your entire physical body. This will transmute any negative energy around you or that may have been absorbed into your energy field.

Re-balance your aura by waving and swirling your hands in a clockwise motion. This will break up unwanted energies.Then, move your hands counter-clockwise to reset and refresh your aura. 

Finally, set your intention to send ‘back’ any energies that are not yours to the Universe. Imagine having negative energies bounce off of your aura and deflect back to where they came from!

You can also treat your home or office by using an essential oil diffuser. This cleansing and balancing device dispels the essential oil fragrance of your choice into your surroundings and changes the energy of the environment. 

Another method is to place a little water plus a few drops of essential oil in a shallow bowl and light a candle underneath. As the candle warms the bowl, the oil will begin to burn off and dispense into the air.

There are also several recipes to treat your bath water!


Warning: essential oils are generally safe, but do not ingest them unless you follow strict

Receive 24% OFF each purchase by becoming a wholesale Member. You don't have to sell them, just enjoy the discounted price and health benefits of the #1 BEST SELLING ESSENTIAL OILS IN THE NATION! 
Use ID# 990281 to receive a quarter off of your favorite oils!
Every Day Cleansing & Protection Tools

We ALL need a healing tool basket!

Here are 10 cleansing tools that will help you cleanse/protect/strengthen your own energy today:

1.) Essential Oils- Use for grounding, healing and balancing your energies.

2.) Smudge Stick- White sage is incredible for clearing your auric and chakra energies as well as the energy in your home or office.

3.) Tibetan Singing Bowl/Bells- Sound tools emit certain tones which can shift and change your energy promoting a calming effect.

4.) Stones- The natural energy of stones is very powerful. Use stones that resonate with your Spirit. They are wonderful for cleansing/balancing/protecting your energy! The Crystal Bible is an excellent reference book to learn more.

5.) Drums/Rattles- The beat of drums breaks up toxic energy and offers a harmonious rhythm to your environment. Drums/rattles strengthen and raise your frequency so that you can align yourself with the highest vibrational energy in the Universe.

6.) Salt lamp- Place a salt lamp in your home/office. It dispels negative ions and balances the energy in the space.

7.) Candles- Use a green candle for healing and a pink one for self-love. White candles are wonderful to enhance purity and your connection to Spirit.

8.) Intention- Your ‘intention’ is the key to any clearing. Your mind creates an energy that is passed along to the space, person or animal. And, it’s free!

9.) Lemons- Yes, lemons! Citrus fruit placed in the four corners of any room absorb negative energies. When they shrivel up, replace with fresh ones!

10.) Nature- Collect items that you find outside in the earth’s natural habitat. It can be a feather, leaf, rock, flower, grass, tree branch, etc. Nature transforms your energy space.

11.) Sterling Silver- Protect yourself from negative energies by wearing sterling silver on your left wrist or finger at all times. It is a Native American Indian belief that silver can protect you from toxic energies by absorbing lesser than light energies. If your bracelet falls off or breaks, that means it is time for a new one!

Use the above healing tools to cleanse your home, office and car! Start off with setting your ‘intention’ for the space. You can say an affirmation or prayer to bless your sacred space. Then, utilize whichever tools feel ‘good’ to you. There is no right or wrong way to do a cleansing of a space. Go with your gut! I visualize my space as cleared of all depleting energies first and then, I utilize white sage and my singing bowl to remove any excess energies that are not serving my highest good! 
Aura Repair

It is important to have a strong aura to protect your physical body from toxic energies. Making sure a person’s aura is sealed and strong is an essential component to many energy healing modalities. Practitioners ‘check’ and can sense a person’s aura in the same way that they can see and feel the energy in a client’s chakras. CLICK HERE to learn more about auras.

An aura has many layers, textures, temperatures, colors and can span several feet around the person’s physical body. Often when people are suffering dissociation, depression, possession of their soul, quick anger, fear or just a sense of loss, their auras have been disturbed. When a person becomes vulnerable it is often because there is a crack or intrusion of another spirit or energy upon the aura.

An energy healer’s job is to help assist in clearing the negative energy in the aura to make it ‘whole’ again. If cracks or tears are discovered in a client’s aura, the practitioner will work on sealing these cracks with energy. There are several exercises and visualizations that can help people strengthen their very own auras. The more one fills up with their own self-love and acceptance, the wider and stronger his or her aura becomes.

A few ways to strengthen your aura are:

1.) Dead sea salt baths

2.) Yoga exercises or exercise that connects you to your mind, body and spirit

3.) The sun! Go outside and stand in the warmth of the sun, visualizing your aura expanding with golden light.

4.) Smudge your aura with white sage. Let the smoke encircle your entire physical body.

5.) Sound or tonal healing. Certain frequencies can cleanse your aura. Music that soothes your Soul is another great tool to use!

6.) The essential oil Vetiver. This oil and Valor (Click Here) are great for grounding and cleansing your energy system, thus strengthening your aura!

What is a ‘distance’ Energy Healing Session?

During a distance energy healing session, Sarah meditates and goes on a Shamanic journey. Once she travels to this alternate realm, she calls on your Soul and provides Reiki energy healing. This powerful and unique healing process is called Shamanic Reiki- a beautiful combination of two ancient healing methods, Shamanism and Reiki. Distance energy healing utilizes an energetic process where the Shaman is in one location and the client is in another. During a distance session, Sarah not only calls on your Spirit, she calls on spirit guides/helpers (animal, ancestor, and angel guides) and any other enlightened beings to help you heal a current or past .

Distance healings are extremely powerful as energy is not bound by time or space. It can be felt across the Universe at anytime, anywhere. Sarah’s gifts are enhanced in a deep, meditative trance-like state. This why her energy healing sessions are NOT done by phone or in person.

In Sarah’s energy sessions, she utilizes a variety of healing modalities including Shamanic Reiki, traditional Reiki, aura repair, chakra balancing, soul retrieval and recovery, karmic cleansing, and soul possession clearing.

Each session is unique and personalized to your Spirit’s healing needs. All of Sarah’s sessions are recorded in an MP3 format and present like a psychic energy reading as I am able to channel not only healing Shamanic Reiki energy, but specific messages for you directly from Spirit.

Your spirit tells Sarah a story which guides her and the Shamanic Reiki energy to go wherever it needs to go in order to heal you. The more consistent energy healing sessions, the faster you can heal and release what no longer serves you, so that you can move forward to a happier, healthier and more balanced life!

Shamanic Mountain Healing's Social Life 
Yep, not only is Shamanic Mountain Healing on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, it now has a Blog! Social media is a beautiful way to connect with people, share Spirit stories/messages, talk about energy, chakras, Shamanic healing and how to live  your DREAM LIFE. Check out SMH's Blog here today! Shamanic Mountain Healing's Blog!
Shamanic Mountain Healing, Nationwide, Worldwide, Natiowide 80222, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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